Hello fellow Players,
On Tribble in the R&D Tab, under "Projectiles"
i found this (already skilled to level 17):
since januray the 11th, the Level 15 Trait came online
When reaching level 15 you unlock this Projects
this Kits
"turn ON" as soon as combat starts
i really hope that all of them are still a ***
work in progress ***
because at the time a Player is reaching Level 15 this Passiv skill is pretty useless
[ more informations further down the page]
For one thing ... besides the Trait ... i am really looking forward to
too bad it is only lasting 10 seconds, but it should be enough for powerful openings
Finally ! We are able to craft Kit Frames !
I got ahead and already crafted over 1000 Kit Modules,
unfortunately i don´t bring good news ....
but at first
here all the possible Modifications
[HP] .. [PSG] .. [Armor] .. [Regen] .. [Will] .. [PSGRes] .. [KPerf] .. [WpnDmg]
new Modifications:
[KCD] .. Kit Readiness
[WpnCrit] .. CrtH + CrtD
[WpnPen] .. CrtH + CrtD
.... you are confused ... look at this:
30 Weapon Pen = +3 Armor Pen
60 Weapon Pen = +6 Armor Pen
30 Weapon Criticals = 1,8 % and 6% CrtD
30 Weapon Criticals = 3,6 % and 12% CrtD
But now to the Downside,
i crafted a lot of Kit Frames and i have to notice that it was
not possible to get more than a " []x2 " ony any kit
Very disappointing, because the
Holy Grail to many players
is the [KP/Wpn] [KPerf]x3 [Weapon]
(although ... most of us would rather have [KP/Wpn] [KPerf]x4 ... just saying)
Now lets talk about the new R&D Level 15 Kit Frames ...
they are the most ...
"meh!" ... about the hole thing
very disappointing ... they are too weak , i did not see any reason to use them
Tactical Kit Module - (Passive) Persistent Suppression Mk XII =
(half as strong as white Mk II) Tactical Kit Module - Suppressing Fire
Tactical Kit Module - (Passive) Ever Watchful Mk XII =======
(half as strong as white Mk II) Tactical Kit Module - Overwatch
Engineering Kit Module - (Passive) Medical Field =========
(kinda white Mk III) Engineering Kit Module - Medical Generator
Engineering Kit Module - (Passive) Shield Reinforcement Field =
(kinda white Mk III) Engineering Kit Module - Shield Generator
Science Kit Module - (Passive) Dylovene Drip ===========
(equals Mk III)Science Kit Module - Hypospray - Dylovene
Science Kit Module - (Passive) Vascular Maintenance ======
(equals Mk II, but less Res) Science Kit Module - Vascular Regenerator
[Edit] To craft them - Drozana - get Fleet Credits --> Fleet Research Lab --> Krenim Duty Officers have the "Kit R&D Researcher"
I really hope by putting it out here in the "General Discussion Area"
that the Development will go on and not put out there way to early with the "Tzenkethi" patch ...
I have to strongly disagree .....
+ [TR-116B Rifle - Sniper Rifle]
+ [Console - Engineering - Conductive RCS Accelerator]
+ [Console - Science - Exotic Particle Field Exciter]
+ [Omni Directional Beams]
+ [Aegis Space Set - Engines ; Shields ; Deflector ]
+ [Hyper Capacity Corvariant Shield]
> Money you can make with Upgrades in the exchange
> very good "Traits" you get at R&D level 15
Cryptic pushes out something that isn't OP and has small benefits that are always useful and someone complains that it's not "good enough."
The problem here is if they make them too good people will use them over anything else making everything else useless meaning they'll have to make the next things they put out "better" to appease people like you. Some of what you posted actually seems interesting. Passive, and understandable weaker, versions of current skills is a neat thing as it lets you customize in various ways. Not everything needs to be blow your socks off powerful to be useful so maybe get out of that mindset?
you can click on the little pictures, they linked to another Website
i loaded up the pictures
I agree with you
BUT at this very moment they are weaker
copies (a white Mk I version -- dressed in purple Mk XII) of:
Ability: Hypospray - Dylovene
Ability: Vascular Regenerator
Ability: Shield Generator Fabrication
Ability: Medical Generator Fabrication
Ability: Battle Strategies
Ability: Suppressing Fire
Ahh ok, didn't realize that, thanks
especially the "does anyone actually use Dylovene?"
[Zefram Cochrane Shotgun]
was NEW and not nerfed
Dylovene could be used to push the Physical Damage of this thing
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
That fix was in this morning's patch.
Unfortunately, upgraded 23c. Kit Modules (That is, upgrading the 'starter' modules) are still broken, not appearing in the powers tray when slotted, so it's almost pyhrric...
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
It also, in my opinion, opens an alternative means of acquiring certain kit modules usually associated with lockboxes. For instance, hitting T3 in the Delta Alliance rep would unlock the two Vaadwaur drone kit 'recipes'. Aside from those, it also means that there is room to diversify the standard turret module... imagine being able to pick a weapon type for it, just like with personal weapons. And yes, this would also extend to the energy types associated with the various rep stores...
On a related note: again, the ground weapons school is long overdue to get melee weapon blueprints. In such a case, the Ferasan Weapon Manufacturing Techniques doff assignment would no longer be a repeatable; it would instead be a one-off that grants a permanent bonus for the purposes of crafting melee weapons
Acutally i tried to hurry to finish this
because it was time to go bed , 5 hours of sleep are not enough ....
i already had the screenshots ready for the tactical Abilities
so i could give you the exact words and names
I will edit that now :-D the weekend has arrived :-D
[ Edit complete ]
I thought about the hole weired Level 15 Kits ... maybe this kits will also have a random activatable .... like the Consoles of all the T6 ship ....
On some kits currently, if you have an [Armor] mod you actually LOSE resistance. In some cases taking off then re-applying the kit will give you the correct value. This may just be a display bug. Aside from that, the boost does TRIBBLE all. it adds like what, 3-5 points, maybe? Avoid.
On some other kits [HP] doesn't give you any boost. At all.
[Will] is pretty useless in the current meta. Avoid with prejudice. (It would need a HUGE, noticeable buff to be worth a damn, imho)
[PSGRes] *could* be handy, but there's no way to see where your current PSG resistances are boosted to with the mod active. My pops told me to NEVER buy something you can't see.
[WPnCrt] Also could be handy, but you can't *see* the added bonus but yes OP, it is supposed to act like a neutered version of CritX= that applies only to your weapons. It would be nice if we had a way to see such bonii/benefits.
Hey CrypticSpartan - I think at one point wasnt it the case that when upgrading kits, you could NOT get any additional [KPerf] mods? That is, what you started with is what you got? I coulda swore there was some stuff about this at the ST:O reddit. Could you be so kind as to clarify?
2 maybe 4 good items in a system...I'll stick with kinda meh.
And i respect your oppinion
I hope the "Modification Re-rolling" System will be implemented aswell .... whenever that might be ....
that feature could be the backdoor for getting the [Mods] we want .... we will see
I need R&D and the Tribble server for pure nonsense and personal entertaiment
And don't forget:
+ Particle Emission Plasma Torpedo Launcher
+ Wide Arc Dual Heavy Cannons
So many RNG based combinations that this will be a vendor trash nightmare.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
You can scale the engineering passives up a bit.
Stats at 300 Points in Kit Performance
Medical Field = Ultra Rare = 26.9 HP / sec
Medical Field = Very Rare = 21.3 HP / sec
Shield Fiele = Ultra Rare = 13.5 Reg / sec
Shield Fiele = Very Rare = 10.1 Reg / sec
(Damage reduction to Shields stay 11%)
Vascular passive = VR = 12.6 HP / sec
Vascular passive = UR = 18.9 HP / sec
+5 all res to 7 all res
Dylovene (passive) = VR = 34.4 % Physical + 16.5 HP
Dylovene (passive) = UR = 45.6 % Physical + 19.8 Maximum HP
Ever Watchful = VR = + 26.4 All Res
Ever Watchful = VR = + 1% Chance , Expose
Ever Watchful = VR = -26.4 All Res, enemy
Persistent Suppresion = -66% Run (5sec)
Persistent Suppresion = -24.8% All Res (5sec)
Persistent Suppresion = 10% for Root (5sec)
But you would give up 2 very preciousKit Module Slots you only have 5 and the fact that they only activate in Combat is not always practical
By the Way
I FINALLY FOUND DoFF´s for crafting this Kits .... Fleet Research Lab - - buy (on tribble) a bounce of the Krenim Doffs they got the needed trait for crafting the Kit stuff
NO additional Ability ... so my little Theory goes down the Drain ....
My character Tsin'xing
LOL love that shield capacity.
I also didn't think about having to remove an active module for a passive one. Using something like shield recharge would probably be better than that passive shield regen effect.
the whole layout of R&D is rather... *leans her chin on a fist and twirls a finger on the other hand in the air*
It's not exactly interactive, nor is it very well developed... when compared to an actual R&D system used by a number of other games. It's really only a 'mini-game'.