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Seperate Feedback main and page and fleet recruitment pages.

arionisaarionisa Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
After a LONG time of having the three Fleet recruitment pages stealthed and difficult to find, whoever manages the Forums made a VAST improvement. The Fleet recruitment pages are now totally obvious and almost impossible to miss.

Any chance of taking the next step ? Currently any post in one of the Fleet recruitment threads shows up as a new post in that Factions discussion link as the change to the main feedback page is actually just a link to the recruitment page, which is still actually a subtopic of the faction discussion page..

As that is not exactly clear, I will provide examples. At the time I am typing this, when looking at the Feedback page of the forums, "Klingon Discussion" shows that the most recent post is a post by Willides titled "Liberty Honor Guard...." on Jan 5 , however that is NOT the most recent post in Klingon Discussion, the most recent post in Klingon Discussion is "more fekihri ships", also posted Jan 5.

It is even worse currently for Romulan Discussion, it says the most recent post is "Liberty Task Force...." on Jan 5, but the actual most recent post is "what does your crew ......" on Jan 4.

Changing the recruitment pages to a "main" topic on the feedback page, instead of a subtopic of the faction discussion page will "fix" that so the newest post in the actual discussion page will be correctly identified on the the main feedback page.

I know, it sounds like an itty bitty, minor thing, but for me, and likely a lot of others who actually peruse the forums on a regular basis, it just makes it that much more difficult/time consuming. Fleets are posting in Fleet recruitment usually numerous times daily, people are posting in the faction discussions relatively rarely. Currently it is required to actually go into each discussion page and scroll past the stickies to find out what, if anything, has been posted since the last time you checked it......compared to the feedback page actually showing the true latest discussion post, meaning a quick glance is enough to know if there is actually anything new since the last time it was checked.

Again, I can only speak for myself, but I like keeping up with all the latest info in the forums, but I LOVE playing STO even more. Making it easier to see what, if anything, is new in the forums means I get to spend more time playing while still keeping up with forum activity. On a lot of work nights, I currently skip the forums and just play as it takes too long to even scan the forums.
LTS and loving it.
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