So just unlocked the counter command outfit options on the console now on the PC you go to off duty officer and select all the bits however on the console it appears I have to BUY yes BUY a whole slot just for the armor? is this the same for all the reputations? If so is this a bug? I really hope it is a bug....
So I would need to buy 11 more slots for the following:
Club Wear
Formal Wear
Off Duty
7 Slots for Rep armors
Complete cash grab... I wouldnt mind if you had to buy 1 slot that had access to the rep armors only to keep them seperate but having to buy a new slot for each armor set is a rip-off omega has two sets that's 2 slots right there...
Thats correct once you have selected Omega or Counter Command for that slot you cannot change it to something else I have tried on all my slots and 20 members in our fleet have tried and its the same for them basically you have to buy a new slot of each outfit type.