Is it just me or does the reputation system interface seem a bit clunky and redundant? For example why should I have to click little sliders to fill project ec/dil/rep/exp requirements? Why not just "ghost" the project unless you have all the requirements lose the sliders and make it one click? The whole interface just seems inefficient and clicking through dozens of rep projects is a rather tedious task.
Remember this is a 2009 MMO, it has 2009 design (un)ethics.
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it."
Just another damned if you do damned if you don't situation...the way they chose is the better way.
For what purpose would anyone partially fill something nobody else can contribute to? Either you want to do the project or you don't.
I would agree, but for all the people I've read in zone chat talking about their half filled whatevers (usually but not exclusively some event currency). Now you might say that half filling event thingamawhatsits even makes some sense to carry a project over to the next event (does still work, doesn't it?), but that's usually not what the talk is about. Personally I don't see a point in starting a project until I can finish it, but yeah, people differ. Maybe some people like to reserve certain stuff so they don't accidentally spend it elsewhere?
What I find most jarring (though not really that jarring in absolute terms, talking relative terms here) is that most of the single sliders auto fill when clicked on them but one doesn't. (I think dil, but may be mistaken) This inconsistency is always somewhat puzzling.
Gee I don't know? Maybe because they don't want to spend everything at once? Maybe they want to split their gains between multiple projects and don't have OCD and need to *OMG MAX* before working on anything else?
i've done it numerous times, especially if a project requires elite marks/rep components where i would use 100 per day to make the elite marks until i had the required amount and put the rest into the project.
USS Sharlin NCC79713 B (part of sheridans access code) - T6, Hestia Class Advanced Escort
USS Babylon IV - T6 Krenim Science Vessel
USS Brakiri - T6 Elachi Escort
"We are Grey. We stand between the darkness and the light."
– Grey Council greeting
I mean a situation in which you do have the 5 but only want to put in 3, and for that I can see no logical reason. In the fleet projects, the reason is wanting someone else to put in the rest, but for personal projects?