Have had some questions pop up on these keybinds multiple times, as myself, Odenknight, and a few others use em.
Basically, here's what the ones I use do.
- NumPad4 brings up the exact last item you crafted. Will even pull up same Mk / Damage Type.
- - "GenSendMessage Doff_Recipe_Start_Action clicked"
- NumPad5 Sets quantity to Max on items with a quantity.
- - "GenSliderSetNotch Doff_Recipe_Quantity_Slider 100"
- NumPad6 Starts the crafting assignment
- - "GenSendMessage Doff_Recipe_Actions_Starttask Clicked"
So, as you can see there, just hitting 4,5,6 or 4,6 will allow you to spam craft stuff very easily, and save you quite a bit of time. Make sure to check out the original post these came from in the link below.
My Crafting Keybind File:
Original Source Thread: - Credit to /u/Zarey for finding em all.
I keep hoping Cryptic will it much easier to set up such QoL things...
ingame: @.Spartan
Original Cryptic Forum Name: Spartan (member #124)
The Glorious, Kirk’s Protegè
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Coolest tools. TY
Original STO beta tester.
Is it possible to have more than one keybinding file active at a time? I do already use a simple keybinding file for space, and if I add this, will they be able to function together?
Thanks for the replies!
No worry, post is only a few days old.
You can have as many keybind files active at the same time as you want. Any that use the same key will override that key if you had used it in another bind.
Space / Ground are separate as far as keybinds are concerned, so what you load for ground or space will only affect ground or space. Though you can load the same for both if you want.
WOW!!! This is SO worth having! My wrists, as well as myself, thank you for this!
Srsly though thanks for this never even thought to bind UI elements
Now considering this new PvE UI is pure cancer; can a brave and nobil soul be so kind and create a keybind that will assing a key for team/private invite (name@handle is known) and then assing another for queing that team/private party to a specific pve like ISA or brotherhood ? If someone can create this i am sure he would become a HERO for many of us.
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