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Arena of Sompek, How much is too much?

With this event just a week away from ending, this is what I have learned so far.

Apparently some players think that the 20-minute version is too long while other players think it's too short, so they join the non timed version but then start to complain after 40 minutes.

So, should the Dev's come up with a 3rd option.

May be like, A 10-minute version for those that just want to get the Merit and a 30-minute version for those that want to have a little bit more fun and a third version for the hardcore players that want to try to make it all the way until their fingers fall off.

What would be your sweet spot to end the simulation? 10, 30 , 40 minutes, 1 Hour... or more. :s

Let's discuss.


  • seriousdaveseriousdave Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    Why bother with a timed version at all? Just have the untimed one and leave everything else to the community. So far the game has done it's best to kill any kind player interaction as much as possible by "streamlining" and spoon feeding everything, let's turn that around for once. Like adding an official chat channel for event stuff like that so people across the server can easily form groups. I know there are a gazillion different community set up channels but that's the point, there are a gazillion channels all over the place which dosen't really accomplish anything besides forming a bunch of groups which will never reach the broad mass.

    As for the current state, people who really want to reach some high numbers shoudn't pug in the first place because 90% of the pugs will be undergeared and unprepaired alts who are just after the token. Most of them couldn't even go above a couple of rounds anyways. If you're in for making as much rounds as possible you really just need a premade group.

    As for this round of sompek, I ignored this event. I'm done with grinding two or more weeks for single character unlocks and "meh" rewards that will go unused either way. :|
  • nouveaux#3659 nouveaux Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    What they need to do is put item rewards (Shields, Guns, Armor, Kits, Etc, at very rare to ultra rare) every 10 rounds after round 50. This away people will have a reason to play past rd 10.

  • awesomeweaselawesomeweasel Member Posts: 265 Arc User
    What they need to do is put item rewards (Shields, Guns, Armor, Kits, Etc, at very rare to ultra rare) every 10 rounds after round 50. This away people will have a reason to play past rd 10.


    i agree but i also I think the rewards should be based on contribution to the match, not based on the rounds that way more people would actually play rather than just join it and stand there doing nothing.

    imo it is unfair for the people that do nothing to get the same rewards as the people actually playing.

    a player should have to contribute a certain percentage (min 5-10%) of the total amount of damage to even be awarded the merit at the end that way they are forced to either play/try or they do not get the merit no matter how many rounds are completed.

    imo you should get a merit on level 10 then every 20 rounds after that making it so people will try to get further rather than just get to the minimum and then purposely die.

    the afk players really take the fun out of playing the arena imo
  • arionisaarionisa Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    Besides necroing a dead thread, which is a bad thing, your "idea" has been brought up, discussed and basically dismissed more times than Enterprise Captains have made out with aliens.

    In a nutshell, rewards based on % of total damage means that only the DPS gods will get any rewards and ques will be totally dead instead of just mostly dead.
    LTS and loving it.
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