Issues found with the new que system.
1. You have to join all the ques you want to at the same time, you cannot select one and join then go select another and join it as well.
2. Can we have the accept and game start timer windows back, currently you join, sometimes you get an accept timer, sometimes more then once, but you never know when the que will actually start.
3. Sometimes pressing accept for the que drops you from the que. Which you would be able to tell easier if you still had the timer windows.
4. The players qued count is often wrong in the que information, shows 0 including you.
5. The cool down timer is missing and sometimes the que does not change colors when on cool down.
Recommendations from someone else in game
Make a "favorites" tab for the que's that you can select ques you like to go to on a regular basis.
Make a "featured/event" tab for those que's.
Team is disbanded as soon as the que'd mission ends while still inside que which prevents players from being able to pick up loot