Somewhere I saw something like 'play them like an overgrown bop', so dbb up front, omni or turrets rear, decloack and blow stuff up, simple really.
Not sure which ship you mean: T3 Mogai when levelling, T5 or T6, also depends what other stuff you have like the console from the Valdore T3 cstore ship. Whichever version with whatever gear, the way to play them is high power weapons up front either dbb or dhc, decloack and boom - then move on to your next victim.
Not sure which ship you mean: T3 Mogai when levelling, T5 or T6, also depends what other stuff you have like the console from the Valdore T3 cstore ship. Whichever version with whatever gear, the way to play them is high power weapons up front either dbb or dhc, decloack and boom - then move on to your next victim.