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This game feels boring... and uninspired.



  • storulesstorules Member Posts: 3,315 Arc User
    edited July 2017
    oh wait, thats all stuff thats happened in the U.S b/c of the republicans[/quote]

    Can someone please close this thread @BADDMOONRIZIN? Politics should not be involved from either side and this thread getting derailed.​​
  • steinbergsteinberg Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    The STFs are usually much worse during events like Risa.Only Tholian/Borg alerts and Fleet Alerts usually fill quickly.

    Most lvl 60s i would imagine have maxed rep-so have all the rep gear they want, and/or using fleet gear.
    Or sets from the missions .like the kobali,Quantum and Sol....so not much incentive to do an STF.

    If cryptic could tie in some of the STFs with the events-say earn Lohlunat Favors or Winter Prize Vouchers ,it may fill the empty queues.Silly idea ,but say have the ability to exchange marks for favors/and vouchers,rather than lobi.Say 10 to 20 marks per Favor/Voucher

  • gannadenegannadene Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    I've never considered STO to be a good game. Honestly, if it wasn't Star Trek related, it would have probably died a long time ago. It's not well designed, well supported, and it failed completely in its goals to be an open, exploration-based MMO. Cryptic and the developers are more concerned with pushing out monetized micro-content than improving the fundamental game, itself.

    When I play a Star Trek game, I have a fantasy of spending a whole day deploying into deep space, discovering a new sector, mapping it out, and eventually establishing a new colony, or scientific outpost, etc. They attempted this long ago with the exploration system, but it really just amounted to entering an empty battlezone with perfectly spaced hydrazine scan points. That feeling does exist in STO, and it's in the first few missions of the Romulan campaign.

    But point being, when I play STO, I never feel like I'm playing a Star Trek based open world MMO, where if I run into another player in deep space, we might help one another out on a mission, discover something new, have an adventure and earn some dilithium in the process. I feel more like I'm picking mission queues out of a multiplayer list in an empty lobby, launching into a soulless enemy grind and then logging out.

    For STO to really be what it should be, they need to have more internal discussions and effort towards creating the open world, exploration experience that was discussed in interviews and events prior to the game being launched, years ago. They've never delivered on it, and barely made an attempt to. That's my main concern.
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited July 2017
    gannadene wrote: »
    I've never considered STO to be a good game. Honestly, if it wasn't Star Trek related, it would have probably died a long time ago. It's not well designed, well supported, and it failed completely in its goals to be an open, exploration-based MMO. Cryptic and the developers are more concerned with pushing out monetized micro-content than improving the fundamental game, itself.

    When I play a Star Trek game, I have a fantasy of spending a whole day deploying into deep space, discovering a new sector, mapping it out, and eventually establishing a new colony, or scientific outpost, etc. They attempted this long ago with the exploration system, but it really just amounted to entering an empty battlezone with perfectly spaced hydrazine scan points. That feeling does exist in STO, and it's in the first few missions of the Romulan campaign.

    But point being, when I play STO, I never feel like I'm playing a Star Trek based open world MMO, where if I run into another player in deep space, we might help one another out on a mission, discover something new, have an adventure and earn some dilithium in the process. I feel more like I'm picking mission queues out of a multiplayer list in an empty lobby, launching into a soulless enemy grind and then logging out.

    For STO to really be what it should be, they need to have more internal discussions and effort towards creating the open world, exploration experience that was discussed in interviews and events prior to the game being launched, years ago. They've never delivered on it, and barely made an attempt to. That's my main concern.

    mostly agree with that, though obviously it aint that easy as seen with the last few fails that also promised exploration and that...
    Even AAA games seem to fail to deliver, which bags the question if that is even achievable in a satisfying way.


    Here is what I see that could implement sort of kinda an interesting Star Trek feel to the game: Random events in Sector Space.
    Meaning, that instead of going through a list of encounters, the Red Alerts should be expanded. Hourly episodes should be featured and players should need to travel to the location of the Red Alert.

    Random events: out of a pool of faction unspecific encounters.

    Populating Sector Space may bring that "exploration" feeling, mixed with some random events that may also be tide to specific regions might bring a sense of being awarded for flying around at the fringes of known space.

    That is certainly what I would enjoy while doing story missions that are inbetween interrupted by some random encounters that I discovered because I chose to fly closer to a star system, or because I did not use Quantum Slipstream.

    and what grinds my gears the most is the visual overload...cut numbers of enemis down to a third of what they are now, but increase their HP and SP significantly. The lower levels pretty much have a much better Star Trek feel to them than what you get from Commander upwards.
    Go pro or go home
  • ihatepwe735ihatepwe735 Member Posts: 337 Arc User

    The fundamental problem with STO was the somewhat inevitable decision to put the single player questing content inside instances. Somewhat inevitable because the nature of the star trek universe is that away missions happen on planets and missions happen "in systems".

    This is a major, and possibly unreconcilable, difference with how most successful MMOs divvy up their content. From Wow, to Champions Online, the bulk of mission/quest content happens in a large, open world map, where you can encounter other players battling foes, and instanced content is reserved for harder bosses.

    STO is a largely solitary affair: there are literally no zones where you can go, socially chat with other players while you battle re-spawning enemies. So your choice is: sit in ESD, Starfleet Academy, "Earth Orbit" and chat in /zone, or bugger off into some solitary episode or PvE queue. At least in the PvE queues you might get a team tell "good job" at the end if the team contributes enough to finish the optionals.

    The closest thing STO has to traditional a traditional MMO "open zone" with a mix of questing and social is the Dyson Sphere content including the Undine space battle zone, but its a bit too far off the beaten path to be interesting to enough players to keep it alive. And you can't access your bank(s) or the exchange while floating in the zone: Perhaps add some Ferengi?/NPC ships similar to the SS Azura that do allow exchange & bank interactions - as well as other interactions traditionally reserved for ground maps - without leaving space.

  • dderidexwarbirddderidexwarbird Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    I have read everyone's comments and I happen to agree with a fair few people. Star Trek: Online does lack of a lot of consistency. I think the developers have grown into a pattern of releasing bare minimum content and hoping that will do in order to sell ships and other lockbox equipment.

    To be honest, I think lockboxes are great, I really do, they provide much needed income however, Cryptic has focused on them a lot, almost to the detriment of other game content and story.

    I would happily work for Cryptic, for free, if I had the choice, providing new story ideas and suggestions. Something like that is my dream job. As I said, I write for two roleplay ships on Second Life and I am leading my own group and developing new stories every week. I think the Cryptic developers are so LUCKY because they get to do something that only I could dream about, get paid for doing something that I have loved and been obsessive about since I saw my first episode of TNG when I was 3. (I'm 28 now and no less passionate).

    Star Trek actually helped me make friends, see past my autism and discover my potential as a writer. I realise, now that I'm older that I was much harsher on the developers of this game during my youth and its something that I feel guilty about because I expected perfection. Completely unrealistic, the devs are human, they do this for a job and I cannot expect them to be the sad, pathetic, obsessive loner that I am.

    So despite the few problems in this game, it IS a game that remains close to my heart and something that I would passionately defend if it got into series trouble, despite some of the more questionable decisions.
    Original Author of the "What's the Beef with the Galaxy, Cryptic?" Forum Post

    Change can happen - Tier 6 Galaxy... Believe in yourself...

    https://taskforcerepublic.tumblr.com/ - Task Force: Republic, Second Life Roleplay Community
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  • blackshap9#1072 blackshap9 Member Posts: 174 Arc User
    edited July 2017
    tacofangs wrote: »
    I'm sorry you've lost interest in the game. But I can assure you that "most of the development team" is not dedicated to ships. There are 3 ship artists. We have FX artists, and Systems Designers, who also contribute to ships, but also do many other things. There are 4 Environment Artists and 4 Content Designers doing missions and maps, constantly. There are Animators and Character Artists and Programmers and UI Artists and QA and Production, all of whom are not working on ships.

    Seasons don't consist of a single mission, we've just shifted to releasing the missions over the course of the whole season, rather than doing a Netflix style dump of the whole thing at once, with nothing then being released for months after.

    Branching Storylines are great, but they take more time and more development, and only a fraction of your players will see any given branch, which makes it a harder sell. We could split the development up to make more branching story, but even if we just had an A and a B, unless we double the number of content developers, that would mean that from the player's perspective, each mission would be shorter, with less to do.

    You say that you want us to tackle current global issues in the frame of Star Trek, just like the shows did. I would argue that the Lukari storyline you are less interested in has been doing exactly that.

    Edit: FWIW, I've never understood people's fixation that a given MMO should be the only thing they ever play for the rest of their lives. For my part, I will play an MMO for a while, then lose interest or get distracted by some other new game, go play that, and then come back to that MMO again.

    We're here, we're free to play, and we're not going anywhere. Try something else for a bit, and then come back and give us another shot.

    This post really saddens me... it tells me that nothing is going to change, that you are not listening to your members and one that has played the game for 5 years from the beginning. This game is in a bad place and you have just confirmed that the dev team is not interested in changing direction.

    I will just add that the Lukari storyline was so childish. I think the OP was asking for a more serious story line. Perhaps like Gun Violence in our schools. Perhaps like rogue militia kidnapping groups of young girls to force them into converting to a religion and marrying them. Maybe hackers stealing identities and interfering in elections or maybe a tongue on cheek mission tackling the issue of gold-farmers and how they ruined the in game exchange and mixing in that they are now attacking the ferengie markets... Seriously, this Lukari mission would have been good in the 1980's... is was so bad that my fleet and I were laughing.

    This is what the OP is trying to say. Maybe get a story writer... how about instead of wasting money on voice actors you go hire a sci-fy writer that worked on one of the trek shows...

    I wish you would have ignored this post. It surprises me that you would join the regular forum flies (trolls) and argue his points. He deserves more respect. He is just expressing his opinion. He is someone who has played this game since the beginning. You have completely insulted him by saying you've never understood people's fixation that a given MMO should be the only thing they ever play for the rest of their lives. Why did you have to add that? These are the people that are spending the most money!!!! These are the ship collectors. These people are the DPS groupies. These people are the in game exchange crafter... these are people! These are the people that make up this game. Shame on you.

    The mere fact that members can not come here to express their frustration for the game they obviously love without being attacked immediately by the same forum flies saying that the OP is a troll or that this is a troll thread... it is ridiculous. Players should be allowed to come here and express their disappointment and frustrations without being insulted or attacked.

    I run two fleets... this post have told me enough. I will be referring all my members to this post so they can understand the direction this game is heading and the mindset of the devs. When my members complain about he game I will tell them exactly what you have wrote here. This is the new reality, the game will not be getting any better and that you the devs recommend that you go play another game.

    To the OP, I share in your frustration.
  • raahzielraahziel Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited July 2017
    As someone who hasnt played this game from day one but has played on and off for a good few years now, I think there is quite a lot of content in this game. Hell there are many pve queues that I have never had the chance to even try or do. I really hope things in the future encourage more of the other missions that dont ever get queued for.

    I did the Tholian leader thing for the first time ever yesterday and I have spent many hours on Nukara prime over the months with characters getting the rep and dil etc..

    I generally think the episodes and missions go from being "Wow this is a great story its almost like an extention of the ST universe after TNG / DS9 / VOY" - to "Mehh that was a bit bland". While the game engine on the ground is not the best they sometimes make very good use of what they have.
    Other missions and episodes do feel a bit lack lustre but the sheer volume of them, when starting as a new player is huge!

    I would love to see the devs have a contest like they do with the screen shots for "Top quality Star Trek feel missions" for the foundry and then somehow advertise these as additional content to players. Im sure the community come make some really good things, especially if the devs even got involved abit too.
  • shrimphead2015shrimphead2015 Member Posts: 536 Arc User
    edited July 2017
    It always feels like the same old story in every mmo I ever played. You get someone or someone’s that feel the game is not as fun as it used to be. The blaming soon ensues where the content is boring, the game play is substandard, the developers are slacking off, etc, etc.

    Granted, there is always room for improvement for STO as is for every other game out there as well. The thing that for the past year that has given me a lot of reason to play here is my own personal projects in the game and the goals that I give to myself.

    I try to accept the game for what it is and enjoy the aspects of what it provides. I don’t expect to be completely satisfied with STO or even some of the practices the higher ups use but I try to get the most fun out of this because at the end of the day, that’s the overall objective of logging in.

    I’m not trying to call out anyone that is dissatisfied with Star Trek Online but I do have to wonder what the reaction would be the day the doors are shut to this game. I know for me I would miss the game a lot.

    (I had to edit this because after reading this I realized I used the word "game" way too much !)
    "There is iron in your words of death for all Comanche to see, and so there is iron in your words of life. No signed paper can hold the iron. It must come from men. The words of Ten Bears carries the same iron of life and death. It is good that warriors such as we meet in the struggle of life... or death. It shall be life." - Ten Bears (Will Sampson)
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    STO is a largely solitary affair: there are literally no zones where you can go, socially chat with other players while you battle re-spawning enemies.
    Yeah, literally no place like that at all.

    Except, you know:
    New Romulus
    Nimbus III
    The Solanae Sphere
    Kobali Prime
    The Badlands
    Gon'cra system

  • echattyechatty Member Posts: 5,924 Arc User
    It always feels like the same old story in every mmo I ever played. You get someone or someone’s that feel the game is not as fun as it used to be. The blaming soon ensues where the content is boring, the game play is substandard, the developers are slacking off, etc, etc.

    Granted, there is always room for improvement for STO as is for every other game out there as well. The thing that for the past year that has given me a lot of reason to play here is my own personal projects in the game and the goals that I give to myself.

    I try to accept the game for what it is and enjoy the aspects of what it provides. I don’t expect to be completely satisfied with STO or even some of the practices the higher ups use but I try to get the most fun out of this because at the end of the day, that’s the overall objective of logging in.

    I’m not trying to call out anyone that is dissatisfied with Star Trek Online but I do have to wonder what the reaction would be the day the doors are shut to this game. I know for me I would miss the game a lot.

    (I had to edit this because after reading this I realized I used the word "game" way too much !)

    This. I don't expect the game to be perfect, but I log on to have fun. And have fun, I do.

    I don't even log on to do missions all the time, it's just fun sometimes to spend a day crafting or DOFFing/Admiralty, or just going to Nukara to blast a few Tholians.

    I see these kinds of threads on a semi-regular basis and I have to say that if someone isn't getting enjoyment out of it anymore then it's time to do what I do. Namely take a break and go do something that's more enjoyable rather than whine on the boards that you're bored with the game.
    Now a LTS and loving it.
    Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
    I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything. :D
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  • echattyechatty Member Posts: 5,924 Arc User
    valoreah wrote: »
    echatty wrote: »
    ....I see these kinds of threads on a semi-regular basis and I have to say that if someone isn't getting enjoyment out of it anymore then it's time to do what I do. Namely take a break and go do something that's more enjoyable rather than whine on the boards that you're bored with the game.

    Sound advice and I would add to this that I believe it is normal to get burned out/bored of any game you play for a sufficient amount of time. Taking a break may be just what the doctor ordered.

    I agree with all of this. I enjoy STO very much, but then after playing it for a certain amount of time (it's different each time) I will get bored/burned out. But do I come here and post about it? No, I just go play whatever other game might be calling out to play. and simply keep up on the forums so I won't miss anything special, and/or try to help others having problems.
    Now a LTS and loving it.
    Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
    I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything. :D
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  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    echatty wrote: »
    valoreah wrote: »
    echatty wrote: »
    ....I see these kinds of threads on a semi-regular basis and I have to say that if someone isn't getting enjoyment out of it anymore then it's time to do what I do. Namely take a break and go do something that's more enjoyable rather than whine on the boards that you're bored with the game.

    Sound advice and I would add to this that I believe it is normal to get burned out/bored of any game you play for a sufficient amount of time. Taking a break may be just what the doctor ordered.

    I agree with all of this. I enjoy STO very much, but then after playing it for a certain amount of time (it's different each time) I will get bored/burned out. But do I come here and post about it? No, I just go play whatever other game might be calling out to play. and simply keep up on the forums so I won't miss anything special, and/or try to help others having problems.

    When you get bored of STO you're suppose to make an I quit thread and whine about the game after which someone will post and ask for your stuff.
  • echattyechatty Member Posts: 5,924 Arc User
    edited July 2017
    nikephorus wrote: »
    echatty wrote: »
    valoreah wrote: »
    echatty wrote: »
    ....I see these kinds of threads on a semi-regular basis and I have to say that if someone isn't getting enjoyment out of it anymore then it's time to do what I do. Namely take a break and go do something that's more enjoyable rather than whine on the boards that you're bored with the game.

    Sound advice and I would add to this that I believe it is normal to get burned out/bored of any game you play for a sufficient amount of time. Taking a break may be just what the doctor ordered.

    I agree with all of this. I enjoy STO very much, but then after playing it for a certain amount of time (it's different each time) I will get bored/burned out. But do I come here and post about it? No, I just go play whatever other game might be calling out to play. and simply keep up on the forums so I won't miss anything special, and/or try to help others having problems.

    When you get bored of STO you're suppose to make an I quit thread and whine about the game after which someone will post and ask for your stuff.

    *Chuckle* Thing is, I tend to do just the opposite of what people think I'm *supposed* to do.

    Never give my stuffz away, cause I always come back, eventually. Whine threads are pointless. ;)
    Post edited by echatty on
    Now a LTS and loving it.
    Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
    I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything. :D
  • bubblegirl2015bubblegirl2015 Member Posts: 831 Arc User
    edited July 2017
    Deleted as per author tiger-2.gif​​
    Post edited by bubblegirl2015 on
    Wiki editor http://sto.gamepedia.com
    Original STO beta tester.
  • jorantomalakjorantomalak Member Posts: 7,133 Arc User
    edited July 2017
    storules wrote: »

    Can someone please close this thread @BADDMOONRIZIN? Politics should not be involved from either side and this thread getting derailed.​​

    I think that is why the person posted political BS to get the thread closed, just ignore the obvious troll and move on :)
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    Well OP, you don’t like the concept of purchasing new ships in STO. Thing is it bankrolls the game, that’s why that much effort is made for those.

    Would putting episodes from free to play into the zen store be more appealing to you?

    Thanks for buying new ships. I hate it because I'm KDF and all they make fur us is trash. I refuse to buy junk I don't need so they can spend the cash on a different game cryptic owns, that makes em more money.

    If they don't make missions that keep players interest, then all they got is you- the item buying cash cow.

    enjoy your game.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,267 Arc User
    I try to accept the game for what it is and enjoy the aspects of what it provides. I don’t expect to be completely satisfied with STO or even some of the practices the higher ups use but I try to get the most fun out of this because at the end of the day, that’s the overall objective of logging in.
    Thanks for this :smile:

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  • jarenriccarjarenriccar Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited July 2017
    storules wrote: »

    Can someone please close this thread @BADDMOONRIZIN? Politics should not be involved from either side and this thread getting derailed.​​

    uh, that politics stuff lasted about 5-6 posts and then people moved back to the topic at hand. i think you're being a bit trigger happy.


  • starcruiser#3423 starcruiser Member Posts: 1,286 Arc User
    S13.5 did nothing to alleviate the boredom here. Queues are empty and peeps just playing space barbies. Heck now there is no reason to even be at Risa with the end of the event.

    Guess time for some C-store freebies if you want people to stick around longer?​​
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  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    azrael605 wrote: »
    Incorrect. I played Hive Onslaught for the first time in years thanks to the Endeavor system.

    I submit if your that bored the problem is you.

    Definitely, the current Endeavor mission has put a different twist on my DOFFing today. LOL!
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
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  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,267 Arc User
    azrael605 wrote: »
    I played Hive Onslaught for the first time in years thanks to the Endeavor system.
    I did as well and thoroughly enjoyed it, and now it's back on my regular list...

    So far the endeavor system has worked fine for me. Just doing simple things without any "time limited special item" pressure that may get me and others doing something we haven't done in a while and get paid exta for it, with the hopes that some peeps will try it again.

    It may not be the answer to all things but when doing a ranked mission on defera (for example) was the endeavor it had multiple instances open (more than I've seen in years) and new peeps running around not knowing what do to, where to go, getting assimilated etc... it was a great way to introduce a part of the game that many new players obviously didn't know about and most of them seemed to be having a pretty good time.

    Took my entire flock of toons through with the emphasis on why do just one ranked mission when you can do all four hards and btw here's how to do them, a quick rez if you need it, and a channel to subscribe to if you want to team up for them in the future.

  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    reyan01 wrote: »
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    Well OP, you don’t like the concept of purchasing new ships in STO. Thing is it bankrolls the game, that’s why that much effort is made for those.

    Would putting episodes from free to play into the zen store be more appealing to you?
    Thanks for buying new ships. I hate it because I'm KDF and all they make fur us is trash. I refuse to buy junk I don't need so they can spend the cash on a different game cryptic owns, that makes em more money.

    If they don't make missions that keep players interest, then all they got is you- the item buying cash cow.

    enjoy your game.
    I've pulled my KDF character out of mothballs and popped her in a Pilot Raptor. That ship is most definitely NOT 'trash'.
    Mat'ha raptor: not trash, Ferasan escort: not trash, T6 gorn ships: not trash, T6 Nausicaan ship: also not trash! Heck even the science variant of the Vor'cha is a decent ship!
    My character Tsin'xing
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