- Season 14: Victory Is Life coming in October
- Totally redone Galaxy interior for the TNG anniversary
- New episode "Beyond The Nexus" in September featuring LeVar Burton
- New 5-Tier Fleet holding based on a combined Kentari/Lukari colony
- Skant and Type 7 shuttle for everyone for the TNG anniversary
The preview video (on their Twitter feed, which is where I'm getting all this from) shows DS9, the wormhole and a lot of Jem'Hadar ships.
Yep, definitely makes sense as the next logical direction to go in.
Hmm. This trailer says Summer 2018, but the tweet says this October.
Anyways, here's my notepad infodump:
TNG Anniversay:
-Skant & Shuttle for everyone(September)
-Galaxy Bridge/Interior
Levar Burton making an appearance
New Episode: "Beyond the Nexus"
New Fleet Holding: "Panov" Lukari/Kentari Colony (5! Tiers)
-Standard episode sized map with "nooks and crannies".
Tzenkethi Ground Queue (Defend the colony)
Season 14:
New Specialization "Miracle Worker"
-divert shields into hull
Jem Hadar (Invasion?) fleet at DS9 ("Victory is Life" 2018)
Just a few weeks ago I finally changed to something else.... AAAAND they release a Galaxy Interior.. TRIBBLE.
'Victory is Life' expansion in 2018
Defending The Galaxy By Breaking One Starfleet Regulation After The Next.
Doesn't take that much effort to reason out...season 14 is new holding/FE and a continuation of the Tzenkethi arc, Expansion 4 relates to the Jem'Hadar, and probably means gamma quadrant if it's a full-sized expansion.
The goof's in the interpretation, not in the information.
Finally thousands of players get what they desire most, this:
Season 14 is called "Emergence"
Additional mission "Melting Pot"
Tzenkethi RA
2 new fleet defense queues
(covered the rest in my previous post)
More than one thing is coming.
This October - Season 14
Next Summer - Expansion (in all probability)
That said there's probably a season 15 (covering early spring to summer 2018) too so while we know that the Dominion are coming to what degree they'll factor into the expansion (for example, hold off on confirming a playable faction) is something that we'll see play out over the coming year.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Is that from the game? Looks awesome.
Hopefully Engineering doesn't magically open into the corridors like it did in that Riker/Worf scene in Generations.
So you mean like any other game in video game history? Take for example the amazingly upscaled GTA 3 teaser pictures. Which look a LOT better than the actual game. It's always like that..
Why act so suprised? Get a couple of Titan's in SLI and run your game in Renderscale 5. Problem solved!
The whole rodek/kurn storyline does seem to be heading in the direction of worf getting his brother back due to the way martok keeps referring to him wrongly in brushfire. The reason his identity was changed was to allow him to retain his honour and worf carry the dishonour of the mogh name (false or otherwise) so even with the mind wipe martok is treading a line he'd know to avoid for the sake of the warrior. Unless he has gone senile or has read ahead and knows what the writers scribbled on the napkin over lunch alongside notes like yeah space magic will sort that moon no worries.