It was fine you packed them up in wrapper missions, but these missions are still non-skippable. After playing these a few times (like any tedious mission), it is nice to be able to skip them. Just let us determine what we want to play (as long as the mission does not have some major effect on storyline). As far as I have seen, Kobali is just a side story and adventure zone, so please stop forcing us to play it just to progress in and beyond DR.
You dont really need to do the FE's to level up...
original join date 2010
Member: Team Trekyards. Visit Trekyards today!
Like previous posters, there are missions I absolutely love and that I will replay even with the same toon I've already done it with. Other missions I could happily play this game for years and never play them again. I have .... several .... toons and a lot of them have hit lvl 60 through Admiralty and DOFFing while only having completed a relatively small portion of the story line because I haven't had the motivation to torture myself by playing the next unskippable mission they are at.
USS Sharlin NCC79713 B (part of sheridans access code) - T6, Hestia Class Advanced Escort
USS Babylon IV - T6 Krenim Science Vessel
USS Brakiri - T6 Elachi Escort
"We are Grey. We stand between the darkness and the light."
– Grey Council greeting
However I just skipped all the Delta Arc missions on a alt today, so I don't know what the problem is.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
There aren't many episodes I strongly dislike, but still sometimes I want to skip some of them if I need a reward from one specific mission.
There's also no need to force people to play them once and then make them skippable for other characters. If players don't want to play the episode without ever having played it before, then so be it. I'm sure we all have our reasons why we want or not want to play certain missions but in the end I think it's best if each player can decide for themselves what they want to play.
Just make everything skippable, it would be better. Boosting the metrics, if that's the reason, is a bit pointless if it means you're boosting them by annoying your players/customers.
Kobali Ground used to block the Delta Arc beyond that point, but only required completing 'The Kobali Front' and I believe 'The Cavalry'. Then you were free to skip beyond. They could have easily scr*wed everything up by their incessant tinkering with this by putting wrappers in and taking them out etc. due to complaints.
Now when they introduced the 'Yesterday's War' Arc that was a floating block to two other Arcs. The final Mission in that Arc blocked nothing only the first three.
So what do we have maybe a half dozen or so Missions, most trivial, that you need to play. Follow orders and do as commanded by your superiors already.
Cryptic, try QA on stuff before you change requirements to ensure there are no unforseen consequences.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Yes, but that is not really a good reason, is it? We see them trying to 'improve' things (the PvE UI for example) so the fact that things might (emphasis here) break isn't going to cut it.
There are indeed few missions that are not skippable, but the ones that are, are also the most pointless missions I can possibly think of. Take the first mission in the Romulan arc for example. It's hardly worthy of being called a 'mission', you spend more time waiting for maps to load and beaming down (and flying around very slowly as this is usually a mission that you play below level 40) than actually doing something. Frankly, it amazes me how Exploration clusters were cut out of the game because they 'weren't up to standards' yet these 'missions' are still in the game.
The Yesterday's War arc contains real missions, but I absolutely despise these. The whole storyline and the Temporal War couldn't be more one-sided in their selective use of regulations and justifications for actions; the whole thing feels like one big piece of propaganda and frankly I wish I'd never have to encounter Daniels or one of the other incompetent temporal fools - let alone be forced to play multiple episodes before I can continue.
I can imagine that there are people who have the same objections when it comes to helping the Kobali.
Personally I think the Kobali missions weren't that bad but you need to go to Kobali prime nevertheless - which can be quite annoying if you don't wish to play it or not at that time. Especially considering that it was one of the missions somewhere near the end of the map.
There are good reasons why some people don't wish to play some missions (or just not play them at a specific moment). Blocking all further storyline progress and thus forcing them to play them (at that moment anyways) isn't going to increase their popularity, nor will it increase customer satisfaction. That alone should be a reason to consider making them skippable, whereas I don't consider 'something might break' a true reason. That's just an excuse.
And I think more options for players definitely counts as an improvement.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
You'd also be surprised how much Gold Plated Latinum you can build up with Somog ('Time in a Bottle') slotted just for killing things there.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Zactly! I recall 'The Cavalry', which was, to me, the Mission From Hell: you had to go thru all these mountains filled with Vaadwaur, and I kept dying, and then being thrown back at a much earlier respawn point.
As for helping the Kobali, whilst I love Temporal stuff, I didn't care much for these pervy necrophiles, and I would have let the Vaadwaur just wipe em out, no sweat, if it had been up to me.
Zactly! Especially since I realized the only reason to be forced to play that Cavalry mission was to pad Geko's metrics. They needed a forced mechanic to slow down ppl, and make sure they were playing in the Delta Quadrant, so our Chinese Overlords would be pleased with the success of DR.
'Something might break' is about the most contrived, apologetic reason one could ever come up with to justify not making them skippable. It's as much trouble as settting 'skippable' to 'true', instead of 'false'. How hard can that be?! Then again, they still haven't managed to return the cursor in chat. So, yeah.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Before the recent culling of patrols you could hail and skip most of delta grinding. Which was almost a necessity as the mission to unlock one of the transporters on the planet came after you'd visited the place and then been told to leave to say hi to the doctor.
Have the alterations brought back the unskip barriers?
Temporal war arc has some really bad writing and design. Such as assuming the player has suffered through the nauseating filter in the tos tutorial to get in the start of the story, which itself is written in a really bad way for anyone playing as a vulcan. Mostly though it seemed to be a way of shoehorning voice actors into the game, including the "new" scotty whose accent was all over the place and certainly not scots.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
And sometimes you don't wanna do ground at all.
Mission content should be there for fun. And therefore always be skippable. I even get slighty irritated when I can't ESC away a cut scene that's taking too long (in my book). In fact -- I blocked out most of it, it would seem -- I recall you were forced to go thru an annoying series of Deltra patrols first too, before you could even progress (level-wise). All that happened, way I recall it, because someone desperately need his metrics padded. That was a mistake, IMHO. If people like your content, they will play it. If not, then accept that they simply don't.