Looking for some advice please guys.
I have not played this game in several months. In fact maybe over a year now. I used to have a monthly sub set up, every 6 months or a year I think it may have been.
Anyway long story short, I have just been charged for my sub again even though I d not play the game anymore :-(
I did not realise it was recurring thing ! I thought I bought a sub for a set amount of time and then when it expired I take it out again, should I wish to do so.
But the money was just taken directly without my say so via PayPal. I guess it's some dirty small print somewhere........
What action can I take please to recover these funds ?
I suppose you can ask customer service anyway, if you want. Just don't be surprised if the above is their answer.
I do plan to get back into the game at some point down the line. I just got sick and tired of the repetitive grind of everything. The exact same summer thing and the same Xmas thing... I see from this year that nothing has changed.
Game got very stale for me and ended up being a Banking game where I just tried to get as many millions of credits as possible by buying and selling lockbox items etc....
I really didn't like the idea of starting a whole new character from scratch with this new thing that started. Hopefully in another 6 months time there will be a lot more for me to actually do :-)