Let me start by saying this is not meant to be a complaint thread, I love this game and appreciate that the Devs are ALWAYS working to improve it. This game has changed a lot since I started playing, including some major overhauls of old missions (I mean what game even does that!) while constantly adding new content.
So a couple of things...
1) R&D Duty Officers: Could you put like a "Lock" option on them so you cannot Accidentally give them up to fleet projects? The issue is there is NOTHING to distinguish them at a glance (only by going into the separate Info Box) and so going fast I think I've lost a few. Can't we get a way to lock them so they wont be given up w/o first unlocking them (or at least prompting you if in "locked" mode).
2) 23c COMMON Bridge Officers: My 23c character (and my Only Temporal Operative) left the 23c and didn't stock up my candidate roster, and have regretted it ever since. I get that the Purple Quality ones at K-13 need a cost, and I have no problem whatsoever with that, but how's about giving the Personnel Officer a new tab for 23c Characters only that offer them; Or give them to Philip Crey. Either way it would be nice for a 23c Captain who is not at endgame with a Fully Functional Fleet and a ton of Dilithium and Fleet Credits to be able to fill out their Bridge crew.
3) Security Escort Power: I REALLY would like for this power to call down Redshirts (i.e. the classic TOS uniform) instead of standard 25c Starfleet Security. Going a step further, maybe you could put a tab in the Tailor that allows you to create "Support Staff Uniform", i.e. make a uniform that ANYONE that beams down would wear (the Security officers OR the Medical Support that beams down on Hypo use from a nurse). But even if that would be too difficult, how's about just the Redshirts... please.
4) Finally, Missions: I LOVE that you have moved missions around a bit and want to thank you for that (I specifically refer to moving the Breen Missions to before the Borg ones), but I think there are some more that need moving around a bit. The "Ultimate Klingon"/"B'vat" storyline has a GIANT hole in is as the "Skirmish" time travel mission comes in right in the middle of it. Also the "Temporal Ambassador" mission is just a bit too far down the list (as by the time you get the ship from the mission it is virtually/literally obsolete). My suggestion would be to Separate the Drozana Station Missions out from the MIDDLE of the Klingon mission and make them a separate story arc (like it is with Klingons and Romulans) that takes place after them. Also if you move Temporal Ambassador to the BEGINNING of that story arc, one would end up getting the ship at about level 25, which is about half way through the levels that would actually use the ship (thus from 20-25 would still use a Requisitioned Ship, but could then change it up for 25-30).
So... that's it for the moment. Again, not a complaint thread, not getting these things wont diminish my love/enjoyment of this game in any way (it's just that getting them would add to it! haha).
I want to end on a Thank You, Genuinely. I know that y'all don't often get a lot attention unless it's someone complaining, but I want you to know there are those that truly appreciate what you've done and continue to do to make this the best possible Star Trek experience it can be.