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Anything new coming yet???

Its a sunday 9pm as I write this.
I'm wondering if this game is now for just newer players. I've been playing sto for a long time now,all and everything I have are level 14 and gold. Maxed out in everything.
My fleet is all maxed out too, theres nothing new to do apart from K13, which is dragging timewise.
Theres no goofing around and we like to get things done, but these time gates are so slow.
When is there going to be a large chunk of new content? whats here at the moment is all rinse and repeat.



  • seriousdaveseriousdave Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    A "large chunk"? Probably not too soon. But In a couple weeks the grindaversary starts which will probably give as an episode that continues the plot around the lukari and their/our event ship.
    After those 4 weeks or so it's porbabaly gonna be back at 1 epsiode a month with a couple procedually unlocked rewards for it.
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  • boachevboachev Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls.

  • leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,573 Arc User
    azrael605 wrote: »
    If your actually a long time player then you know that there is always new stuff coming.

    Very true. People quickly forget how big this game actually is! Patience is a virtue in this game, which I remind the OP is many, many times bigger than the extreme vast majority of games out there that you have to pay for and you really shouldn't coming out with a guilt-trip as you have no excuse! The release of content is still of the same volume as previous years and we already know where this is season is heading.
    "You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
  • szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    Well there's a new in-game event coming up that's supposed to be very good.

    It might have something to do with the 7th anniversary event and the grind for the new Lukari ship.

    Then there's a new lockbox soon to go live. But no "big chunk" of new content that we know of.
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  • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    Not a big fan of the "big chunk of content" idea. People burn through new content so fast, the Devs use stop gap measures now to slow everyone's roll. Which is why we have to play something three times over three weeks so we can get the next set of stuff which is variations on previous themes. Or why all of the new Queues are just variants on the old ones. And when people do get that "big chunk of content" such as the original STFs, which were both Ground and Space, they complain about how long it takes to play them. A good team in the old days could play all of Infected in about forty minutes. Which was satisfying and left me with a real sense of accomplishment at the end. But people came here and bitched endlessly about how long it took. So Cryptic broke them in half to award the stunted attention spans what they wanted. Careful what you wish for. You might mess up and get it.

    People also complained about how rewards were meted out in the "old STFs". Back then, seeing someone walking around in full MACO or KHG gear meant that player was very very good at this game. They worked for the gear and with a little luck, they got it. It was special and it meant that player was special too. Someone I could go to for advice about how to play the game better and enjoy it more. Now? With the Reputation System, gear gets tossed out like Mardi Gras throws off a float. And a lot of people don't appreciate it as much. It has no standing of significance. Any Ordinary Schmo(no, this is not a term of endearment or respect) can tag along for enough missions where people carry him/her to acquire what should be earned through improvement in skill and ability. My first set of KHG ground gear was purchased through EDCs and Dilthium at Mk X on DS9. That char still uses the set. Which I would not give up for anything. Because I earned it by playing the game. Instead of expecting the Devs to simply hand me something because I logged in every day.

    Thank God for the Foundry. A huge array of missions which a lot of people ignore or merely dabble in occasionally to fill a dilthium requirement. Granted, some of them are "designed" so people's buddies can get an accolade in a cheap and easy fashion. And I have to wade through far too many of these to get to the ones which are worthy of being played. But when I do find one of these True Missions, as I think of them, it is a very enjoyable and satisfying experience which makes most of my grumbling about this game go away in a New York second.

    I personally don't need a "big chunk of content". There is always the Foundry. And replaying some of the 'official' PvE content with a different ship or trying the options I did not pick the first time makes this game still fun for me to play. Which by and large I have enjoyed since February 2012.
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
  • nikeixnikeix Member Posts: 3,972 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    Looking at the calendar, I'm expecting as soon as the winter event ends we'll go into a week of infinity box with Kelvin Timeline goodies and revised Elachi ships folded in. then the following week we'll see the new Lockbox roll out.

    If you want the old Elachi ships for some reason, now would be kinda your last chance to jump on that.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,777 Arc User
    Do you have maxed out captains in all 3 factions? For all ship types? If not, start a new character and/or add new ships.

    Go play something else for awhile?
  • hevachhevach Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    If the next expansion takes as long as DR and AoY did, we wont see a new expansion until January/February of 2018.

    Is that is how you define "big chunk" of content.

    The distinction between "expansion" and "season" is pretty academic, too - we'll likely see the testing and episode ramp up to a new season after the anniversary event, some hints of what that'll entail are already showing up on Tribble.
  • captainhunter1captainhunter1 Member Posts: 1,633 Arc User
    I'll just echo Thunderfoot a bit.

    There are about 100,000 missions in the Foundry. Even if 99% of them are garbage, that leaves 1000 fantastic, fresh missions to play.

    I think that will keep you busy with 'new' content. ;)
  • edited January 2017
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  • bcwhguderian1941bcwhguderian1941 Member Posts: 804 Arc User
    Good Lord! There is no end to what one can do in this game. Just use a little imagination. The folks above have given many examples.
    For myself, replaying content with low tier ships and gear is one way. And The Foundry! I will not be critical of any
    of our Authors, they provide content that we would not have otherwise. They do the best they can with what is provided, and
    deliver missions I could never hope to create.

    BCW :)
  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,535 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    leemwatson wrote: »
    azrael605 wrote: »
    If your actually a long time player then you know that there is always new stuff coming.

    Very true. People quickly forget how big this game actually is! Patience is a virtue in this game, which I remind the OP is many, many times bigger than the extreme vast majority of games out there that you have to pay for and you really shouldn't coming out with a guilt-trip as you have no excuse! The release of content is still of the same volume as previous years and we already know where this is season is heading.

    I agree, this is a total insult to cryptic and all they give us over the course of a year and indeed time, what with events and newly released episodes seasons and expansions I happen to think that for a game that you can play for free without any nuisance in your face adverts to wade through they do us proud.

    seeing as we a had a whole expansion/event in the form of temporal recruit as recently as from July 6 to August 24 of last year closely followed by a Crystalline Entity Event from Oct 31 to Nov 24th and then the Christmas event from 1 December 2016 - 12 January 2017 and an anniversary event just around the corner, I think if I was cryptic I would say you are taking the ****.

    as you have "been playing sto for a long time now" I would think you would know how things work by now.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • nikeixnikeix Member Posts: 3,972 Arc User
    I'm getting a captain prepped to do a full Elachi-themed build when the new T6 Elachi ships become available. My main's setting up for the T6 Tal SHiar Adapted revamp. I'm upgrading some of the so-so Breen gear so I can do a full polaron-transphasic Breen build on my AoY Andorian (finally, a ship with the climate control set properly! Fed standard is so hot and stuffy).

    But I like flying alien ships with matching gear/set bonuses. Not 100% optimum, but still up there for performance, and the different flavors keep the game fresh for me.
  • artan42artan42 Member Posts: 10,450 Bug Hunter
    T6 NX.
    Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
    JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.


    '...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
    'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
    'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
    '...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
    'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
    '...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek

    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • fiberteksyfirfiberteksyfir Member Posts: 1,207 Arc User
    Give it time. Summer and winter events are always black holes for anything new. Usually you see little if any news for the ~month and a half the season event is on for. Expect some news next week sometime as these things usually go.
  • zebulongileszebulongiles Member Posts: 335 Arc User
    They have already started early testing of a new season or similar large update on the Tribble test server. I haven't heard any announcements yet, but we should be hearing something about it soon, I think.
  • saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,409 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    I'm expecting an episode for the anniversary, as a prelude to a Tzenkethi-themed expansion for later.
    I doubt they made so many references to these guys in Echoes of Light, only to announce: "just kidding, folks! No resolution of this plot!".
  • edited January 2017
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  • szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    Et voilà! Introducing: the Tzenkethi



  • edited January 2017
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  • steaensteaen Member Posts: 647 Arc User
    nikeix wrote: »
    Looking at the calendar, I'm expecting as soon as the winter event ends we'll go into a week of infinity box with Kelvin Timeline goodies and revised Elachi ships folded in.

    Hoping for this, as it might bring the Kelvin Connie price on the Exchange down to something that my bank balance can stretch to if there is a greater supply of them.
  • bernatkbernatk Member Posts: 1,089 Bug Hunter
    STO: Combat Evolved
    Dahar Master Mary Sue                                               Fleet Admiral Bloody Mary
  • bossheisenbergbossheisenberg Member Posts: 603 Arc User
    Not a big fan of the "big chunk of content" idea. People burn through new content so fast, the Devs use stop gap measures now to slow everyone's roll. Which is why we have to play something three times over three weeks so we can get the next set of stuff which is variations on previous themes. Or why all of the new Queues are just variants on the old ones. And when people do get that "big chunk of content" such as the original STFs, which were both Ground and Space, they complain about how long it takes to play them. A good team in the old days could play all of Infected in about forty minutes. Which was satisfying and left me with a real sense of accomplishment at the end. But people came here and bitched endlessly about how long it took. So Cryptic broke them in half to award the stunted attention spans what they wanted. Careful what you wish for. You might mess up and get it.

    People also complained about how rewards were meted out in the "old STFs". Back then, seeing someone walking around in full MACO or KHG gear meant that player was very very good at this game. They worked for the gear and with a little luck, they got it. It was special and it meant that player was special too. Someone I could go to for advice about how to play the game better and enjoy it more. Now? With the Reputation System, gear gets tossed out like Mardi Gras throws off a float. And a lot of people don't appreciate it as much. It has no standing of significance. Any Ordinary Schmo(no, this is not a term of endearment or respect) can tag along for enough missions where people carry him/her to acquire what should be earned through improvement in skill and ability. My first set of KHG ground gear was purchased through EDCs and Dilthium at Mk X on DS9. That char still uses the set. Which I would not give up for anything. Because I earned it by playing the game. Instead of expecting the Devs to simply hand me something because I logged in every day.

    Thank God for the Foundry. A huge array of missions which a lot of people ignore or merely dabble in occasionally to fill a dilthium requirement. Granted, some of them are "designed" so people's buddies can get an accolade in a cheap and easy fashion. And I have to wade through far too many of these to get to the ones which are worthy of being played. But when I do find one of these True Missions, as I think of them, it is a very enjoyable and satisfying experience which makes most of my grumbling about this game go away in a New York second.

    I personally don't need a "big chunk of content". There is always the Foundry. And replaying some of the 'official' PvE content with a different ship or trying the options I did not pick the first time makes this game still fun for me to play. Which by and large I have enjoyed since February 2012.

    I agree. The Infinity lockbox and the recent Phoenix box ruined this game. Now everyone in the game has all the best stuff. If there's nothing rare in the game, what is there to work toward?
  • bossheisenbergbossheisenberg Member Posts: 603 Arc User
    stuart1965 wrote: »
    Its a sunday 9pm as I write this.
    I'm wondering if this game is now for just newer players. I've been playing sto for a long time now,all and everything I have are level 14 and gold. Maxed out in everything.
    My fleet is all maxed out too, theres nothing new to do apart from K13, which is dragging timewise.
    Theres no goofing around and we like to get things done, but these time gates are so slow.
    When is there going to be a large chunk of new content? whats here at the moment is all rinse and repeat.

    We get things done indeed Stuart! ;)

    - Cesska
  • crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    Not a big fan of the "big chunk of content" idea. People burn through new content so fast, the Devs use stop gap measures now to slow everyone's roll. Which is why we have to play something three times over three weeks so we can get the next set of stuff which is variations on previous themes. Or why all of the new Queues are just variants on the old ones. And when people do get that "big chunk of content" such as the original STFs, which were both Ground and Space, they complain about how long it takes to play them. A good team in the old days could play all of Infected in about forty minutes. Which was satisfying and left me with a real sense of accomplishment at the end. But people came here and bitched endlessly about how long it took. So Cryptic broke them in half to award the stunted attention spans what they wanted. Careful what you wish for. You might mess up and get it.

    People also complained about how rewards were meted out in the "old STFs". Back then, seeing someone walking around in full MACO or KHG gear meant that player was very very good at this game. They worked for the gear and with a little luck, they got it. It was special and it meant that player was special too. Someone I could go to for advice about how to play the game better and enjoy it more. Now? With the Reputation System, gear gets tossed out like Mardi Gras throws off a float. And a lot of people don't appreciate it as much. It has no standing of significance. Any Ordinary Schmo(no, this is not a term of endearment or respect) can tag along for enough missions where people carry him/her to acquire what should be earned through improvement in skill and ability. My first set of KHG ground gear was purchased through EDCs and Dilthium at Mk X on DS9. That char still uses the set. Which I would not give up for anything. Because I earned it by playing the game. Instead of expecting the Devs to simply hand me something because I logged in every day.

    Thank God for the Foundry. A huge array of missions which a lot of people ignore or merely dabble in occasionally to fill a dilthium requirement. Granted, some of them are "designed" so people's buddies can get an accolade in a cheap and easy fashion. And I have to wade through far too many of these to get to the ones which are worthy of being played. But when I do find one of these True Missions, as I think of them, it is a very enjoyable and satisfying experience which makes most of my grumbling about this game go away in a New York second.

    I personally don't need a "big chunk of content". There is always the Foundry. And replaying some of the 'official' PvE content with a different ship or trying the options I did not pick the first time makes this game still fun for me to play. Which by and large I have enjoyed since February 2012.

    I agree. The Infinity lockbox and the recent Phoenix box ruined this game. Now everyone in the game has all the best stuff. If there's nothing rare in the game, what is there to work toward?

    So, everyone has a T6 Temporal TOS era Constitution Class in game now? ;)
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
  • boachevboachev Member Posts: 131 Arc User

    I agree. The Infinity lockbox and the recent Phoenix box ruined this game. Now everyone in the game has all the best stuff. If there's nothing rare in the game, what is there to work toward?

    Gotta disagree a bit here. While keeping items "rare" (and thus desirable to some simply for the exclusivity) is great, I think "making items completely and utterly impossible to ever, ever, ever obtain" is a terrible way to go about it. People have lives outside of STO, there's people still just now discovering the game... to tell everyone who didn't have time to play while an event was running/certain lockbox was available or that they simply didn't know STO existed and thus they can never have that special something? Never have been nor will be a fan of that approach.

    Especially since virtually everything in the lock boxes and phoenix pack were random rewards when they were originally available. There's no skill involved there, either massive amounts of luck, throw cash at it, or be able to spend so much time playing STO you can buy it in-game. With infinity and phoenix, almost nothing is inaccessible and every player has at least the opportunity to get whatever they want, and I'd much rather everyone keep having something to aim for than to have to shrug their shoulders and go "welp, oh well...". The only trade off is that some players can't feel like special snowflakes for having that thing that no one else can ever get, and I'm very happy to see Cryptic cater to the vast majority of its playerbase rather than a handful of entitled snowflakes.

    And, as it is, there's still a lot of incredibly rare items out there (especially ships). T6 Temporal TOS vessels are still painfully elusive, and the ships from the brief Phoenix Pack are just as rare to see. There's people who bought thousands of those damned boxes and didn't get a single ship out of em'. And honestly? When I was lucky enough to get my Voth Bulwark out of one, a ship that I honestly thought I'd never be able to get my hands on, I was absolutely overjoyed. Still am, in fact, and as much as I love my Fed's main vessel I absolutely can't resist also spending some time in my new dinosaur space ship. The fact that other people got them? Just means some of them probably felt that same happiness for their silly little video game space ship, and why would anyone want to deny that feeling from other people?

    Don't get me wrong, having items that are difficult to obtain and being rare and otherwise desirable is great. But making items impossible to ever get? TRIBBLE that. I play STO to help me unwind from a long day at my job, not because I want a second, which it'd have to be if I wanted to make sure I never, ever missed out on something I really wanted.
  • boachevboachev Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    Thank God for the Foundry. A huge array of missions which a lot of people ignore or merely dabble in occasionally to fill a dilthium requirement. Granted, some of them are "designed" so people's buddies can get an accolade in a cheap and easy fashion. And I have to wade through far too many of these to get to the ones which are worthy of being played. But when I do find one of these True Missions, as I think of them, it is a very enjoyable and satisfying experience which makes most of my grumbling about this game go away in a New York second.

    I personally don't need a "big chunk of content". There is always the Foundry. And replaying some of the 'official' PvE content with a different ship or trying the options I did not pick the first time makes this game still fun for me to play. Which by and large I have enjoyed since February 2012.

    This line of thinking is why I've recently dusted off my Foundry characters and started creating again. While I think STO nails the story style of DS9 pretty often, a lot of the times the feeling of exploration from all the other Trek series gets overlooked by the Cryptic-made missions. Thankfully, the Foundry means I really can go head long into the unknown (though agree: absolutely despise having to sort past "grind for accolades" "missions") and seek out new life or get caught up in some political intrigue or anything else that commonly happens in Star Trek. Just got to sort through the grind "missions" and most of the "Epic Warfare!!!" scenarios (if I want epic war, Cryptic already rocks it).

    And those are the kind of missions I'm aiming to make. So far only have the one published, "Afterlight", that I made a few years back (and need to go back and fix a couple minors things that got borked from the lighting update), but I'm working to crank out a pretty ambitious one as soon as I can, because I've got a long list of ideas for Foundry missions that I'd really like to get around to tackling. Many of them are exploration oriented to at least some degree, though I'm also eager to write a pair of missions with the Hirogen and the Voth respectively as a key focus of the story.
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