ok those people that don't have much computer experience but have trouble with Star Trek Online check the flowing
1. Always check your drivers video and Audio.
2. Check your firewalls they don't reject the game in any way.
3. Make sure you only use one launcher so when using ARC shut down steam if you have also the steam version of STO.
and visa versa off course.
4. Check your Bios version if there aren't updates for it don't know how this work check with a professional to help you with this.
5. Make sure you updates browsers, Acrobat and java and very important Direct X.
Now you done all these steps you should have NO problems using Star Trek Online !!!
Keep this also in mind when buying a new Motherboard to check Bios updates this can make a load off difference in game performance.
The last thing computer-illiterate people should be trying to do is mess around with the BIOS, as it's in fact possible to brick your computer that way. The point where one should seek help from someone who does have computer experience is long before that.
UNLESS you're having major issues with a new piece of hardware (and even then this should be a last resort); unless you are really comfortable with your PC tech ability -- The LAST thing you want to do is flash update your BIOS. Doing so, might cause you to need to reformat and re-install your OS (rare but it can be a result); and you always want to read up FULLY on what changes/fixes/etc. the BIOS Update contains before you do any Flashing.
Yes, sometimes it IS good and necessary to update your BIOS to get some new piece of leading edge or bleeding edge hardware to work/be properly recognized - but I can practically guarantee that if your having issues with STO; flashing your BIOS won't help.
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
1 and 2 are solid advice, though usually with 2 the firewall in question will pop up and let you have it ignore STO. Never tried 3, as I usually just install via Steam, then pin the launcher to the bar or create a direct link and have Steam no longer start on boot.
4. This would be very odd, as most the above posters have pointed out. Unless this is a AMD Ryzen box, which is kinda bleeding-edge due to motherboard manufacturers enough lead time to get things ready. Is there a particular case you've seen this be an issue with STO?
5. STO uses Chromelib now, which should have no interaction with other browsers on your system, so updating Java and Adobe Flash and/or your PDF reader won't do much. Direct X update probably a good idea, particularly if it's an older system, though.
We tried reinstalling the game well not much luck there the game kept doing it.
He played Fallout 4 and the face became red and stayed that way. city of Skylines blocked didn't build up and crashed.
So we thought the video card was the blame, and it was partially the video card was to new for the bios to recognize it.
So we start looking on how to learn dos commands and stuff we learned a lot I must say for a old mechanic I did well lolzz.
So after a boring day we completed the whole thing and lost windows unfortunately but learned a great deal.
But all the games are tested and running smoother then ever. So yeah sometimes keep an eye on Firmware to.
And like I said if you don't know jack and you are to lazy to learn about it go to a pro.
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
Did you try a different PCI slot before flashing the BIOS? It is possible that what the BIOS update actually did was fixing an error in with the PCIE slots.. rather than fixing an isolated issue with the Nvidia 740. Either way, if it got solved then all good.