Greetings, Admirals!
Welcome to Episodes 111-115 of Let's Play Star Trek Online - Winters Fed Walkthrough.
This series is a complete walkthrough of every aspect of the game - Story Missions, Reputations, DOFFing, Admiralty, BOFFS, Research and Development, Fleets, Crafting and End-Game Content etc. Every player, new and veteran, will find them a valuable source of information, tips and tricks. You may even learn something new! This could be anything from an accolade to a system that you didn’t fully understand or helpful hints on earning in game currencies like Energy Credits or Dilithium.
There will be a brand new episode released every Monday through Friday.
In Todays Episodes:
In this episode we begin the process of upgrading a number of pieces of our space loadout to Fleet Gear. Throughout the episode we make a number of comparisons and highlight the differences between Fleet Gear and Reputation Gear.
In this episode we go over upgrading gear in great detail. Before we get on to that though we go to the Fleet Embassy to pick up some Romulan Boff that will make a big difference to our build. Once we have finished with that we then go into upgrading gear, tech upgrades and everything to do with upgrading.
In this episode we play the story mission "Know Your Enemies". This mission is another collection of Patrol Mission which must be completed in order to complete the story mission. Just before we begin the first patrol we spend another 5 spec points on our secondary specialization, Strategist. As you would expect at this point, neither of these patrol missions take us very long to complete them and they are both pretty easy to complete.
In this episode we play the story mission "Know Your Enemies". We continue on from where we left off in the last episode and play the next patrol mission. This third mission is a little different from other missions that we have played up to this point in that it is a "Shuttle" mission. Basically what we have to do to complete it is navigate a course in our shuttle. It's not very difficult to do and a number of different ways to complete it are shown to us. There is a small bit of space combat near the end of the mission but it's not very hard at all. The fourth and final patrol mission has a nice mixture of space combat and other activities for us to do and only takes about 6 minutes to complete.
In this episode we play the story mission "Capture The Flag". This mission starts off with some space combat and we are also required to help some allied ships. The space combat only takes us a few minutes to complete and isn''t very difficult. For the ground portion of this mission we beam aboard a Romulan ship and have to fight off boarding parties from the Vadwaar. Again, this isn't very hard. This mission also has a hidden accolade that can be earned so accolade hunters may want to pay attention to this during the mission.
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