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Official Feedback Thread for the Endeavor System

coldsnappedcoldsnapped Member Posts: 520 Cryptic Developer
Please use this thread to post feedback and issues found in the new Endeavor system.

Also, new Endeavors will appear at least once a week on Tribble for feedback.

Endeavor System:
  • This is a new limited-time challenge where players gain rewards by completing missions which are automatically granted every couple of days through the new Endeavor System.
  • These will appear on the player’s mission tracker and will switch out on their own.
  • For Tribble only, we will be running 10-15 Endeavor missions at the same time to help with feedback.
    • When this system goes live on Holodeck, there will only be one Endeavor featured at any given time.
  • For more details, please visit the Endeavor System blog at: https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/10549024-the-endeavor-system!


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    spencerb96spencerb96 Member Posts: 244 Media Corps
    I like the idea, just could use a few tweaks.

    For how simple many of the goals are, I think nearly all of the rewards are good. Maybe just bump up the R&D rewards up a bit, throw a chance in for an accelerator maybe? Another source of those would certainly help a few people out.

    The issue I see here is just 1 of these every 2-3 days. Might be worth looking at having a few up at a time.

    There's also quite a gap in how long some of these will take to do. So, maybe have 3 run per cycle, with 1 from each tier of effort required. Something like: an easy one like "Deal 25,000 X Damage"; one that'll require a little effort like "Destroy 20 X Ships"; and a third that takes a bit more effort, such as "Complete X queue or mission".

    Just a thought. While they're a nice perk to entice people to login a bit more often, having one task that can be completed quickly isn't keeping them engaged in the game that long. Having a few more in each cycle, especially with varying tiers of effort required, gets people to do things in various parts of the game and interact with stuff that may keep them engaged a bit longer.
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    mattaukettmattaukett Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    Like the rewards from the system in general, dilithium and mark payout is quite nice although for a max level character that's got everything they need it leaves me asking what is the point in the goal other than reaching usable payout limits for the day quicker on the character (which is useful unless you've already got a fully equipped character who doesn't need anything more).

    As mentioned in post above the effort gap involved with some of the goals is significant and could probably do with some sort of balancing before going live.

    However, given how easy it is to fill up a fully spec pointed out level 60 toon with dilithium these days (my main is sitting on 1.2mil for reference), it would be good to be able to do something a little different with the dilithium. My suggestion would be to make the dilithium rewards a choice box that rewards normal dilithium or fleet dilithium. The fleet dilithium being like that from the Delta/Temporal Recruit programmes which can be put straight into fleet projects bypassing any refining requirements, this should help reduce the number of stagnant fleet projects out there especially in max level fleets where the only happening is provisioning projects which are going no where because people don't want to drop in dilithium. Being able to choose whether between normal and fleet then means people not in fleets or who are building up a toon that isn't new can claim dilithium to help on that side.

    The earn fleet credits mission both looks fairly simple and very difficult depending on what fleet your in. I've got no doubts that small fleets that are building should find it easy, but levelled out fleets (or large fleets) are probably going to struggle if projects are stagnant (hence the suggestion above with dilithium might well help this by increasing project availability). Also enabling a large fleet mark dump only project track might help (so that it's not a choice between that at half credit payout per mark and the full credit payout per mark projects which might sit ideal until certain inputs are filled and then take a bit of time to run).

    It would also be good to see a chance at an elite mark or marks added to the mark boxes (I don't believe they are - but might be wrong).
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    entnx01entnx01 Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    1) Some of these Endeavors are so easy, you can easily afford 2-3 per cycle instead of 1. I wouldn't mind them being labeled "Easy", "Medium", and "Difficult" and one of each kind coming up during each cycle.

    2) The rewards I think are fantastic if there are multiple Endeavors at a time ongoing. For 1 every 2-3 days, perhaps increase the rewards in some way (6-8 random items, or increase what's rewarded in the random possibilities) or put in more appealing options (if you can directly reward Refined Dilithium, or perhaps as someone said Fleet/Reputation Vouchers, Upgrades, Accelerators, etc.).

    I love the idea of a daily/semi-daily to help buff up player participation. I just think more of them in a cycle and/or bigger rewards will be more enticing.
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    cbrjwrrcbrjwrr Member Posts: 2,782 Arc User
    Only comment from first impression is the UI display is rather obtrusive, taking up a lot of space on the mission box - even after taking into account that, by the very nature of running 5 times real endeavors listed, it is oversized compared to what will be displayed on the Holodeck server.

    I think it would be better if it was displayed like the standard mission list is, where the name of the mission is displayed (in this case "Endeavors" or similar) and you have a button that reveals the condensed information (the current minimum possible display) on available endeavors, keeping the buttons that reveal each endeavors details; this way it is still displayed to everyone, which I presume is a desired characteristic at your end even if not all players will agree, while minimising the annoyance induced if a player is actually interested in doing normal missions which have had their objectives moved out of the way to fit in the endeavors.

    Another alternative is putting them into a separate feature from that mission area, which can be hid/shown as desired by an individual player.
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    nikeixnikeix Member Posts: 3,972 Arc User
    The rewards seem painfully mundane. I feel like it needs some potent longshots with extremely low drop rates to give it a little more breathless anticipation. A remote chance at a lock box key or ship upgrade token would make me a lot more interested in following this shiny lure than yet more of the junk currencies already flooding the game. Another idea would be a token that lets you process 1k or 2k dilithium ore into refined dilithium. With the already existing cap only three Endeavor boxes per week, a low chance at extra refinement capacity shouldn't trash the dilithium exchange economy, while still adding a ton more "Ooo, what am I gonna get this time?!" anticipation to the box-opening experience.
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