Sometime earlier this year (2016), I played a mission or a series that I'd like to replay. But I don't remember the name, the author, or even most of the story. I know its one of those missions where players are transported (via portal? not sure) to a very far point in space. Maybe another galaxy. There's another ship, or at least a crew of NPCs, that join the player. At the end, players have to go through a city with lots of deep water canals and pools. It's Venice-like. (I remember falling into one and had to restart the mission to get out.) I think it's at night. At the end, you enter a building, then travel down a deep rectangular pit using ramps. The purpose is to a activate the device the creates the portal or whatever it is that leads home. Then, players have to climb back out. One of the guest characters (a senior officer) is blinded and, after you return, ends up wearing a VISOR. I believe there's a ceremony fro those characters killed during the mission.
Any ideas?
I want to be sure that these are the maps you're talking about before I jump to any conclusions.
Would you like me to republish them now? ( if so I'd recommend replaying them in lighting 1.0 ).