Hi all!
I am planning to buy a new ship. I aimed a T6, but if you can recommend a better T5(U), I'll buy that. Can you help me out, please?
Currently, I have:
T6 Eclpise Intel Cruiser
T6 Paladin Temporal Battlecruiser
T6 Lukari Ho'kuun Science Vessel
T6 Breen Sarr Theln Carrier
They all maxed out, ship trait is unlucked for them.
My captain is a TOS tactical. I'm familiar with cannon/turrent/torpedo combos and with beam/torpedo aswell beam only gameplay.
My BOFFs can cover every seats, but I not like the temporal skillsets yet (will have to master that entropy build-consume gameplay...)
Also, I want to buy a ship that is clearly federation looking. The Paladin is to... slim for my taste. Also, I do not stick to the TOS looking, but I wont refuse that

It must have a very good damage output console, and if T6, a good trait. My first thought is the T6 Yamato Dreadnought Cruiser, or the T6 Valiant Tactical Escort. But if you can convince me to buy a T5 and upgrade to T5U, thats fine by me.
So in short, I'm looking for a Federation powerhorse for my tactical captain, that has some fun to play.
Any tips, advice are welcome.
Thank you all
If you slot 2 x Emergency Power to Weapons in the engineering seat you can keep the Emergency Weapon Cycle trait up most of the time. +(15 - 25 weapon power) -(50% weapon cost) +(20% firing haste) +(10% - 16% damage).
You can give it the T5 Avenger look without needing to own the Avenger. My Arbiter uses a mix of the parts.
It starts out with 10 console slots but you can upgrade to the Fleet version once you have the mastery trait from the regular one. (Fleet versions do NOT include the console or the ship mastery trait)
My AOY Engineer is flying the Sagittarius Temporal Cruiser with the T4 Gemini skin.
Also 5 fore weapon means I can try dual torpedos on front too. That will be fun
christopher082: Thank you too. I'm avare of that
If you're looking for a larger beam boat style cruiser, then the T6 Tactical or Science Flagships are also great choices. They don't have the great trait that the Arbiter has, but they're large and powerful ships that come fleet level from the C-Store.
The Valiant is ok as far as Escorts go, it's only recommended if you're a big fan of Cannons and want the trait. If you want an all around better Escort, look at the Pilot Escorts, the Science Variant (Icarus) is a very powerful ship and has the best trait of the three.
Last one I would throw in for fed would be the Kelvin Timeline Intel Dreadnought (Vengeance from Into Darkness.) This is a Lobi ship (900 Lobi) that's also available on the exchange for around 340M last time I looked. It's a large ship with great bridge officer seating, a hangar bay and a built in cloak. Console is very nice, trait is lackluster. Downside to this one is that it's not an account wide unlock, just something to consider if you like the ship.
I'm halfway to the Vengance, that will take some time to collect, but that will be a later aim for me.
avoozuul: Thank you too. Hestia looks good, but the console is not my stile.
seaofsorrows: The Tactical Flagship (Endeavour) looks great too aswell the Yorktown. But both consoles are not my favs.
skullblits: Thanks for the notice. I'm a PC player, but still, its a good information.