I've been enjoying the huge diversity of ships the Cryptic has offered for STO. But I kinda have a problem with the way the universal seatings are done. If they say they are universal, they really aren't. They still have to meet with a specialization requirement. Now, How about a ship that comes in 3 varieties for the 3 careers, but also use warp cores AND/OR singularity cores depending if you're playing a Romulan or not. So if you are playing a Romulan, you'll have to use Singularity cores, but if you're not playing a Romulan Republic character, then warp cores are your only option.
As for the seating:
1 Commander Tactical
1 Lt Com Universal/Universal (Any specialization AND any career)
1 Lt Science
1 Lt Engineering
1 Ensign Universal
4 For weapons
4 Aft Weapons
3 device slots
(Here's where the 3 variants differ)
4 Engineering consoles
2 Science Consoles
5 Tactical Consoles
5 Engineering Consoles
3 Science consoles
3 Tactical Consoles
3 Engineering Consoles
5 Science Consoles
3 Tactical Consoles
Hull Strength: At level 50, 35000 and at level 60, 40000
Shield Modifier of 1.2
Base Turn Rate 17.5 degrees/second
Impulse Modifier .16
Inertia 50
And again, depending on the variant:
Science: +10 to Shield and Aux
Tactical: +10 to Weapons and Engines
Engineering: +10 to shields and engines
and the Engineering would have cruiser commands, science would have sensor analysis, while the tactical could have 1 hanger with fighters

Now I haven't forgotten about our Klingon Brothers and Sisters:

And for our Romulan friends:

Could call the Set of ships the throwback design ships.
I know this all seems to stupid for most purists, but I seen these just browsing around the interwebs and the idea just popped in my head.
Why would non-sci captains want 5 sci consoles? I use my sci slots exclusively for universal consoles ...
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Because the Embassy Science Consoles are actually the best DPS consoles in the game.
It feels like we've been getting ships on the extremes, focusing on specific niches. That's given us a lot of cool ships, but I'm starting to hanker for a truly stock 25c ship (for FED, at least) that's made specifically to blend in the background. Something like that first fan concept would be right on the money, provided that it was scaled to fit between the Sovereign and Constitution (too big or too small and it would feel specialized to some purpose.)
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Would depend how desperate Cryptic get's and will almost certainly be in a promo pack..
The rest is pretty much a Scimitar, but without the 5/3 weapon setup.
When the specializations were first introduced, we know that the ships only had Intelligence as their specialization. Since Delta Rising's introduction of these, Command, Pilot and Temporal Operative have joined in, giving us four potential ship set ups (though the latter mostly seems to be restricted to the new Temporal ships from the C-store, lock box ships, promo ships and lobi store ships that either meddled with time or are from another era.
Specializations essentially serve as additional options for the devs to give variety to ship layouts and allow a certain versatility where the ships may not have had one at T5. If the devs were to go Universal/Universal, you could essentially say goodbye to any future ships to come out since no one would want to buy anything else that doesn't have a universal specialist seat.
I sort of agree, instead of universal/universal I think new variants of old ships are more likely, like a temporal intrepid, Intel galaxy, etc
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Since they have already done this with the Mirror Guardian and the Command Assault Cruiser, I'd call it almost guaranteed. Granted, these two are one-off promo ships, but in time...
In truth they have. The Oddesy, Vesta and the NX's were not designed by Cryptic. If you want to come down to brass tacks most of the ships are from outside of Cryptic design offices. TOS ships, TNG Galaxy, DS9 Defiant, Voyager all were designed elsewhere .
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A contest is different, there's no licensing issues or anything, the other outside designs were a bit more difficult to get the rights to use, though from what I read Drexler is real easy to work with regarding the NX Refit
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Doug is a hell of a nice guy with a wicked sense of humor. Folks like Doug and Mike and Denise Okuda are rare these days. Did you know Mike did the cockpit graphics for "Sully"?
Good for so many landings on windy planets before the nose gets to crooked.
Thats a design i can get behind +1
Since when do you need to pay someone to link public pictures in an image board or forum? Don't be "that guy", OP is not trying to pose them as their own nor trying to sell them.
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