Ok, honestly... How many times do we need to report such an annoying bug before anyone does anything about it here?
I just had my ship warp in aproximatelly 15 times in 20 seconds while in battle... I could ignore it warping in at times but this is really starting to make me angry and to be honest.. sad, at the same time.
Please... give me a break... I am not in the mood for a smarta$$...
So, it's a feature, not a bug.
Why are you acting like a Cryptic fanboy?
On topic: the Warp in bug may be annoying - it's hardly game breaking. With all the other stuff they're currently changing, I would actually understand if this wasn't their priority.
Notice how it is not listed on the Known Issues section of update blogs? If they don't know that it exists, there is a good chance that it is not on top of the to-do list.
I do not have the bug, myself, but given how often I see people mention it in the past half year, I am going to say that it is very is reproduce. Why Newnja there managed to reproduced it nearly once per second.
Now me? I have the Lock Up On Every One-To-Two Map Loads bug. Earlier today I tried for thirty-five minutes to get from Sector Space to the Fleet Base. It would either crash on loading the Fleet Base Space Map or it crashed going from there to the Fleet Base Ground Map. And that, of course, sent me back to Sector Space after I rebooted the game.
In fairness they don't put much in the known issues section of the blog update.
Maybe they just don't know much. I don't know much. Why should they know more than me?
I think it's more about perception. They don't want to list all the bugs because it would be a rather large list and make the game look bad. I believe there is a thread in the bug section about the warp in bug. At least that's what I was told a while back.
It would look honest.
That's was an obvious skirt. He said nothing about fixing it nor that they even knew about it before being directly asked. He said that it was safe foe him to say it, which simply means that he won't be fired for giving that reply. I have worked in Customer Relations before; I know what that means.
Also, why am I still in this topic? I covered everything that I had intended to in my first post. I am just going to leave this thread now. I've bumped it enough.
I am never wrong. Now I had thought that I was wrong once, but it turned out that I was mistake.
And then there is when the bug seems to go hyper and you are constantly warping in in the middle of a fight (I've had this happen five times, back to back from just one engagement). Anyway that's what I have experienced with this bug .
I don't use any of those abilities and it happens to me with annoying frequency.
BO causes it to happen for me..:(
This marks it as one of those bugs that's difficult, if not impossible, to reproduce - and if they can't reproduce it, they can't trace down what makes it happen. It's a lot like when you take your car to the mechanic because it's "making a funny noise", and it purrs like the proverbial kitten while you're at the garage. It's not the mechanic's fault that the problem doesn't make itself apparent...