End game is still the same. No one in battlezones or queues for the reputation you want to do. Endeavour is only going to help for that particular day. You keep adding more reputations and it just get worse. Trying to get the advanced requirements for the gear is crazy because the advanced/elite queues are even less populated.
Why not make reputations and more features account wide. Fine if you have to grind for the rep gear. Also, why not have an account shipyard. I had a main toon I put everything into because I couldn't be bothered with all the other toons. Now I am doing the other toons and can see the reason why. You add new features in way after they should be to keep the game alive.
...and Arc Defender. Why not introduce that to stop people playing. Bad enough with the old Gateway with every update, no wonder no one used it. Every update was asking for a new pin. Yep, I had to pin it to post this pointless post. Next time I post another pin. Odd I have never had to get a pin when there is a payment required
![:wink: :wink:](https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/resources/emoji/wink.png)
Defend what?
Is this a troll post?
I assume you'll be able to continue from there.
They added more things account-wide:
-lobi crystals and dilithium VIP claims
-ships from Summer and Winter events
-rewards from events (with the last Arena of Sompek being the disliked and out-of-nowhere exception)
-some Starship mastery traits for the other factions
-more items became account-bound, like most of the lockbox stuff
Also, the phoenix packs help a lot getting items that were time-limited character-bound rewards.
They also made tokens so alts only have to grind reputations for half the time you spent on your main.
I can't manage to read anything of what you just wrote.. Do they not teach basic grammar in school anymore?
then there are story missions that progress the story every 2 month or so...
new factions and reps every now and then...
special events are held regularely...
a new season is coming soon...
nope, you are right...no endgame, no reason to logg in. bb have fun with your next game you TRIBBLE about without actually knowing the first thing about it.
I'd say most Elite have been made so difficult you almost need to be in the +100k DPS Category, or at the least build a team of players you know well with skills that buff/debuff other players / enemy.
Still in the last year or two I've noticed the amount of events or fleet gaming events has drastically reduced in my fleet, which is odd considering my fleet is a real Star Trek and Sci Fi based community. While I admit if I try and Queue for the obvious Crystalline Advanced Queue it starts in short order, many others however you end up waiting much longer for.
So something has discouraged players from running as many STF (Queue) as they had in the past. I'd suggest they've made some Advanced and almost all Elite Queue's Space Queue's too difficult but for the elite few.
Unique drops, be they vanity items or real gear, is the only way to keep content like this relevant in the long term.
He is 100% correct...we got new STFs but not a thing has changed...people only queue up for the new STF...it's hard as hell to build up a gear set
yes I believe it is
"Space Barbie is the real endgame"
Forum PVP is just a sidequest.
Someone was bored.
Maybe if missions and STF's all could actually fail, people would learn. I rejoiced when they introduced optionals in STF's that could fail the mission, but alas people complained 'it was too hard' and they removed most of them.
The problem is, players have been spoiled rotten with items and un-'Star-Trek' (and unrealistic) mechanics, so now anything that actually involves some effort gets decried as 'unfair on the player-base'.
To be fair making it possible to fail objectives again wouldn't actually change anything, as it would still be just the same old TRIBBLE with more hurdles. There needs to be something unique with each and every PvE queue to incentivize playing them.
Join Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Endgame in an MMORPG is universally developing your character/avatar...if that bores you, it ain't the fault of STO.
Sure there could be improvements here and there, but the OP seems to question the whole concept of endgame in an MMORPG, or specifically STO.
A Variation on a theme, it's all the same end game, it has been like that for a long time so i also agree that combat is the only thing that comes free on STO. the UI the different missions all follow into the same thing.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
If there is an advanced or elite version then remove the normal version.
Let queues rotate, divide the queues in blocks with one space/ground queue per rep and rotate those blocks.
E.g. week 1 ISA, CEA and Week 2 CFA ... Week 3 Borg disconnected etc.
As a reminder, we're in September 2017 and New Romulus (not Legacy of Romulus, just the Romulus adventure zone), the Reputation system and the Tau Dewa sector were released in November 2012.
Starting with that, aka Season 7, we got:
-Romulan semi-faction
-LoR, including the ability to create a KDF character on the go, as opposed to have to level up a Fed to lvl20 first
-Reputation system and the following ones so far
-KDF missions from 1 to 20, as opposed to have
-various mission revamps
-crafting revamps
-level cap increase
-specialization system
-kits revamp
-loadouts and quick ship switching
-T6 ships
-Delta Quadrant
-Boff training revamp
-second deflectors for Sci-ships
-the end of the Iconian plot
-sector space revamp in quadrants as opposed to sectors
-new fleet holdings
-some battlezones whether they're good and populated or not
-admirality system
-skill revamp
-visual slots
-TOS mini-faction
-lighting 2.0
-competitive PvE
So, yeah, it's not solely for the endgame (thank god), but saying "not a thing changed" is incorrect.
The Specialization System is also a new part of the endgame. You can advance in it with combat or without combat.
You're simply refusing to count these things doesn't mean they don't exist, that they were never added to the game, that they don't affect the endgame, and that they don't require combat. It just means you're definition of what endgame is is far too narrow and might actually be tautological. "The only thing I will count for endgame activity is combat activity. Why is there only combat as endgame activity?" The answer is: "Because you ignore huge parts of the game." There is not much Cryptic can do about that. They can keep adding subsystems, maybe you'll bite, maybe you don't.