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Feedback to Cryptic: Suggestions for next Winter/Summer event



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    warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    if you think it justified that a player that buys 6 of your tags for 150k EC will spend a week raising it and probably walk away with 100 marks that's your lookout and I pity anyone who buys from you.
    Ha! Me farm tags for 150k/6? :D I wouldn't sell them for 150k, I'd buy them and forget the race ever existed.

    If it was 1.5m, I'd maybe run the race if I was in the WW at the time. I'd still buy them if I needed more instead of waiting, though.

    Price them at 15m and I'd farm 'em. Maybe.

    This is for new epohhs of course. Couldn't care less for the marks.
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    captkelly31#5645 captkelly31 Member Posts: 392 Arc User
    Aside from the underwater activity (diving/minisub) idea, they could also add the ability to make those beach towel's clickable to lie down on.
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    mmankeimmankei Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    For Risa (because the devs need lead time): Either make the PvP racecourse more difficult, or make the powerboards more difficult to control. Right now whoever is in first place after the first turn usually wins. The course is 4 long straightaways broken up by a few jumps, and taking the jumps doesn't gain you anything unless there's a physical barrier in the way. Most experienced racers bypass the jumps where possible. Putting chicanes to navigate in the middle of the straights and making the boards more unstable to control would be my suggestion. Making the boards more difficult to control would give the intermediate boards a reason to exist. Right now you either buy the slowest, cheapest board to get the participation trophy reward, or you get the fastest board to try to win. Nothing in between makes any sense, and every year there's a ton of complaints from people who buy something other than the fastest board in a straight line, which have absolutely no chance of winning.

    I'm not going to discuss the hated flag grabbing mechanic because I'm sure that's a necessity due to limitations of the game engine rather than a design choice. Nobody would use that instead of order of crossing the finish line unless that was the only option.

    For Winter Wonderland:
    - Get rid of the glitch that makes hopping on icy surfaces faster than running. It just looks bad. Plus, we don't need to encourage more spazzy MMO players who hop everywhere. Tiggers don't even like ice skating.
    - I wouldn't mind if the PvP racecourse was longer. Even at its short length though, you still have a better chance of the person in first messing up than in the long Risa race.
    - The Gingerbread Village doesn't seem to scale well for the number of participants. Maybe this should be a queue event for a set number of players.
    - Tides of Ice should have some sort of end reward, even if it's small. New players always leave that event wondering if it's bugged or if they did something wrong. They often don't come back.
    - Can we make the NPCs in the main area stop endlessly yammering unless you open their store pages? How about at least doubling the amount of time in between their speech loops? Banishing Neelix to the village provided some relief, but the other two talky NPCs need to stay in the main area.

    Wishlist for new events:
    - Snowboards on a steep mountain course for Winter Wonderland, borrowing the powerboard code.

    - Rope-climbing and ziplining event for Risa, borrowing the code from that Delta quadrant mission.

    - Is there any way to rig up something resembling beach volleyball using existing game mechanics? Maybe the ball is an enemy NPC with infinite life, and the players are given invisible knockback weapons to simulate hitting it. Or maybe to make it more canon, it could be that sand lacrosse game that Archer and Trip played in "Desert Crossing," and if you push the ball-npc into a goal zone, it updates the mission tracker to give you a point. That might be easier to do than volleyball, which would need to detect whether the ball-npc is in the air or has touched the ground, and how many times you and your teammate have struck it before it goes over the net. If the Foundry gave you the ability to create items and mess with NPC modifiers at this level, I'd try to create something like this.
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    warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    mmankei wrote: »
    For Risa (because the devs need lead time): Either make the PvP racecourse more difficult, or make the powerboards more difficult to control. Right now whoever is in first place after the first turn usually wins. The course is 4 long straightaways broken up by a few jumps, and taking the jumps doesn't gain you anything unless there's a physical barrier in the way. Most experienced racers bypass the jumps where possible. Putting chicanes to navigate in the middle of the straights and making the boards more unstable to control would be my suggestion. Making the boards more difficult to control would give the intermediate boards a reason to exist. Right now you either buy the slowest, cheapest board to get the participation trophy reward, or you get the fastest board to try to win. Nothing in between makes any sense, and every year there's a ton of complaints from people who buy something other than the fastest board in a straight line, which have absolutely no chance of winning.
    The boards are already way too hard to control for the only part of the race that matters: stopping close enough to the stupid flags to pick them up.
    I'm not going to discuss the hated flag grabbing mechanic because I'm sure that's a necessity due to limitations of the game engine rather than a design choice. Nobody would use that instead of order of crossing the finish line unless that was the only option.
    It's a design choice, it exists so they can say "working as intended" if the server f's up because of lag.

    They should remove the flags and use a real finish line, even if it would cause errors when laggy. Because sucking by accident is better than sucking on purpose.
    - Snowboards on a steep mountain course for Winter Wonderland, borrowing the powerboard code.
    As long as there isn't a stupid flag-picking contest at the end, sure.
    - Rope-climbing and ziplining event for Risa, borrowing the code from that Delta quadrant mission.
    Great idea.

    EDIT; As for the volleyball, fun idea but I doubt the engine would stretch to that.
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    kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    non-breen ship... thats what I want next WW
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    warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    non-breen ship... thats what I want next WW

    Yeah, breen are getting old. Too bad we're almost certainly gonna get a T6 Plesh Brek next year.
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    mmankeimmankei Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    warpangel wrote: »
    The boards are already way too hard to control for the only part of the race that matters: stopping close enough to the stupid flags to pick them up.

    The trick for that is the jump-stop: Jump, release the forward button, and when you'll land you'll be a dead stop.
    If someone else grabs it out from under you though, yeah, good luck lining up your board with the 2nd or 3rd place flags before everyone else arrives.
    EDIT; As for the volleyball, fun idea but I doubt the engine would stretch to that.

    It could be a bit janky, but I think the pieces for some sort of ball & goal game are already in STO. It's the mission tracking that could take some work. That and maybe reliably tracking ball location, if we can't reliably determine who crossed a finish line first.
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    kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    warpangel wrote: »
    non-breen ship... thats what I want next WW

    Yeah, breen are getting old. Too bad we're almost certainly gonna get a T6 Plesh Brek next year.

    I see that as more of a 60% chance.... its a raider so it might just stick at t5u
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    noobulusprime#8572 noobulusprime Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    An ice hockey mini game would be dope!!
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    bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,534 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    warpangel wrote: »
    if you think it justified that a player that buys 6 of your tags for 150k EC will spend a week raising it and probably walk away with 100 marks that's your lookout and I pity anyone who buys from you.
    Ha! Me farm tags for 150k/6? :D I wouldn't sell them for 150k, I'd buy them and forget the race ever existed.

    If it was 1.5m, I'd maybe run the race if I was in the WW at the time. I'd still buy them if I needed more instead of waiting, though.

    Price them at 15m and I'd farm 'em. Maybe.

    This is for new epohhs of course. Couldn't care less for the marks.

    thats the problem with tags though, you cant guarantee or pick and choose the epohh you will get it is totally random, you hand over your tags to the researcher and a day later you get what you are given, if you are lucky you might get a bump up over the next few days of raising them but you cant change the breed so you might get a Candy Striper and if you are lucky it will get bumped up to Candy Striper with Earmuffs but that's about it, so you could raise 20 or 30 epohh before you get the exact one you want, if at all, that turns that 150k into 3 million or even more and you still might not get the epohh you wanted but what are you going to do with all those extra epohh you don't want? trade them in for marks and when you think to yourself that you have shelled out 150k of EC and all you have got is 100 marks you might feel sore about it.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

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    warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    mmankei wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    The boards are already way too hard to control for the only part of the race that matters: stopping close enough to the stupid flags to pick them up.

    The trick for that is the jump-stop: Jump, release the forward button, and when you'll land you'll be a dead stop.
    If someone else grabs it out from under you though, yeah, good luck lining up your board with the 2nd or 3rd place flags before everyone else arrives.
    Yes, that works reliably well in the winter race. But between the speed of the boards and disabled strafe controls it's way too hard to reliably do that and land in range of the flag in the summer race. And if there's any lag at all, it gets even harder. I've sometimes even gone past the endzone entirely and been disqualified simply because ludicrous speed + lag spikes make it impossible to react in time.
    warpangel wrote: »
    if you think it justified that a player that buys 6 of your tags for 150k EC will spend a week raising it and probably walk away with 100 marks that's your lookout and I pity anyone who buys from you.
    Ha! Me farm tags for 150k/6? :D I wouldn't sell them for 150k, I'd buy them and forget the race ever existed.

    If it was 1.5m, I'd maybe run the race if I was in the WW at the time. I'd still buy them if I needed more instead of waiting, though.

    Price them at 15m and I'd farm 'em. Maybe.

    This is for new epohhs of course. Couldn't care less for the marks.

    thats the problem with tags though, you cant guarantee or pick and choose the epohh you will get it is totally random, you hand over your tags to the researcher and a day later you get what you are given, if you are lucky you might get a bump up over the next few days of raising them but you cant change the breed so you might get a Candy Striper and if you are lucky it will get bumped up to Candy Striper with Earmuffs but that's about it, so you could raise 20 or 30 epohh before you get the exact one you want, if at all, that turns that 150k into 3 million or even more and you still might not get the epohh you wanted but what are you going to do with all those extra epohh you don't want? trade them in for marks and when you think to yourself that you have shelled out 150k of EC and all you have got is 100 marks you might feel sore about it.
    The RNG is what makes collecting them interesting in the first place.

    And no, I'd never feel "sore" about spending 150k EC. That's not even peanuts, it's peanut crumbs. I'd pay a lot more than that to avoid the race, with its hour-long waiting schedule and stupid flags. Especially the summer race.
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