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[SERIES] Let's Play Star Trek Online - Winters Fed Walkthrough - Ep 121 - Ep 125

winters83winters83 Member Posts: 518 Media Corps
Greetings, Admirals!

Welcome to Episodes 121-125 of Let's Play Star Trek Online - Winters Fed Walkthrough.

This series is a complete walkthrough of every aspect of the game - Story Missions, Reputations, DOFFing, Admiralty, BOFFS, Research and Development, Fleets, Crafting and End-Game Content etc. Every player, new and veteran, will find them a valuable source of information, tips and tricks. You may even learn something new! This could be anything from an accolade to a system that you didn’t fully understand or helpful hints on earning in game currencies like Energy Credits or Dilithium.

There will be a brand new episode released every Monday through Friday.

In Todays Episodes:
In this episode we finish off the last patrols in the "Better With Friends" story mission. The first patrol is pretty straight forward and requires us to set up some ambushes. As per normal there is only space combat and no ground. The second patrol is a little different to most in that we have to set up defences in a given area before a fleet of Vadwaar ships arrive. Once the fleet does arrive we are able to destroy all ships pretty easily. The final unlockable patrol has a couple of stages in it but as you guessed it, none of it is very difficult and we complete it without any trouble at all.

In this episode we play the story mission "Revolution". Before we begin that though we are shown what we have done with all the extra Rep Marks and Elite Mark that we had. Basically we have turned everything into Diltihium since we have no use for all of these. We are also shown a new item that we got from a recent event which rewarded us with an Epic level kit module. Once we have finished all of that we then get stuck into the mission. Overall it isn't very difficult and to be honest there are some parts which are a little boring. It does have a little bit more space combat compared to ground. The ground side of things is really story stuff.

In this episode we play the first and second patrol in the "Taking Care of Enemies" story mission. As you have probably guessed this is another one of those mission that requires us to do a number of patrol mission in the Delta Quadrant. The first of these mission is extremely short and only take a couple of minutes to complete. The second one is a little bit longer but that is mainly due to waiting around for the next step to kick off.

In this episode we finish off the last few patrol missions in the "Taking Care of Enemies" story mission. The first of these missions can be a little intense at times with it's space combat but it's nothing we can't handle. The second mission we play is basically convoy duty plain and simple. We have to escort a number of convoys from point A to point B. The third and final mission is very quick and basically just involves one round of space combat. Needless to say that we complete it without any difficulty.

In this episode we play the story mission "Takedown". The beginning of this mission involves a lot of talking to different NPC. Basically we have to talk to all our allies that we have met up to this point and plan out our attack on the Vadwaar. The attack itself is a little different than most in that we have to choose a different ally for each stage of our attack. This is done before the start of each stage and you can get advice on which ally you should use from Admiral Tuvok. The mission is basically evenly split half between space and ground. Once we do get onto the ground part it can be a little intense at times. We are also joined by or get to see a number of the Voyager cast throughout the mission also.

Do you have any questions or comments on this episode? Please feel free to leave them below or reply in the comments section on YouTube.

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Twitter: @P1Winters83
Twitch Channel: Winters1983
Armada Website: www.priorityonearmada.com​​
Twitter: @P1Winters83 YouTube: WintersGaming
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Fleet Admiral Winters - Priority One Armada
U.S.S. Wolverine - NCC 831216
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Armada Leader // Executive Producer // Host // Priority One Podcast
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