These protomatter bombs that they use...
"Once detonated, the bomb would cleanse the target world of all offending life in a matter of moments."
Destroying all life in favor of its new matrix as it were?
Didn't David Marcus use protomatter to solve certain fundamental problems inherent in the Project Genesis matrix.
Are these Genesis devices then?
Did the Federation create these weapons?
It should be noted that the Genesis Device did also affect non-organic matter. It did turn the Nebula it was in into a new world, and I doubt that the Nebula counts as organic. (Oh, and it also blew up the Reliant.)
The weapons used by the Tzenkethi, however, are a different technology. Read the news updates and special segments there.
And the Protomatter shielding used by the Lukari with the Protomatter Generator Drone from the new Reputation and the Protomatter Field Projector console and Protomatter Capacitor ship trait from the new Event ship are definitely a completely different technology from the Federation and Tzenkethi. The Lukari are masters while the Tzenkethi and Federation are mere children when it comes to Protomatter technology. Although, the Federation is slightly better at using Protomatter compared to the Tzenkethi due to creating the Genesis planet. It just proves that science is neither good or bad, all that matters is how it is used.