The votes have been cast and tabulated, and out of the three excellent entries for the Foundry Roundtable's mission building challenge, the winner is:
"Atlas's Infinity" by XR-377!

The runner up was "The Mirror of Infinity" by zebgodwin.
A big thank you to XR and Zeb as well as cuchulainn74 for his entry: "Odd Old Ends." All of our entries received votes from community members.
The winner and runner up will receive zen codes. All three authors will also get a code for Mirror Runabout (if they don't already have one).
We hope everyone enjoyed the Foundry Challenge. We are currently working on the next one. Tune in to the Foundry Roundtable, weekends at as we are constructing details for it!
Trouble in Trimble: An illicit Reman colony is under attack by Orion pirates. Will you defend the colony or arrest its only defender?
Paying the Price: You must protect an uncontacted pre-warp civilization from Orion slavers, without violating the Prime Directive.
The Mirror of Infinity: To save your ship, you must convince the descendants of the crew of the long-lost USS Infinity to work with their mortal enemies - their Mirror Universe counterparts. Part of the USS Infinity Foundry Roundtable Challenge.
The Tholian Tempest: A rescue mission on a Y-class world leaves the away team stranded inside a Shakespeare play while under attack by Tholians and Gorn.
The Trafalgar Paradox: A mission to locate a missing Starfleet vessel leads the away team into a mind-bending temporal paradox.
ALSO for anyone who publishes a mission with the U.S.S. Infinity, may it be Drogyn's Infinity mission or the other entries that were not completed in time let me know and I will add your mission title and author @handle to the end blurb. The real win of me winning is we all still find out what happened to all our infinities.
As for the Interfold Space effect: I used two glitched (Blank Planet) effects in conjunction with heatwave effect and fluidic space. Additionally, when you get too close to the "planet atmosphere" it contributes to the turbulence and blind out effect. Different Portal Types were splotched around for weird reflective effects.
(Bonus Fact) In the first map, which has one of glitched planets outside the window, you can attempt to converse with a Kishikan looking outside about it. Adds some responses based on what you pick if you do it before speaking with your bridge officers about your route to Denobula.