I am playing STO since the 1st day on console (may be the 2nd day) and the game was great, we didn't had to wait 2 minutes to start any PVE, it was nice, i stopped for a while then returned after one month, and there is a big problem now in the game...
The problem is : when we want to play PVE, in STO, there in only three PVE which start quickly, and they are : The Breach, and Undine, and Crystalline...
Why that ? Because Undine reward fleet marks (good - no problem with it), but because the Breach reward all the reputation mark in the game, nobody play the other PVEs with are very good, nobody in gravity kills, nobody in Tzenkethi front, nobody in Atmosphere assault, nobody in Days od doom... Of course we have lost a lot of players, with all those new games, Destiny 2, Elite Dangerous, Tom Clancy, etc... but re-adjusting the reputation mark rewards in PVE would be a good idea...
The only PVE which start in less than 10->30 mn (this time is very long when you are waiting) are Crystalline assault (because it is quick), The Breach (because all the marks), Borg Advance (because different marks), Undine assault for Fleet marks...
I think players will hate me for that topic, but if we want reputation gear, we need the little thing we get in different Advanced PVE (Both Cybernetic implant, Isomorphic injection, Probe data cores) and because those PVE don't start, we can no more create reputation stuff for our ships/character...
So please, for the good of that game (i love that game), make "The Breach" PVE and make The Breach PVE like the others, The breach should reward only Dyson marks, if we want to be able to play other PVE, The Breach should not reward all REP Marks...
Borg advance should reward only Delta marks or Omega marks, and not all the reputation marks...
Sorry about the players which will think i am a H.H but i want my iconic stuff, or my Temporal stuff, or Terran stuff, and can't even start an those PVE because they are always empty...
Topic Edited...
PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
How about... "For the future of the game, please consolidate all marks to one type."
How would that work you say?
Well, you take your 'omnimarks' to a vendor and buy the specific marks you want. Cryptic could control the exchange rates to favor older under-powered reputations that 'everyone' already had finished. That way new players could catch up on gear for older reps.
Sure, only the easy/fast queues would have life, but isn't that the case anyway?
How about... "For the future of the game, please consolidate all marks to one type."
How would that work you say?
Well, you take your 'omnimarks' to a vendor and buy the specific marks you want. Cryptic could control the exchange rates to favor older under-powered reputations that 'everyone' already had finished. That way new players could catch up on gear for older reps.
Sure, only the easy/fast queues would have life, but isn't that the case anyway?
Yes, why not, but the problem is we want more people to play all reputation PVE, if they only play one PVE again and again, they will be bored quickly as I am now and they will leave to another game (Destiny 2, Elite Dangerous, Mass Effect Andromeda, etc)...
If they give omnimarks they will go for undine because it reward more marks than the other PVE, and it would be the same problem...
The best thing would be to give one sort of MARK per PVE, and if you have too much mark from one type and want to exchange them for another type of mark, it you be good to have that possibility
I am playing since the beginning of STO on console, and i can tell you at the beginning (the 6 first months) you didn't had to wait to start a PVE, they started instantly... Now if not the Breach, or Undine, or Crystalline, you wait a long time before it start...
PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
As I have stated before, choice marks is the only way for new(er) players to complete a specific rep in any decent amount of time. Before the advent of choice marks, the only STFs that were active were the few quick and easy ones being farmed for Dilithium and the STF for the newest rep, and the one for the newest rep died within days of the absolute minimum required time to get it maxed and all gear acquired. Casual players and new players had no hope of maxing most reps and getting the gear without it taking several months.
I myself am a casual player. I used to log in to play, cue for every STF awarding marks I needed, then proceed to play my allotted hour or two. Two, maybe three times a week one out of all those cues would pop and I would get me some marks. Granted, finding a good Fleet or having at least four friends who play at the same time means some of those players could get their marks doing STFs with Fleet/friends but that still left a bunch of players out in the cold.
Removing choice of marks without replacing it with some other means for the casual/solo player to get any and all marks would not make any (public) STFs much more active than they already are (if at all) and would only serve to drive players away.
We have all the same problem, we all want to play PVE, and don't want to wait 30 minutes to get one PVE running, and that is why i am proposing to remove the All marks reward of The Breach, because The breach should not reward all the marks, when it was The Breach event, yes it rewarded all the marks, but Cryptic forgot to remove that all marks reward, and now when i ask to someone to play the breach, most of the time they are bored to play it, because it is always the breach, and the breach, and undine assault, and Crystalline, and if one of us is alone during the day, he can't even play another PVE, because there is nobody playing them...
And don't forget, to craft reputation set, you need the little thing the PVE reputation provide (for example : Omega set require Borg Neural Processor), and those things you will not get it into the breach...
Running The Breach is for crafting a Dyson reputation (for a science) no more no less...
So at the moment, if you want to craft an Iconian reputation set, or a Temporal set, or a Lukari set, you can't because of The Breach... The all mark reward in the breach is a mistake, Cryptic forgotten to remove they at the end of The Breach event...
I am OK i run a science at the moment, and i will go for Dyson space set so The breach is ok for me, but not for my friends which want other sets...
If they remove that all reputation marks in the breach you will see like by miracle all the other PVE working with a lot of players in them...
PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
The answer is simple get rid of choice of marks missions like Breach and level the amount out so that they all give the same.
Romulan marks shouldn't be 34 marks for completing and Undine marks 200+.
Level everything to 180 marks for finishing and completing the bonus objectives should make the bosses drop "Very Rare" on normal, "Ultra Rare" on advance, and "Epic" on elite.
Now the bonus item will be randomly given to 1 player every playthrough this way people will have to keep playing to get their hands on the item.
Each PVE should have a different type of item for it's mission. Like Shields in the Vault, Engines in Undine, Control Consoles in whatever PVE (pickone) and so on.
These items will be the generic versions so it will be helpful if people need it but people won't be obligated to keep it because they have the option to get Fleet version or Reputation versions which have better modifiers.
Agreed it would be nice, atm the only PVE which reward with ship gear is Crystalline...
Sometime you get two very rare drop from the crystalline, sometime one, sometime a rare drop, and most of the time nothing... If i am correct the player wo do the more damage to the crystalline get the two very rare drops...
PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
Right that is why it's so popular. If all missions gave a type of item more people would do it. But if ever mission gave the same types then people will just keep doing only one like how the do with marks.
They need to spread the rewards out evenly, this way people would have reasons to play other missions.
I would love if there was and espionage mission if you completed the stealth objectives correctly you could get a very rare ship console or ground items. Kind a like a raid on a faction Supply Depot.
The reward is not a problem, as soon as you are in a fleet, or you do tour of the galaxy, you can get stuff from the fleet and from the exchange...
There is Kerr'at system which reward you with two very rare gear if you do the objective...
Crystalline is popular because it take not even 5 minutes to finish it, and sometime you enter crystalline and the team have already finished (yesterday, as soon as i entered crystalline, i got the reward )
PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
You think its bad now wait till the Winter and Summer events. Why play any PVE when you can get tons of any mark you want by raising Epohhs (Winter or New Romulus, New Romulus is a year round thing), or birds and monkeys (Summer, and since there are two pets to raise you can get twice the marks). If you grind those out from start to finish you can get enough marks to finish ALL Reputations at one time, as well as buy the gear. Without ever playing one PVE cue.
As for the Elite marks i.e. the borg Implants, the data cores etc. There should be a rep project that changes marks for them one every twenty hours.
Now for your suggestion of removing the All Marks Choice box. I fully support this for all platforms, and have for a long time.
I am playing since the beginning of STO PS4, I don't care about events (except for the ship) but you are right, they reward a lot of marks, but actually what I want is craft a Temporal set, or iconian set and those PVE never start because of The Breach... That is the problem, and more than this I am tired (and my friends too) to play always The breach advanced again and again because it is the only one which start quickly
To convert mark to those little thing needed for crafting reputation set, it is 100 marks for 1 little thing... That is useful when you need one, but when you need 20 ...
PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
Ok, and what about the 2nd deflector I need with Competitive wargame reputation ? Or The full omega set I need on my other toon (Defera reward only Fleet mark)?
It is kind from you to try to help, but truly I will not spend my day on only one PVE (The breach) to try to get 3000/4000 Iconian/Dyson/Lukari/omega marks...
The problem here is : when players see The breach reward all the marks; they play only that pve queue, and they will be bored quickly and jump to another game !!! As I will probably do sooner, because I am bored, tired with that @#$* the breach pie queue... I done the breech eve queue more in 2 month than any other pve in 10 month of STO PS4...
Post edited by fced on
PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
The problem here is : when players see The breach reward all the marks; they play only that pve queue, and they will be bored quickly and jump to another game !!! As I will probably do sooner, because I am bored, tired with that @#$* the breach pie queue... I done the breech eve queue more in 2 month than any other pve in 10 month of STO PS4...
You are so absolutely right on what the problem is. Back when I started playing STO you could not get the gear without playing the associated que, and getting the loot drop. Some people got it in only a few runs some it would take hundreds to get that drop. You see someone going in around in a Full Omega armor suit? That means they have spent a lot of time in the ques to get it.
Then the revamp came and we got the reputations. With the reps came the all mark choices, from that point on having the armor or the set on your ship was meaningless, as anyone could get it without having to run a single que. Now we have recruitment events, with it comes all mark choices that you can unlock for your account and get a couple of thousand marks, your choice. New toon? Get to twenty and boom you got a few thousand marks for whatever.
The more marks choices get added the less the ques are going to be played. The less the ques get played the more marks choices get added.
In the end you want to save the ques? Kill the All Marks choice boxes.
Yes, so players will play all the PVE queue and it will take a long time for them to be bored by the game, because there is a lot of nice pve ...
I could pay 10 $ to play Storming the spire, or The core assault, or Gravity kills, but those pve never start ...
PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
Remove all marks from the Breach and that just kills the Breach. It won't make the other queues suddenly busy (it may make one queue busier).
The problem at the end of the day is that the game has far too many queues. Some of which hardly got used on their introduction.
Last time I did a count there were 97 queues (including the different difficulties). Now I did a quick few screenshots, did a count up and we had 73 queued (if each person was queuing once). Now if we were to say these people were in 3 queues, that's about 25 people in the queues.
And there's the problem. STO does not have the active playerbase to keep 97 queues popping regularly. The only thing that's going to change that is to somehow massively boost the active playerbase or cull a lot of the queues. And I mean a lot.
I don't think on PS4 we have 97 PVE Queue, but I can count them, in fact there is a lot of ground pve we never tried..
PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
Ok, and what about the 2nd deflector I need with Competitive wargame reputation ? Or The full omega set I need on my other toon (Defera reward only Fleet mark)?
It is kind from you to try to help, but truly I will not spend my day on only one PVE (The breach) to try to get 3000/4000 Iconian/Dyson/Lukari/omega marks...
The problem here is : when players see The breach reward all the marks; they play only that pve queue, and they will be bored quickly and jump to another game !!! As I will probably do sooner, because I am bored, tired with that @#$* the breach pie queue... I done the breech eve queue more in 2 month than any other pve in 10 month of STO PS4...
Well honestly though if you tired of that queue - then try playing something else a lot more often? Can't fault the game cause you only mostly play one queue. Sure I realize some queue's have higher marks payout's than others but still while it may influence some what to play...
I tried a little more varied approach so I continue to enjoy the game. Not everything is strictly about maximizing your time for rewards earned... ...fun and happiness should come into play - something I wish more players focused on.
It also be nice to see a lot more kindness being extended to all players (speaking generally) so we fostered and continued to grow the community.
Being a Console player, in my Armada I find the best players and we play all the ground missions on Elite since no one play elite missions. When we play space we do 1 run of each of the least played space missions until we all get tired and do it all again the next day.
This way we can try out our abilities against as many different opponents as possible. I found that players in this game (Console Ver.) don't challenge themselves at all. All they do is farm marks in Undine, Breach, or Borg Disconnected to buy fleet stuff or reputation gear then turn over to get a new ship and do the whole thing over again. There's no testing unless you're a PVP player.
It's a shame that there's so many people doing Normal and so very few doing Elite. This is because of the poor Reward system in this game in my opinion. If you're rewarded Elite or Ultra rare items not just that crafting "item" I think more people would do harder content or odd missions that people don't normally do.
This problem with the PVE is the rewards... Give the people a reason to play something and they will play it, and like I said before... CRAFTING ITEMS ARE NOT REWARDS...!
How would that work you say?
Well, you take your 'omnimarks' to a vendor and buy the specific marks you want. Cryptic could control the exchange rates to favor older under-powered reputations that 'everyone' already had finished. That way new players could catch up on gear for older reps.
Sure, only the easy/fast queues would have life, but isn't that the case anyway?
If they give omnimarks they will go for undine because it reward more marks than the other PVE, and it would be the same problem...
The best thing would be to give one sort of MARK per PVE, and if you have too much mark from one type and want to exchange them for another type of mark, it you be good to have that possibility
I am playing since the beginning of STO on console, and i can tell you at the beginning (the 6 first months) you didn't had to wait to start a PVE, they started instantly... Now if not the Breach, or Undine, or Crystalline, you wait a long time before it start...
I myself am a casual player. I used to log in to play, cue for every STF awarding marks I needed, then proceed to play my allotted hour or two. Two, maybe three times a week one out of all those cues would pop and I would get me some marks. Granted, finding a good Fleet or having at least four friends who play at the same time means some of those players could get their marks doing STFs with Fleet/friends but that still left a bunch of players out in the cold.
Removing choice of marks without replacing it with some other means for the casual/solo player to get any and all marks would not make any (public) STFs much more active than they already are (if at all) and would only serve to drive players away.
And don't forget, to craft reputation set, you need the little thing the PVE reputation provide (for example : Omega set require Borg Neural Processor), and those things you will not get it into the breach...
Running The Breach is for crafting a Dyson reputation (for a science) no more no less...
So at the moment, if you want to craft an Iconian reputation set, or a Temporal set, or a Lukari set, you can't because of The Breach... The all mark reward in the breach is a mistake, Cryptic forgotten to remove they at the end of The Breach event...
I am OK i run a science at the moment, and i will go for Dyson space set so The breach is ok for me, but not for my friends which want other sets...
If they remove that all reputation marks in the breach you will see like by miracle all the other PVE working with a lot of players in them...
Romulan marks shouldn't be 34 marks for completing and Undine marks 200+.
Level everything to 180 marks for finishing and completing the bonus objectives should make the bosses drop "Very Rare" on normal, "Ultra Rare" on advance, and "Epic" on elite.
Now the bonus item will be randomly given to 1 player every playthrough this way people will have to keep playing to get their hands on the item.
Each PVE should have a different type of item for it's mission. Like Shields in the Vault, Engines in Undine, Control Consoles in whatever PVE (pickone) and so on.
These items will be the generic versions so it will be helpful if people need it but people won't be obligated to keep it because they have the option to get Fleet version or Reputation versions which have better modifiers.
Sometime you get two very rare drop from the crystalline, sometime one, sometime a rare drop, and most of the time nothing... If i am correct the player wo do the more damage to the crystalline get the two very rare drops...
They need to spread the rewards out evenly, this way people would have reasons to play other missions.
I would love if there was and espionage mission if you completed the stealth objectives correctly you could get a very rare ship console or ground items. Kind a like a raid on a faction Supply Depot.
There is Kerr'at system which reward you with two very rare gear if you do the objective...
Crystalline is popular because it take not even 5 minutes to finish it, and sometime you enter crystalline and the team have already finished (yesterday, as soon as i entered crystalline, i got the reward )
As for the Elite marks i.e. the borg Implants, the data cores etc. There should be a rep project that changes marks for them one every twenty hours.
Now for your suggestion of removing the All Marks Choice box. I fully support this for all platforms, and have for a long time.
Fleet leader Nova Elite
Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
To convert mark to those little thing needed for crafting reputation set, it is 100 marks for 1 little thing... That is useful when you need one, but when you need 20 ...
It is kind from you to try to help, but truly I will not spend my day on only one PVE (The breach) to try to get 3000/4000 Iconian/Dyson/Lukari/omega marks...
The problem here is : when players see The breach reward all the marks; they play only that pve queue, and they will be bored quickly and jump to another game !!! As I will probably do sooner, because I am bored, tired with that @#$* the breach pie queue... I done the breech eve queue more in 2 month than any other pve in 10 month of STO PS4...
You are so absolutely right on what the problem is. Back when I started playing STO you could not get the gear without playing the associated que, and getting the loot drop. Some people got it in only a few runs some it would take hundreds to get that drop. You see someone going in around in a Full Omega armor suit? That means they have spent a lot of time in the ques to get it.
Then the revamp came and we got the reputations. With the reps came the all mark choices, from that point on having the armor or the set on your ship was meaningless, as anyone could get it without having to run a single que. Now we have recruitment events, with it comes all mark choices that you can unlock for your account and get a couple of thousand marks, your choice. New toon? Get to twenty and boom you got a few thousand marks for whatever.
The more marks choices get added the less the ques are going to be played. The less the ques get played the more marks choices get added.
In the end you want to save the ques? Kill the All Marks choice boxes.
Fleet leader Nova Elite
Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
I could pay 10 $ to play Storming the spire, or The core assault, or Gravity kills, but those pve never start ...
The problem at the end of the day is that the game has far too many queues. Some of which hardly got used on their introduction.
Last time I did a count there were 97 queues (including the different difficulties). Now I did a quick few screenshots, did a count up and we had 73 queued (if each person was queuing once). Now if we were to say these people were in 3 queues, that's about 25 people in the queues.
And there's the problem. STO does not have the active playerbase to keep 97 queues popping regularly. The only thing that's going to change that is to somehow massively boost the active playerbase or cull a lot of the queues. And I mean a lot.
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Well honestly though if you tired of that queue - then try playing something else a lot more often? Can't fault the game cause you only mostly play one queue. Sure I realize some queue's have higher marks payout's than others but still while it may influence some what to play...
I tried a little more varied approach so I continue to enjoy the game. Not everything is strictly about maximizing your time for rewards earned... ...fun and happiness should come into play - something I wish more players focused on.
It also be nice to see a lot more kindness being extended to all players (speaking generally) so we fostered and continued to grow the community.
This way we can try out our abilities against as many different opponents as possible. I found that players in this game (Console Ver.) don't challenge themselves at all. All they do is farm marks in Undine, Breach, or Borg Disconnected to buy fleet stuff or reputation gear then turn over to get a new ship and do the whole thing over again. There's no testing unless you're a PVP player.
It's a shame that there's so many people doing Normal and so very few doing Elite. This is because of the poor Reward system in this game in my opinion. If you're rewarded Elite or Ultra rare items not just that crafting "item" I think more people would do harder content or odd missions that people don't normally do.
This problem with the PVE is the rewards... Give the people a reason to play something and they will play it, and like I said before... CRAFTING ITEMS ARE NOT REWARDS...!