Please use this thread to post any feedback or issues found on the Dranuur Gauntlet!
Dranuur Gauntlet
- The Dranuur Gauntlet will unlock on Tribble today at 3:15pm PST!
- Dranuur Gauntlet is a new, five-player, cross-faction queue.
- This queue is designed for level 60 players, with normal, advanced, and elite versions.
- The joint Kentari-Lukari colony in the Dranuur system is under attack, as an enemy fleet moves to assault the planet before its orbital defenses can be completed.
- Keep the planetary defenses intact while the ground crews work to replicate important tactical systems they require. Once those are ready, players will be able to fully activate the defense satellites to aid in the defense.
- For more information, please visit our blog!
It would also help with debris cluttering up the screen
So in Enemy Kill Phase 2 we split up in a 3/2 group setup and move to the sides but the enemy at those location always spawn on 1 point wich is just to easy for players with Raider/Intel Flanking. so my idea is to have multiple spots where an enemy can spawn/warp in for those areas to change things up and this idea would also apply to the dreadnought phase where we have to split into a 2/1/2 group setup
Got to point out i was testing this on Normal Que Difficulty and the Que in general is very fun to do
Later on in the second phase after upgrading the satellites I noticed the enemy would beam in very tightly packed and if you are unlucky everyone of the ships would target you at once giving you no chance of survival. I don't know what their HP is set to either but using mkXII VR and UR gear wasn't really making any sort of dent in them which as we have been told should be perfectly adequate to play the game, however if the queue stays like this then I feel there is no option but to upgrade to mkXIV epic and hope for the best. As it is I feel this queue is geared more to the DPS chasers and I probably will not be doing this queue in the future.
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Well the que is designed for lvl 60 players so they think we already have some Mk XIV (either UR or Epic) gear by the time we reach lvl 60 and i was playing the que on Normal with a mixture of UR/Epic Mk XIV Gear
I was unsure of what the satellites were suppose to do. Were there suppose to be different career satellites or just Engineering? I felt like that I need more information about that.
Overall, I found this to be good space match.
One thing i'm really missing is a counter for the dreadnoughts in the last stage to beat (at least on elite) to see how much you still need to kill ^^
ingame: @Felisean
Yes and that is all well and good for you, and I'm not having a go at you or anyone else that has that level of gear, but someone like myself that plays the game for the story and to hang with friends, or someone who doesn't do all the upgrading and chases the latest shiny bit of equipment is effectively being told "Your not good enough, this isn't for you." and being shut out from a section of the game which is wrong.
A well designed game level doesn't shut anyone out and is hard enough to be a challenge but easy enough to be able to be completed with stated equipment levels and as we have been told on numerous occasions that is mkXII VR and UR gear. If the level we played was advanced or epic then yes I would expect to need a higher tier of equipment to be effective, that is after-all what advanced and elite levels are for, but on normal which the test was that level of gear was not good enough and so needs to be changed.
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