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Great Job on Queue UI

Dear Devs

with the latest Queue changes you realy killed any lust to join a Queue.
- with every char Change mostly all filters are gone
- can't see how many queued
- the estimated times are bullshitt - 5 secs in a borg alert means 2 minutes waiting - 21 secs means starts immediatly
you designed a new UI with less functions than the old one - maybe bring back the old one OR Realy put some time into make the new one work.

The queus are dead cause the Queue UI is bad

nice u wasted so much time in your sig - i do not see it anyway :)


  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    edited July 2017
    It's shocking what a horrible job they did with the Queue UI.

    My favorite part is when it just randomly removes me from Queue for no apparent reason.

    I never understood why Cryptic spends so much time fixing things that aren't even broken. The Queue interface was fine, but instead of fixing things that were actually broken they spent the time breaking something that was working.

    Insert witty signature line here.
  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    Yup, I've stopped queuing for anything now.

    Will only queue for events where I know that people will be playing it..
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
    Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

  • tunebreakertunebreaker Member Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    And yet another thread displaying how players don't like this new queue UI. Shows how horrible job they did. At this point it's not just disliking anything that changed either.

    But I guess players not playing PvE Queues is good for metrics or something...
  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    edited July 2017
    It is a steaming pile of poodoo in my opinion.
    Totally superfluous nonsense that definitely has not improved the game and if anything has caused the queues to be even deader. People can't be bothered queuing if it's a royal pain in the backside to get into them or navigate the UI.
    Not even the greatest necromancer could resurrect the queues from their current state.
  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    The Queue UI isn't that bad. It has significantly improved after they added filters and made it possible to queue for multiple difficulties again. Visually it also looks a lot better and they addressed the problem of the very long list we had before.

    The only serious problems I still have with it, aren't as much related to the UI but more related to things simply not working. Most importantly:

    - queues clearing for no good reason (meaning you're still waiting when you've actually been thrown out of the queue)
    - queues starting with no warning
    - incorrect representation of amount of players actually in the queue (which will be something like 4, until you double click that 4 and see it jump to 0, 2 or any other number)

    So, bugs actually. Those are always annoying but they shouldn't be reported here and they should be solved; which I'm confident will happen eventually. It can be salvaged I think.

  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    But there's still massive lot to be improved and fixed I feel.
    Queues starting without warning, being kicked out of groups for no reason, starting with a team only to end up in different instances, the fact you can't pick a mission then gather a team, not being able to filter only one difficulty, pointless timers for how long until it pops.
    Those are just a few.

    The old system worked, it just needed a few tweaks to take away the "giant list" aspect and keep the features bit up to date. That's all it needed.
  • bossheisenbergbossheisenberg Member Posts: 603 Arc User
    It's appalling how bad they screwed up the queues. Some endgame players like me play queues almost exclusively - well no longer. I've been playing warzones and system patrols instead, since you don't have to wait.

    Did Core Assault a few times this weekend - it took probably at least 20-30 minutes to get into. I know the number of players that it shows in the queue is not correct. And it's really annoying how sometimes it will just pop with no warning. All around total fail. I give it a zero score - it's so bad that players are changing the way they play the game, and not in a good way.
  • newnjanewnja Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    It's shocking what a horrible job they did with the Queue UI.

    My favorite part is when it just randomly removes me from Queue for no apparent reason.

    I never understood why Cryptic spends so much time fixing things that aren't even broken. The Queue interface was fine, but instead of fixing things that were actually broken they spent the time breaking something that was working.


    I was thinking the same thing... and that is sad.
  • psychoplattpsychoplatt Member Posts: 285 Arc User
    thank you all for your Response: Now i know that i am not the only one. See you all in Queues once they fixed it - so maybe 5 years .
    nice u wasted so much time in your sig - i do not see it anyway :)
  • daciaeternadaciaeterna Member Posts: 219 Arc User
    After several "fix" patches the bug that drops a player from the queues with NO warning message is still there. I think their metrics show that whales don't play queues much so they don't really care for now. After lots of good changes to sto systems this was a very sloppy job like the ones they did several years ago. With no end game content and buggy queues UI combined with players quitting only story missions remain ... the ones we did like 50 times already ...
    • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User
      Is it considered Necromancy if you Queue for something and you wait for over 30 days to get in? Will the mods close the Queue? :)
      'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
      Judge Dan Haywood
      'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
      l don't know.
      l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
      That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
      Lt. Philip J. Minns
    • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
      The new Queue UI is horrible and clunky. Queues pop w/o warning, you get un-queued for no reason. I love waiting for a queue to pop for 5 minutes, then checking the queues to find I'm not in them anymore. You can only queue for 3 things. You have to choose all 3 queues before you can queue up. (Old one you could just double click and queue, then keep browsing, double-click another, keep browsing, etc.) You can't see all the queues. Hey, what if I want to see if anyone is in any version of Conduit? Now I have to click the damn difficulty button each time to see each one.

      I would really like to have whomever at Cryptic thought this new one was better to post why and did the end result match what they were going for? Even if done anonymously. Best thing they could do is to just put the old one back and go back to the drawing board and start over. And don't let whomever did this new one anywhere near making the next new one.
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    • szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
      It's is overly comlicated and cumbersome. Was the old UI good? No. But at least it was fast and efficient. Open the queue menu, scroll down, double-click, done. Now you have to chose the right tab, then the difficulty, then put in a check mark, then click on "join queue" and then hope it won't remove you from the queue for no appearent reason.

      The only queues I'm doing nowadays are the Borg and Tholian red alerts when I'm leveling up a new ship. I can't be bothered to play anything else.
    • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
      I am quiet fortunate that I often find myself in very competent PvE teams (Fleet, STO League & TSC).

      As a result, administrating the new queue UI is the hardest part of each run we do.

      I fully understand that this is a turnoff for everybody less fortunate.

      What I fail to understand completely is why aside from making this new UI Fed and KDF still can’t form queue groups for public matches. It makes the whole concept of a queue group unnecessary and pointless in the first place.
      Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
      felisean wrote: »
      teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
    • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
      Yeah it's fine if you can get a premade team together but for those of us who can't or don't have the time and jut want a quick run it really has killed the game off. I don't think I ever really leave ESD now. I log in check the exchange do some admiralty and that's it.
      Thus UI has put me off even bothering to fly or build any ships.
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    • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
      azrael605 wrote: »
      I'm still running pugs daily.

      So am I but it has gotten notably more difficult to get a mission started. I even had to wait for ISA, CSA and KSA for well over five minutes earlier today.

      There have always been periods and times when there's not that many people online, but for the past couple of weeks things have been worse than usual. Activity has significantly dropped. It's even next to impossible to play a ground queue, or anything else than those three space queues and CCA + Borg Disconnected. Unless one is willing to wait for 10-15 minutes or even longer.

      The only positive element here is the Endeavour system, which worked really well in the case of Defera and to some extent for Counterpoint - while those Endeavour missions lasted that is. I can only hope that enough players will return eventually and see that this is a different game than just after DR - that it has become easier. Hopefully they'll stay too.
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    • goodscotchgoodscotch Member Posts: 1,680 Arc User
      I'm constantly kicked from the queue after selecting and a group is formed and I respond to the pop up to accept. Makes no sense. I have to queue for an instance two or three times before I enter it.

    • jim625jim625 Member Posts: 907 Arc User
      havn't been on sto much cos of this new Queue UI I really wanna keep playing and do some rep systems but there's hardly any one in the queue these days :-(
    • solidshark214solidshark214 Member Posts: 362 Arc User
      So it's not just me... I thought at first it was trolls who kept queuing up and then quitting at the last moment, but when it became clear it was happening almost every single time--Core Assault being the prime offender, in my case--I did start to wonder.

      Yeah, this is an issue that really needs to be fixed. It shouldn't take eight tries and twenty minutes just to get one queue started.
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    • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
      It would be nice if we could get some official response. I mean, the queues have always been a matter of concern for some of us, and they've been declared dead on many occasions. But surely Cryptic is noticing what we are noticing?

      It's a shame that, so far, nothing has been done with several good suggestions that have been made countless times.

      Reducing the number of players required for queues for example. Or taking a serious look at the reward structure. More variation within missions.

      Almost nothing has been done, except for releasing the Endeavour system and being more generous with rewards in general as well as making things easier such as Phoenix upgrades. But the Endeavour system only boosts activity in one part of the game (likely taking players away from other content at the same time) and slapping more rewards on content does nothing to solve the underlying problems.
      The only queue-specific action they took, was to go in the wrong direction by making stuff like SB 24 no longer solo-able - so unnecessarily restricting access to some content you could play no matter how few people were in the queues. It's bloody ridiculous and it shows how they, time and again, get their priorities wrong.

      Still, I have some hope that we'll see more activity in the game soon. But even if it happens, it likely won't be because they tackled the underlying problems - but just because enough players are checking out the only Star Trek MMO again. Which makes me wonder how long this hoped for surge in activity will last. Unless they announce some truly renewing actions at the Vegas event - and not just how you're going to design an 'exciting' new reputation with new queues that no one will play anymore after 40 days. Hopefully they - and especially he - have - has - the courage to think outside the box for a change.

      I understand that, after so many years, they're afraid to make far reaching changes and are more interested to stick to the same scheme while being convinced that it has worked for so many years already. But these are clearly different times and historical success does not guarantee success in the future. Making things easier resource-wise and being more generous with the rewards might bring in more people and convince veterans to return but in terms of retainment it won't be sufficient to just focus on rewards.
      Besides, even if it is considered too risky to change the entire reward structure or too expensive / time-consuming to bring more variation within each queue or to reduce rewards for ISA/CCA and increase them for other content etc., then that still leaves some suggested actions like reducing the number of players required for a queue. Which would not negatively affect the game in any way as far as I can see.
    • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
      Yeah it's not trolls, it's bad design and implementation. The new queue system when first introduced was virtually unusable, even with a full team, they fixed most of that but it's still appalling if you are queuing with anything less than a full team, and even then there are issues if some members are still in their last queue group. There is no lobby anymore for folks to confirm strategy, there is a queue group chat channel that shows up but I don't think many realise it's there. Clearly hardly anyone is using it because anything less than a full team means seriously long waits, you even have to wait now for CCA to pop. For those not fortunate enough to be in an active fleet this must be horrible.

      We complained bitterly about this new system when it came out, they fixed the major bugs that stopped it working completely then left it alone, clearly they are sending the message that they don't care how many people play the queues, let's face it they removed some of the most fun queues, NWS, Mine Trap, KSF etc, and never reinstated them. I honestly don't understand what they are playing at here, it's like one half of the company is trying to attract players with events like the endeavour system and the other half of the company are trying their hardest to sabotage any attempt at growing the player base. @salamiinferno really ought to get involved with this and lay down the law.

      It also doesn't help that some queues and queue-specific problems are just completely ignored it seems.

      I've again filed a bug report that the enemies in Azure Nebula Advanced are 10 levels below the players for example. Today I read in a chat channel somewhere that Vicious Circle (think it was that one, something Undine related IIRC) has been broken for a long time.

      Same thing in the past, trolls are actually a nice example of this. It took weeks, dozens of players reporting them and multiple threads on the Forum plus messages to Trendy for whoever is responsible for it, to take action against trolls that made Infected ground impossible to pug for example.

      Bugs like in Starbase Incursion - one of the first queues new players encounter - where people get stuck in the elevator have never been addressed (or maybe it has finally been addressed now; I wouldn't know, haven't been able to play it for weeks now). Or Gateway to Grethor which sometimes simply won't finish. Even during the Breach event they never changed the dreadnought that was incorrectly scaled - a level 60 dreadnought at normal difficulty. The same bug was still there a year later.

      One positive thing is that they fairly quickly resolved issues in Khitomer ground. But overall I wouldn't be surprised if newer players who check out some of these queues, never return if they experience this once. Let alone if they do try to play the content again and still find the same sometimes severly fun reducing bug a few weeks later.
    • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
      They posted feedback threads for everything else.. they ask how we like the featured episodes, the Endeavor system.. but I notice they steer away from this topic.

      You can start a thread on this forum and say that the sky is blue and someone will post a counter opinion, but you post and say the Queue UI sucks and you get nothing but unanimous agreement. If the Cryptic people reading this are really concerned with community feedback, can we please start here?

      We hate this Queue system.. it needs to go!
      Insert witty signature line here.
    • ussvaliant#6064 ussvaliant Member Posts: 1,006 Arc User
      edited August 2017
      ltminns wrote: »
      Is it considered Necromancy if you Queue for something and you wait for over 30 days to get in? Will the mods close the Queue? :)


      It is a shame as there are some very good queues.
      After apprehension about the competitive stfs as I really dislike PvP I jumped into them last week and quite like them esp Binary Circuit.
      However getting these maps to pop is a nightmare.

      Updating the UI should never have been on the to do list. And as it is a core part of gameplay it should dam well be tested to death before going live instead of launching in the state it was and have the affect of causing player activity to die.
      Post edited by ussvaliant#6064 on

      Hello rubber banding my old friend, time to bounce around the battlezone again, where are all my bug reports going?, out of love with this game I am falling, As Cryptic fail to acknowledge a problem exists, Shakes an angry fist, And from Support all I'm hearing are the sounds of silence.
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    • lopequillopequil Member Posts: 1,226 Arc User
      The persistent filters that were added in a recent patch have been a BIG improvement to the UI but we're still lacking the ability to join queues individually; if you're queued for something and you want to join another you're forced to leave all the currently joined queues, tick an extra one then join them all again. I think we really need to see this addressed to bring us close to where we were on the old UI.
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