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Official Feedback Thread for Binary Circuit

coldsnappedcoldsnapped Member Posts: 520 Cryptic Developer
Please use this thread to post feedback and issues found for the new Wargames Scenario queue Binary Circuit.

War Game Scenario – Binary Circuit:


  • spencerb96spencerb96 Member Posts: 251 Media Corps
    Interesting map, sadly had an AFK in my first run.

    After returning from attacking the other team via the consoles, it scrambles your entire tray. Quite a pain.
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,980 Arc User
    I had a lot of fun with this, the competitive aspect is very nicely tuned with the borg attack option. Fun mix of powers and the amount of health+CD's seemed right. I also didn't have much trouble resetting powers during the respawn, so even if this isn't fixed by release I don't think it'll be a deal breaker (just an extra handicap for the player attacking the other team.) Plasma death orb seemed right, random NPCs seemed right, though the final bosses seemed a tad squishy (see. last run on the BC livestream. :tongue:). I wasn't really thrilled with the idea of wargames when first announced, but Binary Circuit's won me over.
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
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