Ok im confused about this,ive tried looking this up online but all i get is the arbiter.
On consoles,we have the fleet T6 avenger but not the fleet arbiter,i have a t5-u c-store avenger...........is it worth getting the fleet t6 avenger or staying with my t5u?
Again consoles have the fleet avenger NOT the fleet arbiter.........we do have the cstore arbiter though.
The regular T6 version basically is the Arbiter version with the new design, the T6 Fleet version is back to the Avenger design as default, so for the record there is only one T6 Fleet version for the set.
Naturally the T6 Fleet version and regular T6 version is more worth getting than the T5 Fleet version, but I don't think consoles have the T6 Fleet version yet.
You're better of getting the regular T6 Arbiter, then wait for the T6 Fleet version to be released so you can buy it for only 1 fleet ship module instead of 5.
So ok correct me if im wrong.......your saying theres the...
T5 avenger (t5u when upgraded)
Fleet t5 avenger
T6 arbiter (cstore)
Fleet t6 avenger
The fleet t6 avenger is really the fleet t6 arbiter just hiding in the avenger costume?
If thats so then consoles have them.
It is worth it when you want the best of the best and if you want that 11th console slot
But the general rule: If it has "Fleet" in front of it; its the superior version; even to non-fleet T6 (lockbox/eventships excluded).
Its definitely a great mastery trait. But for that (and to have a 11 console Fleet ship) he had to get the c-store ship for 3k in addition to a 0,5k FM (the latter could be purchased on the exchange though) for essentially just one trait (...and an admiralty card).
I have 5 modules in the bank waiting for that 1 ship so that isnt an issue either lol.
I bought the arbiter from cstore anyway.....been after it for awhile now so just got it and when i get a new fleet i will upgrade to the fleet t6 when possible.
Thanks anyway everyone,helped alot.