I've said this before in a previous forum, but I'm going to say this again. The Emissary Star Cruiser used to be a very popular Federation starship for Starfleet players, but it seems to have been forgotten as many other Federation ships have been introduced and even gotten seperate T6 counterparts. I personally have been holding off on getting a Fleet Star Cruiser because I want a T6 one instead (and a discount on the Fleet Ship Modules needed for the fleet version). I'd like to see if anyone else feels the same way.
Demand for a T6 Emissary Star Cruiser 92 votes
Yes! I want a T6 Emissary!
Nah, I wouldn't mind if they don't bring the Emissary back.
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I'm not sure if I would buy a T6 version, it depends on the lay out as well. It would be nice if they could make it heavy sci oriented, so that we would have another Sci-Cruiser type of ship.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Aside from the fact that the star cruiser is a hideous hog and that any remodeling would be a massive waste of time, effort and money.
I could probably make similar statement about whatever ship your currently flying.
Except that the star cruiser is the hog which makes every other hog feel nimble.
> When ppl start a thread with 'demand' in the topic, my vote will be immediately 'No!'
I'm quite sure it was demand as in "supply and demand", not "I demand".
@questerius Now I want it even more xD
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Why would you want one?
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Indeed! Also add Romulan ships to that list. The KDF and RRW could do with more ships in their fleet.
The Vor'cha is a beast of a ship and it should have a T6 version most certainly, it's as rabid as an angry targ
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
I 100% agree with this. The T6 Vor'cha should be next without question and the T6 Nova should come for Feds before a Star Cruiser.
LOL. Okay, guess I misread.
@Artan42 Did my comment above ( ^^ ) ... appeal to your senses? and may I have my daily supply of marmite rations?
The Flat one. Pre Intel ships.
Kinda reminds me of "Flight of the Navigator" for some odd reason.. I dunno.
The original Emissary Star Cruiser was my first endgame level ship, and it served me very well. It's a little bit upsetting to see the ship has gotten no other variants, while something such as its counterpart, the Sovereign, has gotten an absolutely mental number of 'different' variants in the C-Store. (That's an exaggeration, but the Assault Cruiser still has a few more than average variants )
I would very much enjoy the Emissary getting a T6 upgrade.
Ahh yes the Emissary class, i remember it well thanks to the picture above and this was before F2P, i used to have a Character called Darius J. Sevrin, man in his mid 40's, he made it to Vice Admiral and flew around in his beloved Kitbashed Emissary class ship, he affectionately called his ship "Pointy" because of it's arrow head shaped saucer section. He retired from service a few years back along with the ship he loved.
Back then the Assault cruiser i was also using, but then again it was a rainbow cruiser, i enjoyed flying both of them when they were near the top end before the lockbox invasion and the first alien ship made it into player hands, the bug ship in 2011.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.