I am thinking of going for disruptors. I have a few from episodes. The resonant set, terrain from rep, naasican set. Will be augmenting the rest with coalition. As some of the console's with the sets provide damage bonuses, my question is should I just have locators or is the sets bonuses better in the same tac slots, also what is the difference between cat 1 and cat 2 damage? I appreciate any help
One thing I should note, however, all the sets but stacking Coalition/regular Disruptor + Terran reputation beam are worthless. You either want regulars [Pen] with Crtd/Dmg, or at least Crtd2 Dmg2 Coalition. For the rest it's kinda meh. Stacking up Coalition procs is super cool.
Most people have a hard time justifying that console in a Tac console slot..
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
You could craft them yourself, start with mk ii weapons. there are 3 different start weapons (crtdx2 pen, crtd dmg pen and dmgx2 pen) you could start with. And since you want an additional crtd or dmg proc (thats 2 procs out of 4 possible) the chance is not that bad to get what you want. Only thing you need is experimental/omega tech + 1.5x or 2x quality improvement accelerator and upgrade them from mk ii => mk vii/viii. in case they dont jump or are wrong => give them away/sell them and in case you got a good mod => yay continue