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Plasmonic leech



  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited January 2017
    nikeix wrote: »
    I'm so glad all these veteran players can be so mature and welcoming to the new player. I mean, gee, with a reception like that I'm sure they'll be so eager to ask questions in the future.

    Don't sweat it gweel9. You'll get the hang of the wiki.

    Cute, but let's get the facts right before we dial up the self-righteousness up to 11 and grab the pitchforks, okay?

    player asks a question
    makes a false statement regarding the wiki
    gets proven wrong and gets a link with no insults thrown around
    gets huffy, makes another false statement and says QUOTE: "I know how to play MMOs just cuz im on console doesnt mean im special."
    gets proven wrong again, again no insults thrown around

    So what is the problem here? His question was answered, he got even more information than he asked for and he got links to the information he looked for.
    I'll just add: "As the question, so the answer".

    Funny thing, half the table and most if not all of the text in the drain effectiveness section for that console in the wiki was written up by me. I stopped at 255 since it was about 100 less than the max drain when I wrote it. I'd stop at about 650 now.

    Farming fleet marks right now to be able to buy 3 K-13 Human Science boffs and be able to max out a ship just to show the theoretical max drain skill. Why Human? They get 2 space skill buffs versus other races.

  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    lucho80 wrote: »
    nikeix wrote: »
    I'm so glad all these veteran players can be so mature and welcoming to the new player. I mean, gee, with a reception like that I'm sure they'll be so eager to ask questions in the future.

    Don't sweat it gweel9. You'll get the hang of the wiki.

    Cute, but let's get the facts right before we dial up the self-righteousness up to 11 and grab the pitchforks, okay?

    player asks a question
    makes a false statement regarding the wiki
    gets proven wrong and gets a link with no insults thrown around
    gets huffy, makes another false statement and says QUOTE: "I know how to play MMOs just cuz im on console doesnt mean im special."
    gets proven wrong again, again no insults thrown around

    So what is the problem here? His question was answered, he got even more information than he asked for and he got links to the information he looked for.
    I'll just add: "As the question, so the answer".

    Funny thing, half the table and most if not all of the text in the drain effectiveness section for that console in the wiki was written up by me. I stopped at 255 since it was about 100 less than the max drain when I wrote it. I'd stop at about 650 now.

    Farming fleet marks right now to be able to buy 3 K-13 Human Science boffs and be able to max out a ship just to show the theoretical max drain skill. Why Human? They get 2 space skill buffs versus other races.

    So..If you update it (before me) maybe go every 100 Drain Expertise..:P?


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    nikephorus wrote: »
    Leech is the bees knees. Useful on a lot of builds. Anyone who says otherwise be delusional.

    Or they just understand the game better

    Leech is down to about 4M on the exchange which makes it one of the best 'bang for the buck' consoles in the game.

    To say there are 'over a dozen' other consoles that are better is just silly. There are other great consoles, sure.. but the Leech is great on almost any build (doesn't do much on Torp Boats obviously) while many of the other great universals are situational depending on build style.

    You're just shooting your mouth off and then trying to defend it by pretending you have some great knowledge no one else has. While the leech is not as vital as it used to be, it's still one of the top consoles in the game. Believe otherwise if you wish, but don't go pretending you're some expert that understands the game so much better then everyone else.

    You're not impressing anyone.

    ^ Well said! 100% agreed.
  • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    gweel9 wrote: »
    Where is this console from the wiki site doesnt list it and i cant find it out

    I have a Plasmonic Leech build for nearly every ship I have on 4 of my 5 chars. One Tac, 2 SciGuys, 1 Eng. On the SciGuys, some of my builds are posted over in the Protonic Kool-Aid thread. Autumnturning has some builds there as well. The majority of people who've posted in that thread are very smart about the game and generous with their knowledge. The Science Channel Chat channel ingame also has a bunch of fine folks who will be glad to help you out.

    However, the very best advice I can give you about the Plasmonic Leech on one of your builds is this: play the game and find out for yourself. Come here and read about builds, yes. Go to other websites which are STO related and read and learn, yes. There are lots of websites where you can spend days learning about this game. STOAcademy, STOReddit, the list is extensive. But ultimately the only knowledge you can really trust about how Plasmonic Leech works on your builds is the knowledge you gain for yourself.

    The best piece of advice I can give you about finding information here on these forums is: Don't feed the trolls, ignore them. They're always going to be here and they'll always post in a thread such as yours. Don't get aggravated and respond to them. Because doing so rewards them for boorish behavior. Which, since they can hide behind the Internet, is mostly composed of things they lack the backbone say to you in person. Easy to say, "Don't feed the trolls here." Tough to do, though.

    But when you respond to them, it rewards their bad behavior and makes them slightly less insignificant.
    It also encourages them to think they matter. Do you really want to do this?
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
  • xyquarzexyquarze Member Posts: 2,130 Arc User
    One more advantage of owning the leech, regardless of whether it's the best one for your specific build:

    You will spend some time outside of your main ship to raise other ships' masteries for the starship trait that brings. Very often these ships have different layouts and thus cannot accomodate for the build you prefer and the gear you have gotten and prepared for "your" ship and build - then you will fly a worse build and even struggle (which probably only means longer play times, not "not beat") with it. As has been said, the leech (and some other consoles as well, as the already mentioned Omega rep console) is helpful in almost any build, while others which are better for your main build may not be. E. g. all those nifty exotic damage helpers (if that is your build) will not be as powerful if you only have a lieutenant Sci station, also you will probably not have enough Sci console slots to accomodate them all, so there's the need for "other" consoles to at least temporarily help you. The leech does that.
    My mother was an epohh and my father smelled of tulaberries
  • nimbullnimbull Member Posts: 1,568 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    nikeix wrote: »
    nimbull wrote: »
    One thing I'm noticing that is there are getting to be so many "must have" consoles you barely have room for anything else these days.

    * leech console
    * Borg console for crits
    * Rom console for crits
    * Fleet embassy consoles
    * Lobi console for more crits

    The list goes on. One of these days I'm going to glue two ships together with elmers for extra console slots.

    That's how opportunity cost systems work :). When you have more good (or even great) choices than you can make, the difference between the first and eleventh draft pick starts to dwindle.

    Yeah my choices got me running 125 weapon and various forms of 75 or greater power in all my sub systems for my engineer. With my disruptor Mat'ha (no ship console) and the nausican set from the latest episode it's running like a dream.
    nephitis wrote: »
    leech console is over rated and isn't worth putting on a ship over a dozen or so other consoles

    It is not overrated once you start piling up on that Drain Expertise. It can add ~25 power levels for all four systems if you have enough Drain Expertise.
    nimbull wrote: »
    One thing I'm noticing that is there are getting to be so many "must have" consoles you barely have room for anything else these days.

    * leech console
    * Borg console for crits
    * Rom console for crits
    * Fleet embassy consoles
    * Lobi console for more crits

    The list goes on. One of these days I'm going to glue two ships together with elmers for extra console slots.

    That's a very solid list of consoles. However, while critical builds are extremely good and might be the most natural and obvious choice to go for, some of these consoles can be foregone in favor of more power, EPS and turn rate etc.

    For example, the Romulan and Embassy consoles can be replaced with other equally good consoles if presented with that opportunity and if applied for the right purpose. I don't disagree that the Romulan is an excellent console. After all, it does add both power levels and critH. Though I personally think that the +2 power levels can easily be gained elsewhere, and the additional minor CritH makes the consoles rather expensive to use in terms of slot occupation and yield. But that's just what I think.

    As for the Embassy console, I think its status as a must-have item may have expired long ago. It's not a bad console by any means but I personally never noticed the -Threat thing. The additional Drain Expertise is most definitely good and puts this console high on the list in that respect. However, I personally never thought that the "explosive" ability it applies to your weapons gave the console a high value above other equally good or more useful consoles.

    The Borg console is outright damn good. I can completely agree with this. Though I must say that I was able to replace it and the Lobi Tachyon console with two of the Xenotech consoles for extra power transfer, armor penetration and reduced cooldowns for special BOFF abilities. Perhaps not the most obvious choice but it provided very interesting yields.

    Naturally it lowered my CritH and CritD but I've been turning my focus away from a crit build. Instead I am now focusing on power transfer rate (EPS), maintaining as high consistent damage as possible with good power management and high raw damage, and using armor penetration as a replacement for CritD.

    This reply merely serves as information for other potential consoles that could be slotted instead.

    I gave up on my embassy consoles in favor of more power transfer and power level increases. I think right now I'm doing that plus the nausi science console from the recent mission they released. Since my power levels on my engie are 125w/75+ everything else before buffs I even use that aux crit/damage booster console as well.
    Green people don't have to be.... little.
  • corelogikcorelogik Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    I have Plas Leech on each of nine characters and another dozen or so saved up in my account bank for future characters I may want to make some day.

    Of all the consoles I have played with over the last 3 years, Plas Leech is among the ones I would NOT be without under any circumstances for any character of any career.

    In addition to making Weapons stronger, Shields regen faster, Engines move you faster and Aux boosting any science abilities you may use (including batteries),... Plas Leech combined with a Fleet Warp/Singularity Core or an Epic non-Fleet Core with AMP, is a cheap easy way to get an additional ~13% damage from just about any build. I dont know of anyone who would turn their nose up at a near free 13% extra damage output.

    Until such time as power levels are removed from the game and made meaningless, Plasmonic Leech will continue to be extremely useful to just about everyone.
    "Go play with your DPS in the corner, I don't care how big it is." ~ Me
    "There... are... four... lights!" ~Jean Luc Picard
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