The section of map above the indoor mining area appears to be clipping its map over the exterior map.!AkJgPLEKZELSiQRgw4e_Gjdsqm68
Also We seem to have a problem with reflections as the island certainly doesnt match the reflection beneath it.!AkJgPLEKZELSiQWzUukIHxL3VQ_w
Oh ues on the way to this point i did accidently run under a bit of scenery which juts out above the hills but /unstuck worked fine to get out of that so probably not urgent.
Toon upsetting Map Bug
After seeing the wonderful reflection above I decided to run to the island to see how far I could get to it. After running into the sea I found another sea beneath it but thought thermal layers so nothing to see here and then I saw an edge of map border and thought whats the chances of accidentally walking off the map
Well i walked , and walked and saw a dialog briefly saying I fell off the map, but the dialog vanished before having a chance to press it and agree I had dropped off the map. Fortunately in the time it took to write the post the map figured I was nowhere to be found and beamed me back to the beam in point.!AkJgPLEKZELSiQaH-wT1ItvqQzaI
And at least we can leave the map and still be alive.!AkJgPLEKZELSiQcRP-nVGndkPArF
Have so far managed to accidentally fall off the north and western edges through the sea although so far have not managed to reach the summit of the island peak.
Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
I noticed this too. There is a similar bug around the dance floor on Risa. You can also see black squares if you get close to the tunnel near the bridge on Risa, but I'm not completely certain that's not intentional.