I didn't have a chance to make a new character when Agents of Yesterday first came out. Now I'm reading that doing it after the event is over means I won't/can't get certain things. Fuuu...
What exactly did I miss out on? Is there a rerun possible or am I forever SoL?
Others are a ship trait, space trait and ground trait which may or may not be useful to all players. There were also some Dil reward. All pretty minor in comparison to the reputation relate award.
There will be other Recruitment Events and some of the rewards might even be the same. There will be more Reputation Marks, Fleet Marks, Dilithium, and Energy Credit rewards. However, there is no way to get the unique rewards like the unique Duty Officers, Critical Systems starship trait, or Rapid Support trait. Have absolutely no idea if the Ultra-rare Mk XIII Reputation upgrade, Superior versions of Specialization traits, or the +20% Skill Points for doing Admiralty assignments will be available. In theory, it is possible to do the Reputation upgrade again and if someone has both, then they will get Epic Mk XIV Reputation equipment instead of Ultra-rare Mk XIII or Purple Mk XII, but I doubt it.
It's called real life, *******. I wasn't playing the game (or reading the game forum) during that period of time. Wow.