On the exchange I see that some of these beam arrays have properties above and beyond the usual six weapon types (plasma, polaron, ect.). For instance, I've seen them in Herald antiproton, pulsed phaser, and agony phaser.
My question is this: HOW does one come up with these? Was a Herald antiproton omni-directional beam array in the Herald lock box? Or does one have to get lucky with the upgrade system (the "arc" proc just randomly showed up on a successful quality improvement)?
Makes me wonder if we can have many other types of omni-directional beam arrays (nanite disruptors, Vaadwaur polaron, etc.).
"As with all living things, each according to his gifts."
"As with all living things, each according to his gifts."
The limits are still 1 x (crafted OR lock box) + 1 episode reward + kinetic cutting beam
So Devs, would it be too much to ask to make EVERY weapon that comes in a beam array ALSO be available as an omni-directional beam array (ODBA)?
While I'm at it, why are these weapons nerfed twice? I can see reducing their damage output to compensate for the increased coverage. But you also limit one per ship for any given type. I'd like to make a ship with, say, all disruptor ODBAs. Or perhaps a ship with a disruptor ODBA in one slot, a nanite disruptor ODBA in another slot, a Coalition disruptor ODBA in another slot...etc, etc. Can't do either as it stands. Your thoughts, Devs?
"As with all living things, each according to his gifts."
Still would like to see a change, though.
"As with all living things, each according to his gifts."
Dude, how'd you pull off the two polarons???
"As with all living things, each according to his gifts."
The limits are still 1 x (crafted OR lock box) + 1 episode reward + kinetic cutting beam
There is a Polaron episode reward.
The mission reward omni is from "Time and Tide" in the Future Proof story arc. It is called the Omni-Directional Chronometric Polaron Beam Array.
yeah part of a decent set too
Yes, I really wish there were omnis available for every beam type, and that we could equip 3-4 of them for our rear slots if we wanted.
Also on my wish list is a "unify beam colors" checkbox so you can use a lock box, reputation or episode beam without it standing out from the rest of your arrays.
This, should have been part of the K13 Fleet weapons IMO.
Also ditto for omni 23c disruptor and plasma weapons in this case.
"Let them eat static!"
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
360 degree arc is one of the few things left to cannons. Until they redress the imbalances in the Boff abilities between cannons and beams, it's probably for the best Omni's remain kind of special.
"As with all living things, each according to his gifts."
Though i would also love a vanity visual slot/s for weapons that would largely override all of the slotted weapons of the given type of that vanity slot, and give them the same visual look as the slotted type. This is more of a vanity thing, and something that drives me abit weird ingame on my ships, when I have a mix match weapon color/look if I run more than one sub-type or weapon set.
They always used plasma torps and disruptor beams/cannons. The only time they stopped using disruptor energy weapons was when Cryptic decided the 3rd faction should have another main energy type of weapon; going not only against canon but also against in-game logic ("Resources are scarce, our ppl are dressed in patchwork rags; so yeah, lets remove the working weapon systems of our warbird armada with something entirely different... and throw away the ground weapons too; I like less intense green")
Besides that: Big fat yes: An omni TOS phaser is high on the demand list of my TOS char.
Dude...that's AWESOME idea!! Devs??
"As with all living things, each according to his gifts."