I only have the Ops T5 which comes with chevron separation.
Consoles, for the most part, are gimmicks that put a major dent in a build. They should be brought up to par with lobi/lockbox/fleet/etc., levels of power considering their costs at T5 and T6, but aren't for whatever reason.
Pets are double-gimmicks, since for the moment separation ones (no flight deck controls) are completely broken (non-functional, vanish nearly instantly) but at least we've had multiple fix attempts, and more recently, developer feedback suggesting they're working on trying to fix them...eventually. ETA could mean weeks, or months, no one knows.
On the plus side, all pets are supposed to get improvements with the 'balance' space revamp, but since developers can't sort the mess they've cornered themselves into with the constant power-selling of random stuff indiscriminately, whatever the final product will be is totally up in the air at the moment, with no doubt more power selling right around the corner to undo any real balance (nerfs) incoming.
The only T5 or maybe T4 level of zen I gave into was for saucer separation on gal-x as that changes appearance, boosts turn rate, and adds a few other tiny things. Same with chevron separation and MVAM console for Hestia. I refuse to waste 2,500 zen on the Bortasq' for a worthless pet console, as much as I like birds of prey and pet gimmicks for my T6 Bortasq ships.
If they made it possible to hot swap and pilot separation pets, gave them worthwhile abilities and power, and a console passive bonuses on par with proper consoles, then maybe, and it wouldn't be power creep if cost to benefit is brought in line with the other stuff.
When it worked, I enjoyed my Aquarius. Mostly used it as a distraction. Give the enemy something else to shoot at besides me. Sometimes I'd send it in ahead, while I came in from another direction to flank.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
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Thanks for the reply, I guess I'll just have to buy and see.
Since you own those t5 versions... I was also wondering about the Aquarius pet console, is it worth it? Is it useful, dps-wise?
Consoles, for the most part, are gimmicks that put a major dent in a build. They should be brought up to par with lobi/lockbox/fleet/etc., levels of power considering their costs at T5 and T6, but aren't for whatever reason.
Pets are double-gimmicks, since for the moment separation ones (no flight deck controls) are completely broken (non-functional, vanish nearly instantly) but at least we've had multiple fix attempts, and more recently, developer feedback suggesting they're working on trying to fix them...eventually. ETA could mean weeks, or months, no one knows.
On the plus side, all pets are supposed to get improvements with the 'balance' space revamp, but since developers can't sort the mess they've cornered themselves into with the constant power-selling of random stuff indiscriminately, whatever the final product will be is totally up in the air at the moment, with no doubt more power selling right around the corner to undo any real balance (nerfs) incoming.
The only T5 or maybe T4 level of zen I gave into was for saucer separation on gal-x as that changes appearance, boosts turn rate, and adds a few other tiny things. Same with chevron separation and MVAM console for Hestia. I refuse to waste 2,500 zen on the Bortasq' for a worthless pet console, as much as I like birds of prey and pet gimmicks for my T6 Bortasq ships.
If they made it possible to hot swap and pilot separation pets, gave them worthwhile abilities and power, and a console passive bonuses on par with proper consoles, then maybe, and it wouldn't be power creep if cost to benefit is brought in line with the other stuff.
Although, it would be nice if the Aquarius pet is of "some" use... then I'd even buy the t5 ship just for the console.
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