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My mother learned me to spit it out when it bugged you...

grazyc2#7847 grazyc2 Member Posts: 1,988 Arc User
First off I don't want to get a flame troll off any kind but I just want to spit it out...

PWE or Cryptic or who ever makes those decisions pay attention please !!!
K13 thing is kind of nice but you guys blocked every opportunity to share stuff off 23 c boff things...
Let me explain first, I put in a lot off effort in K13 to get stuff for the boffs but once I get it I can not share it with the captain that supposed to have it and I can train those officers. also getting that captain that grade to access K13 would be an hassle because of the marks you need is not easy to get these days ....
But why do you block every opportunity to share things I mean you don't lose money on it if I could share it. because I still need a lot of fleet credits and dillithium to get it. But also the hassle to share it with banks or other things has been blocked it's kind of annoying to be frank. And I do believe if you enable it you could make an profit because more people would share around there accounts or share it with there fleets, thus needing more dilithium en fleet credits thus more money for you guys, just saying.

But could you please consider something like enable sharing the K13 stuff between accounts at least and please enable the banks at low ranks would be pref able to say the least... think lot off folks would agree on this... !!!

"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."


  • xyquarzexyquarze Member Posts: 2,130 Arc User
    kirk2390 wrote: »
    But could you please consider something like enable sharing the K13 stuff between accounts at least and please enable the banks at low ranks would be pref able to say the least... think lot off folks would agree on this... !!!

    I think I speak for all of us when I say that nobody can speak for others.

    Apart from that: you can argue that you don't like it, but many K-13 things not being transferrable isn't really a "new decision", but how many fleet stuff (and other, too) works. Also a staple of MMORPGs in general: you can help other characters, but if they want to compete, they have at least to earn some of the shiny stuff themselves. Yes, everybody would be happy if given everything for free, but that's not really what a game is, is it?

    Sharing between accounts as opposed to only between toons would in my opinion also not increase profits. Players giving away stuff for free usually don't buy it with cash but with in game resources (even if somebody else bought them with cash and transferred them as part of a trade), and people trying to buy favors with cash also shouldn't really be encouraged to do so IMO.

    As for account banks: I am certain that *is* one points where Cryptic makes money. Probably less than with ships or keys, but the couple dollars needed to open an account bank is certainly one people will dish out more easily even if they are tighter. Quite certainly not going to happen. Hint: you can transfer most items between toons (that you can transfer in the first place) via mail.
    My mother was an epohh and my father smelled of tulaberries
  • grazyc2#7847 grazyc2 Member Posts: 1,988 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    sight.... I think you read it backwards or something, I meant in everyone's opinion at least I hear a lot of complains is after the training or with the tutorials banks are closed most people do not like it and I do not speak for myself.
    That said let's make the following more clear for you...
    K13 and again I mean only the boff's and K13 boff training cost a lot off fleet credits but also dilithium, and if you have a new 23c char you want it kept original in that style atleast I do.... so I had chars who could buy boff training stuff from K13 but I could not send it to the 23c captain either I could send the boff's via mail or the account bank.
    hope I made it more clear to you now...

    "Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    I think it was clear from the start.

    Point is, almost (?) everything fleet-related is character bind on pick up. It doesn't matter if there's lots of people complaining, those people should and could have known better.

    If it's too expensive to get an Android Boff through this holding, you could always buy a lifetime subscription ;)
  • grazyc2#7847 grazyc2 Member Posts: 1,988 Arc User
    already have lts from the day they invented it...

    "Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
  • xyquarzexyquarze Member Posts: 2,130 Arc User
    kirk2390 wrote: »
    sight.... I think you read it backwards or something, I meant in everyone's opinion at least I hear a lot of complains is after the training or with the tutorials banks are closed most people do not like it and I do not speak for myself.
    That said let's make the following more clear for you...
    K13 and again I mean only the boff's and K13 boff training cost a lot off fleet credits but also dilithium, and if you have a new 23c char you want it kept original in that style atleast I do.... so I had chars who could buy boff training stuff from K13 but I could not send it to the 23c captain either I could send the boff's via mail or the account bank.
    hope I made it more clear to you now...

    I understood perfectly well, no worries.

    Thing one is: you can always talk about all those people you talked to, nobody can check it. You're certain, with the playerbase of STO, that you'll find at least a couple of dozen supporting almost every opinion on what could or should be done. But in the end, they'll have to show up themselves, or their voice doesn't count. And trying to speak for others is complicated, because even if there are more, you sure don't know they're the majority. So I think it'd be better to just state your point as your point - it isn't less viable just because you cannot claim too much support, it isn't more viable because you heard others think along similar lines. It is viable - or not - because of its content. Speaking of which,

    thing two: yes, I know perfectly well that stuff costs a lot of dil and FC (often also accumulated at least in part through a lot of dil). But it says on every box bought in a fleet store "personal use only". K-13 is not an exception, it is the rule. If you'd like to know: I, too, have TOS toons. I, too, want them to have a TOS crew. So I, too, need to get my fleet credits and dil on the TOSsies up and running, which takes time and effort. I would have enough resources on my "main" - or other older characters - to help out. But I can't, because that's the game. And that's been the game for as long as it exists. And that's what I said: you can argue that you - and possibly others - would like a rule change. But "it's too expensive (for new toons)" won't get you far. And a basic tenet like this one will hardly be changed anyways.
    My mother was an epohh and my father smelled of tulaberries
  • salazarrazesalazarraze Member Posts: 3,794 Arc User
    I don't see the issue here. Absolutely nothing is different with how gear binding is handled on K-13 compared to older fleet holdings. Is there any fleet gear that can be shared between characters besides standard random doffs unlocked from the initial box that they come in? Not that I'm aware of. Just grind it out on your "correct" character like you are supposed to.

    I just created a new Klingon to help level up my KDF fleet and to enjoy the experience of playing with a tactical Klingon. I want several things for this character.

    -SRO Tactical boffs
    -Krenim Engineering Boffs
    -A few consoles here and there
    -Trait slot unlocks

    The method of acquiring these bridge officers and consoles is no different than it ever has been. I'll grind the fleet marks and transfer dilithium over to my new character to earn fleet credits. By my estimation, I need about 2 million fleet credits. After a month, I have about 1 million. You can do it OP.
    When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
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