Welcome fellow STO players and trekkies:
The 421st Fleet is recruiting; we are a Fleet that focuses on PvE as our primary objective, we have our own self-made raid system that is easy to understand and be part of without heavy burdens on all ranks.
we have both a Teamspeak and a discord(for TS downtime/maintenance), website, facebook page.
we're open to all levels and are willing to help new players learn about the game for the battles ahead.
1) must be active on website(with
2) be active in Teamspeak(with
3) must be active on within the task force system
4) notify us ahead of time if you're going offline for extended amount of time from game
you can join us by PMing ingame or mail our Fleet command members:
Mario@kingmario556 (Fleet leader)
Join us be part of our TaskForce system become a part of our ever expanding community as we march on!