Screenshots courtesy of
@where2r1 from
this thread on the Graphical and Sound Issues forum:
I did some gfx settings testing, from the same thread:
The observed extra sun ray effect shining through walls is present under the following in-game Graphics settings combinations:
1) When Lighting 2.0 is enabled and you set the Lens Flare quality option to Low. It is not present when the latter option is switched to either Off or High in this case.
2) When Lighting 2.0 is disabled and you set the Postprocessing option to Off while the Lens Flare quality option is set to either Low or High. It is not present when the latter option is switched to Off in this case.
3) When Lighting 2.0 is disabled and you set the Postprocessing option to On while the Lens Flare quality option is set to Low. It is not present when the latter option is switched to either Off or High in this case.
Hope it can be fixed now.
Perhaps this finally gets some attention here on this forum.