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Duty Officer Vouchers for Fleet Projects [Request]

racerexiaracerexia Member Posts: 101 Arc User
edited February 2017 in Duty Officer System and R&D
Currently hurting from purchasing and then opening HUNDREDS of Duty Officer boxes, or scanning thru the exchange and painstakingly buying and donating to your fleet (projects) them one by one?
Then please join me in my request for the implementation of Doty Officer Vouchers!

A similar system to the one used in STO is used in Neverwinter for the building of Guild Strongholds, Duty Officers there are called Labor, and they got Labor Vouchers, so why not port this over to STO?

When it takes hundreds of Doffs to fill just 1 Fleet Project, most Fleet leaders and supporters often go to the Fleet Starbase and get Boxes of Fleet Personel. Each box must be bought individually and then opened BEFORE being able to donate, making it PHYSICALLY PAINFUL for those of us who perform this task, often with little reward since it cost more Fleet Credit and you earn less from this donation. Its fair enough I guess to make back less, but what is NOT nice is the possible cumulative trauma disorder involved in this task.

Please DEVS, we know anyone who works endless hours moving a mouse in the making of a game probaly has suffered such pain, but please consider this request.

Purchasing the Fleet Personel Boxes more than one at a time would be wonderful, and being able to donate those directly wihtout opening even better, so essentially turn them into vouchers ever if they are not called such.

Thank you


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