Does this override boff ability torpedo spread? Think this is worth slotting in pve or is it more pvp?
You wont see much of an effect in PVE.. Works with Torpedo spread..Depending on the opponents control skill point level ..they may barely notice the effect in PVP.. At one time this was just nasty..
Does this override boff ability torpedo spread? Think this is worth slotting in pve or is it more pvp?
You wont see much of an effect in PVE.. Works with Torpedo spread..Depending on the opponents control skill point level ..they may barely notice the effect in PVP.. At one time this was just nasty..
What changed then, if I may ask, that it's now less nasty?
I like it for PvE. Nothing spells survival so well as a confused foe.
Does this override boff ability torpedo spread? Think this is worth slotting in pve or is it more pvp?
You wont see much of an effect in PVE.. Works with Torpedo spread..Depending on the opponents control skill point level ..they may barely notice the effect in PVP.. At one time this was just nasty..
What changed then, if I may ask, that it's now less nasty?
I like it for PvE. Nothing spells survival so well as a confused foe.
it doesn't confuse, it disables
it used to be unresistable. oh the havoc it would cause when it was used with SCI torpedo boats *Cough NOVA*
Does this override boff ability torpedo spread? Think this is worth slotting in pve or is it more pvp?
You wont see much of an effect in PVE.. Works with Torpedo spread..Depending on the opponents control skill point level ..they may barely notice the effect in PVP.. At one time this was just nasty..
What changed then, if I may ask, that it's now less nasty?
I like it for PvE. Nothing spells survival so well as a confused foe.
Does this override boff ability torpedo spread? Think this is worth slotting in pve or is it more pvp?
You wont see much of an effect in PVE.. Works with Torpedo spread..Depending on the opponents control skill point level ..they may barely notice the effect in PVP.. At one time this was just nasty..
What changed then, if I may ask, that it's now less nasty?
I like it for PvE. Nothing spells survival so well as a confused foe.
it doesn't confuse, it disables
Ah, yes, I always get the two confused. :P
Thanks for the explanation.
probably doesn't help there is a trait that add a chance to confuse to torpedos.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
Does this override boff ability torpedo spread? Think this is worth slotting in pve or is it more pvp?
You wont see much of an effect in PVE.. Works with Torpedo spread..Depending on the opponents control skill point level ..they may barely notice the effect in PVP.. At one time this was just nasty..
What changed then, if I may ask, that it's now less nasty?
I like it for PvE. Nothing spells survival so well as a confused foe.
it doesn't confuse, it disables
Ah, yes, I always get the two confused. :P
Thanks for the explanation.
probably doesn't help there is a trait that add a chance to confuse to torpedos.
Does this override boff ability torpedo spread? Think this is worth slotting in pve or is it more pvp?
You wont see much of an effect in PVE.. Works with Torpedo spread..Depending on the opponents control skill point level ..they may barely notice the effect in PVP.. At one time this was just nasty..
What changed then, if I may ask, that it's now less nasty?
I like it for PvE. Nothing spells survival so well as a confused foe.
it doesn't confuse, it disables
Ah, yes, I always get the two confused. :P
Thanks for the explanation.
probably doesn't help there is a trait that add a chance to confuse to torpedos.
We're talking about the Benthan's Starship Trait, Load Viral Torpedo, correct? IIRC it works on your primary target of TS/HY/single shot whenever you activate Eng/Sci/Tac/Intel Team.
You wont see much of an effect in PVE.. Works with Torpedo spread..Depending on the opponents control skill point level ..they may barely notice the effect in PVP.. At one time this was just nasty..
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
What changed then, if I may ask, that it's now less nasty?
I like it for PvE. Nothing spells survival so well as a confused foe.
it doesn't confuse, it disables
it used to be unresistable. oh the havoc it would cause when it was used with SCI torpedo boats
Ah, yes, I always get the two confused. :P
Thanks for the explanation.
probably doesn't help there is a trait that add a chance to confuse to torpedos.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
You mean this?
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
yep, actually I really like that one.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
Fleet Defiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support | Fleet Manticore Kinetic Strike Ship | Tactical Command Kinetic Siege Refit | Fleet Defiant Quantum Phase Escort | Fleet Valiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support
Turning the Galaxy-X into a Torpedo Dreadnought & torpedo tutorial, with written torpedo guide.
"A good weapon and a great strategy will win you many battles." - Marshall
I knew using Kinetics would be playing the game on hard mode, but what I didn't realize was how bad the deck is stacked against Kinetics.