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A Collective Mythology

brian334brian334 Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
Grog sat outside the cave looking at the night sky. Guided by his fears, his hopes, his fantasies, he imagined patterns in the stars of animals, people, strange phenomenon that were unexplained.

"Where does the rain come from, Grog?" asked a small girl, and he pointed to the sky, saying, "See the stars there? They are the maiden who carries the waterskin of the gods, and from time to time she sprinkles the ground because she likes flowers to grow."

Grog was probably ticked the day someone said, "The gods withhold water from us to punish us!" But by then it was too late. Someone had taken his cute little story and added their bit to it, and the story continued to grow because everyone who heard it wanted to add their bit to the telling.

Gene Roddenberry took a cute story about Sir Francis Drake in space, added some exotic natives on the islands they visited, and told some basic morality plays from a point of view showing humanity to be more adult than we are today. He wasn't out for deification or to proclaim a new philosophy; it was just a good way to meet chicks and collect a paycheck.

Almost immediately people began to add their bits to the legend, and by the time Trek came back from the dead it had grown into an unrecognizable monster. Roddenberry learned that his creation had a life of its own.

Every direction Trek has taken under the guidance of a variety of crews has fans and detractors, and some of them are quite convinced their vision of Trek is the only correct one. One thing Mr. Roddenberry realized early on was that whether he liked it or not he accepted the myths that fans built around the franchise. This wasn't an abstract affirmation of support for individual creativity, but to assure a cash flow into the franchise.

But fans and professionals continued to add to the shared mythos, developing it farther and deeper than any TV show could ever do, and the monster has continued to grow. We are a part of this monster, we players and Trek fans here in STO. We play in the shared mythology inventing our own twists and details, developing our own stories and helping others to do the same.

We aren't in this sandbox alone, and that is the most wonderful part of it all: we collaborate in telling and retelling the collective mythology.


  • brian334brian334 Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    I thought Shatner's toupe was like the frog-thing in Babylon 5 that sat on Emperor Mollari's shoulder. Or like the Futurama Brain Slugs.
  • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 10,661 Community Moderator
    Holy hell! Are we starting yet another canon debate in yet another thread?!
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  • brian334brian334 Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    I thought it was a Tolerance sermon when I wrote it.
  • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 10,661 Community Moderator
    Oh, I know. I'm just looking into the future at where this might end up going. Again. LOL
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  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
    Oh, I know. I'm just looking into the future at where this might end up going. Again. LOL
    O_o' you should stop hanging out with Daniels and Cray. You're losing the ability to distinguish between present and future. :p
    My character Tsin'xing
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,422 Arc User
    As I said in another thread, we're Trekkies. Anything can devolve into a canon argument, and usually does. :smile:
  • brian334brian334 Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    Trump's toupe is a myth. I read that on the internet, so it has to be true.
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