I've played both the console and pc versions and to be honest I am somewhat annoyed at the PC version's lack of auto activation. I find it annoying having to split my focus between having fun and manually activating endless amounts of skills and abilities.. will they ever put this feature into the PC version? I think it's be a lot easier for people. especially new players
You can find a keybinder online by just doing a quick google search. The game also has a built in keybinding utility that you can read about here.
It supports key binds to manually activate abilities, but not to auto-activate abilities. The point of auto-activation is that you do not need to press any buttons. A in-game condition is met, and the ability is triggered.
People who preform the best in this game actually do the polar opposite of what you posted. Putting everything on the space bar and just pressing it over and over is far from the most efficient way to run your build. The key is knowing what goes on the macro and what should be done manually.
Those who tell you it's nothing more then mashing space bar don't have any idea what they're talking about.
Sadly, you can get dependent on auto-fire and sit there like an idiot rubber ducky at a shooting gallery because you forgot to make sure auto-fire was ON! Yes... I've done this and thought something was wrong with my ship.
you have to choose target and 'fire' to start them, but it will continue from there.
The icons will have a green outline once set.
that's for the OP. It's not macro.
And yet people are whining asking for all that to be automated. Why would anyone want to get rid of the only real game interaction they have during space combat ? Someone is actually annoyed that they have to actually interact with the game ?
Sorry, I just don't get it.
On pc it would be a nice feature if it were more detailed.
I've considered using keybinds, but honestly I'm put off by the fact I use several different loadouts and ships on each character, resulting in different tray configurations and I dont know how this would work with keybinding.
That said I know my performance would increase considerably as I seem to spend a large portion of time clicking buffs, costly time.
"If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
You don't use the visible tray for your keybinds. For example, I have row 10 for my space bar, row 9 for G and row 8 for C. I dup row 10 and 9 except that row 10 has attack stuff in it as well. Row 9 is to keep the cycle going without down time. So then you just load up those rows with the skills you want even if they're dup'd between rows. I use the same keybind file on pretty much every toon, it's just what skills I put in those rows that changes. And no, it's not just button mashing. I use this primarily for cycling type things like tac team, EPTW, EPTS etc. It allows you to focus in battle on the skills you actually use to kill things.
But so long as said auto-activation has a will of its own, and starts ruining my timing, it's a BAD idea.
Either that, or the auto-activation's timing is perfect... after which everyone does >400K.
I keep everything else on 'manual' control because I'm a control freak. I don't always want other powers to fire the second they're available, sometimes you have 1 enemy left and another group coming, you don't want to put everything on cool down just to take down a single foe or something you can kill easily without restarting your cool down cycle.
Of course, I still won't buy a car with an automatic transmission because I don't like the idea of the car deciding when to shift, so maybe that's just me being me.
The game itself is easy, mostly auto-win and all the popular content can be utterly curbstomped in no time flat just by binding everything to spacebar.
My thoughts exactly.
Our bridge officers shouldn't need to be reminded every 15 seconds to keep using an ability. That's ridiculous.
If auto-activation starts ruining your timing, you're free to not use it. I for one don't give a flying f about timing so I say auto-activation is a GOOD idea.
Auto-activation, as persuasively argued by others, is horribad, really. Tl;dr: I don't want to pop my APA just for a single small target. Getting it right would require an enormous amount of A.I. (more than is currently possible even, I think). Will I use my GW on the first few ships, or on the second group?! Trivial decisions for a human, but guaranteed to be almost impossible to get right with a game's A.I. And by the time it could be done properly, the A.I. might as well just finish the entire mission for you, as, equally guaranteed, the fun would have been sucked out of the game entirely. As well as all challenge.
Then there's the 'other' timing, of course, where you need to be careful not to activate 'expensive' abilities (in seconds) that will lock out your firing cycle. That's why I only do 78K, on a good day, and a skilled pilot does > 400K in ISA. So, yeah, either auto-activation would get this right too, in which case everyone suddenly does in the hundreds of K DPS, causing an exponential power creep, or it simply blindly activates abilities, thus constantly messing up this crucial timing aspect of the game, and thus be useless.
Yeah, the only thing I would even consider using it for is heals, and even then it's not always a good idea. For example, say I have it set so when my shields hit 50% I use science team, if I'm fighting borg and have been hit by shield neutralizer or whatever it's called I definitely do NOT want to heal at 50%, I want to wait until the debuff expires and THEN use my shield heals.
Oooooooh! Equating DPS to actual skill is re-heally bad! Anyone can copy/paste builds. I'd shudder to think if Starfleet actually had a 'league' of DPS in actuality! Lol. At the end of the day, if players are more concerned about other people's DPS, or whether they are Space-Bar-Spamming, then they're not having fun! I don't even have weapons on auto. As I stack Beams and Torps, there are times I don't want to waste a Spread on 1 enemy. I prefer the more tactical and more skilled timing approach.
"100% uptime on Tactical Initiative," how do you manage that?! AHOD helps, of course, but I don't see how you'd get to 100% uptime on it. Enlighten me, please!
To quote myself since you apparently didn't read what you quoted yourself: I have APA on the spacebar, as well as most other buffs.
The game is too easy to care.
Of course, the real fun in auto-activation would be customizing the activation conditions. But really just being able to have stuff "always on" without having to tap spacebar would be a good start.
Because the game is too easy to care.
If the sole argument pro auto-activation is that you can disable it, then I'd say you're making a bad case in favor of it.