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Can we do quicker R&D

ulmanchunulmanchun Member Posts: 136 Arc User
My question is there must be a quicker R&D that is career oriented. Like you have the crafting materials and you job is engineer. So you can skip the step that requires you to craft components to then go straight to like for a upgrade tech or some kinda of engineering console. So each career has a fast pass to something. Tactical can weapons like beams,cannons,projectiles. science could be science, shields. Engineer would be engineering, ground weapons. The career fast pass method would only effect the things certain career can craft allow more people to craft faster and put stuff on exchange for sale and get the exchange less over priced on things. Also saves some time. So as long as someone has a certain career and a stockpiles of crafting material they can craft a punch of stuff but takes 1/3 less time for example. so you don't have to wait for crafting material to be turned into crafting component and then to turn into whatever you need. but to curb abuse maybe a limit of how many times day that can but done or a special location that this can be done like the old memory alpha or that new lukari fleet holding that is comming soon. that would be nice.


  • ulmanchunulmanchun Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    Let me clarify the components will still be crafted in the process you won't see the physical components. So it would be usual crafting screen, it will say like say how many shields you want like limit stacks of 10. then says how many components you need but also next to it how much of which crafting material you have. you scroll the total amount and it will make it. but if you get lucky you get extra components in the process and get extra shields in the process. I was hoping to craft a batch of stuff from time to time but waiting of a few components at a time is a pain and the stuff on the exchange either run out or overpriced.
  • arionisaarionisa Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    I like the idea of being able to craft more than one item at a time. I craft a lot of beams and turrets and I usually only have a few hours of play time in a given day. Which means that each toon can only craft from 2-5 beams/turrets per day, depending on how many energy weapons doffs that toon has. It takes a loooong time to craft a full set of weapons with the desired mods at that rate. Kind of like components, let us craft up to five at a time per doff, with the corresponding increase in completion time and dil cost to "complete now". That would give those who can't be on line 24/7, or who can't be on every 2 hours to have a chance of being somewhat competitive with those who can.

    I don't agree with the rest though. Other than crafting some of the very rare (and expensive) components, crafting a stack of 5, more with a critical, takes less than one minute. I can set every fabrication engineer I have to crafting a full stack of components and they are done before I can select the proper ships for 2-3 admiralty missions if I'm rushing, 1 if I am actually trying to get the best set of ships. The only toon I have with 6 R&D slots, 6 Fab eng, and 6 energy weapon doffs takes 25 seconds to craft enough components to last me 2-3 days of crafting 6 beams/turrets at a time. Even if each doff could craft up to 5 at a time as I mentioned above, it would still take less than one minute to craft enough components for them to each have a full load.

    This is just my personal opinion, but I would rather see the devs spending their time on a host of other things a lot more important than shaving less than a minute off of a players overall crafting time.
    LTS and loving it.
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