1. Add the ability to reverse engineer non reputation gear, specifically weapons, wc/sing cores, engines, deflectors, shields and ground gear at lvl 20 in that particular school. Currently all you get is an accolade and 99% chance to roll 2 tech upgrades. This would help with weapon prices for that beloved pen mod as well as allow those to add that mod or others to non crafted weapons. The way I envision it would be the type keeps its proc, epic stays locked but you can add either four regular mods (crtdx4) or 3 regular and 1 special (crtdx3 pen). Of course you still have to upgrade to epic and the reverse engineering would cost dil. Those that would worry about profit loss would most likely make it up in weapon type sales or non crafted weapons could go back to bind on character for non crafted items
2. Make boff traits selectable by unlocking them and as well incorporate the boff ability system. For example, I want the pirate trait on my romulan, I would convert a naussicaan to a trait manual for pirate and apply it to my rom to unlock it. Treat all space traits as superior and then make Boffs upgradeable to epic through dil so they can have 4 space traits. I know some will say OMG power creep but that ship has sailed. Besides it will make all races relevant as boffs not just a select few.