Hi Dev Team,
There seems to be an issue with Bridge Officers wearing EV suits.
The EV suits can only be seen when the Bridge Officer is in a deadly or toxic environment. The graphics always switch back and forth between the regular uniform (no-toxic environment) and EV suit graphic (when the BO enters a hazard). This is really annoying.
I understand that the EV suit replaces the armor the BO usually wears, and that armor is not normally shown, however, EV suits are a special 'armor' case and should have the 'default' graphics setting as 'Enable Visuals' (not the 'Disable' position it currently has).
Thanks for your attention on this.
Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.
What if I WANT my Bridge Officers to shown be wearing their EV suits? From a role playing perspective, I should have this option (I can show all or parts of a BOs armor in the tailor but not the EV suit?).
More importantly, from a Foundry perspective, hostile mobs cant be placed in 'hazardous' environments because they die in them (yes, even the few costumed with EV suits). That means when I want to create a battle on an airless moon or hull of a ship in space, it must have an atmosphere. The player captain then ends up wearing an EV suit - but his BOs run happily around without them in the vacuum of space. THAT really looks stupid.
As for the Foundry issue, you should take that up on the proper forums. There are certainly enemies in hazard areas in the normal game. BTW, why would the player character "end up" wearing an EV suit in a non-hazard zone?
Because of the screwy mechanics of the mission builder.
In order to have a 'hazardous' environment, the author must place a 'Space' (vacuum) volume on the map. This will create an area where the player's character and Bridge Officers will begin choking (and die eventually). However, this volume is lethal to any enemy mobs as well. So in order for the author to create a hazard area that mobs can operate in, he must remove the 'Space' volume before enemy mobs show up on the map (or place the 'Space' volume in such a way that it does not cover the mobs). This way the enemies don't die almost immediately after spawning or moving to engage the player. This creates a situation where the player activates his suit to stay alive...and his Bridge Officers automatically wear theirs. But once the 'Space' volume is removed (again, in order to keep the enemy mobs alive), the Bridge Officers automatically revert to their 'normal' uniforms - even though they still have the EV suit equipped in their armor slot. This ends up with the Captain still wearing his suit and the Bridge Officers not (despite the poison gas cloud (or outer space) graphics surrounding them).
Oh, and thanks for the heads up on the 'enable visuals' info. I thought that went the way of the dodo bird once the armor options became available in the Tailor. I've changed the OP to reflect it. Appreciate it!
Regardless I still think that having it off by default is better. Having it on would cause confusion with players because you can't tell if the suit is activated.
More confusion than if you forgot the BO had it equipped and went about your normal game with them having inferior protection? (compared to most armor)
Again, EV suits are a special case used only in certain situations. They should be shown by default on your BOs when they are wearing it (you can always turn off the visual if you don't like it - which makes more sense).
Whereas having suits visible by default, in which case players would assume they're protected when they see the character wearing the suit and think something's wrong when they walk into the hazard zone and die.
Since players have to turn the suit on before it works, the state of the suit should be clearly displayed and this is the best way. You can always turn visual to always-on if you want to, with the understanding that you can't easily tell if you're protected anymore.
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The coughing is a clue to active your suits (and a lot easier than opening up the charater window to see what each BO is wearing.)
Agreed, this would be the best solution. And it would free up 4 inventory slots in the characters inventory (taken up carrying around 4 EV suits for the BOs because they are normally wearing armor). But to address the original problem, when EV suits are activated, they should show ALL the time they are on, not just when they are in a hazardous area. Once turned off the EV suit is no longer shown.