At least i could not find it on a Tribble Testserver Patch Note or Notification
( if i am wrong please tell me )
Hello fellow Players, hello Developers.
In the R&D Tab, under "Projectiles"
i found this (already skilled to level 17):
By the Way, if a Dev is reading this could you Please, Please, PLEASE
increase the amount of Dilithium and Energy Credit that this Drozana Boni Console Pack gives.
My Friends, me and many other Players are on the edge of a Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
However, there is also a bug i like to report:
the R&D Tabs are displaced.
Beams ======= Beams
Cannons ====== Cannons
Engineering ==== Engineering
Ground Weapons = Ground Weapons
Projectile ====== Kits and Modules
Science ======= Projectiles
Shields ======= Science
Officer Training == Shields
Special Projects == Officer Training
Special Projects == (Omege Molecule Crafting) is currently not available
By the Way, if a Dev is reading this the Officer Training is super crowded when you unlocked all the Specializations, new (Sub) Tabs or Menus would be very helpful .... if you have time for that
The only available Progressbar for the New R&D Tab was on OVERVIEW
so far there are no Accoldes for reaching Level 5 ; Level 10 ; level 15 or Level 20
also there isn´t a Level 15 Trait yet
When reaching level 15 you unlock this Projects
i really hope that is a ***
work in progress *** Kit Module
because at the time a [Normal] Player is reaching Level 15
this Passiv skill is pretty much no longer needed
there is one more Thing i am really looking forward to
too bad it lasts only for 10 seconds, but I like it anyway :-D
Yeah !!! we are able to craft Kit Frames :-D
i already crafted over 500 Kit Modules and i will give you the possible Modifications
[HP] .. [PSG] .. [Armor] .. [Regen] .. [Will] .. [PSGRes] .. [KPerf] .. [WpnDmg]
and there are also
new Modifications:
[KCD] .. Kit Readiness
[WpnCrit] .. CrtH + CrtD
[WpnPen] .. CrtH + CrtD
.... you are confused ? look at this:
[WpnCrit] and [WpnPen] both are (in my opinion) questionable ...
Ground Pen = 100 Points = 10 Armor Penetration
(... when it works later)
Mk XII Kit Frames = +30 WpnPen that means +3 Armor Pen
Weapon Criticals = 100 Points = 6% CrtH and 20% CrtD
Mk XII Kit Frames = 30 WpnCritH = 1,8 % and 6% CrtD
"Delta Expedition Kit Frames" have 5% Critical Hit Chance or 20% Critical Severity.
But now to the Downside, like a already told you
i crafted a lot of Kit Frames and i have to notice that in all of them
it was not possible to get more than a " ]x2 "
that is very disappointing, because the
Holy Grail to many many players
is the [KP/Wpn] [KPerf]x3 [Weapon] ... most of us would rather have [KP/Wpn] [KPerf]x4
By the Way, if a Dev is reading this maybe you can enable it to stack up to times 3 or even times 4 PRETTY PELASE :-D :-D
another 1000 Kit Frames
still not a single Kit Frame with a single " [Modifier]x3 "
I really hope they will fix that
Level 15 R&D Trait is online:
the Passive Kit Modules at level 15 are very crappy ...
they turn on as soon the Combat starts
but they are too weak , there is no reason to use them
[picutures are missing because the server got offline as i was taken picutures]
Engineer - you become a very very weak mobile Health Generator
Engineer - you become a very very weak mobile Shield Generator
Science - (passive) Dylovene .... did anyone ever use that ?
+8% Max Health and a + physical Damage (a even weaker Dylovene Hypo )
Science - (passive) Vasular Regenerator - very weak continious heal and +5 Damage Res
Tactical - Passive - ever Watchful - very weak "Battle Strategies"
+ 9.9 all damage Resistance
+ When you recevie "All Damage" - 1% Chance of applying 8 sec Expose (to Damage owner)
+ When you receive "All Damage" - minus 9.9 All Damage Resistance Rating for 5 sec (to damage owner
Tactical - Passive - Persistent Suppression
= a constantly and weaker "Suppression Fire"
When firing All Ranged Weapons:
+ To Target: -66% Run Speed for 2.5 sec
+ To Target: -11% All Damage for 2.5 sec
+ To Target: 10% chance: +2 Root for 2.5 sec
The difference is that the Crit bonus to Delta frames applies to ALL of your kit powers and weapons. WpnCrit ONLY applies to your handheld weapons. So the Delta frams are still superior in that regard.
I would suggest throwing the global variant of [CritX] into the possible outcome crafting table, even if it's super rare.