Many years later, and I have to say that still is the best STO trailer I've seen. It has good voice acting, good cinematics, the music sounds epic, it makes the watcher feel like they're heroes of the bold Starfleet. The video also mentions essential Starfleet values, such as truth, sacrifice, and exploration. The next trailer, Legacy of Romulus, was also very good. It showed what the Romulan Republic is going thru, what they are fighting for. Once again, it has good voice acting, probably better cinematics. It defined what the Romulan is in STO.
Since then, the trailers seemed to have gone downhill. The Delta Rising announce trailer looks cool and hyped, but doesn't tell much about the story. The Delta Rising story trailer, however, starts the bad trend of videos. It's nice how it looks like the VOY intro at the start, but the everything everyone says is kind of random and/or fragmented. Also, who is that guy speaking one minute into the video??????
The next trailer made is the Iconian War trailer. It is good, but very short, and I think the voice actor could have been better.
After that is another bad trailer- season 11 announcement. The voice acting is terrible, and the bridge scene isn't that good. After the war part, it gets a little better, final frontier and all, until you see another phaser in someone's hand. "That's when they call for Starfleet." What about the KDF? or the Romulan Republic? Are you segregating against non-Fed factions? (half joke). The music also wasn't that good.
Next is the Temporal Front announcement trailer. Again, it is short, and doesn't really tell a lot, and the effects look cheesy, but at least it doesn't have bad voice acting.
Never noticed this, but after the trailer, there's a TOS ship shown warping out, then the numbers 5.5.16, hinting the release of AoY.
Then the AoY announcement trailer. Starting off with a classic TOS intro, until you change the script, and the ship flying effects look cheesier than in TOS. Not to mention the song cutting out at the end.
Then the console/new lighting trailer, which has excellent cinematics and music, but sounds like the voice actor and script from the season 11 announcement.
The AoY launch trailer is good, however it the somewhat boring video doesn't go with the audio at the beginning. Once again, the scripting isn't the best.
The most recent trailer, the console launch trailer, is good, if you haven't seen any previous STO videos.
After all of this, I believe it is time to make another trailer like the F2P trailer. This trailer needs to show the values of FED, KDF and ROM, while showing how with space combat the factions are defending or attacking for good reasons. There also needs to be scenes of culture, exploration, science, etc. in between the combat scenes. The trailer should also start with a strong, bold statement, and use strong scripts and voice actors. Don't forget about good animations, and use in-game effects instead of post-rendering effects.
Heck, for someone who seems to take trailers very seriously, you didn't seem to notice the big "ACTOR as ROLE" announcements in the trailer with them speaking at these points to clearly identify them.
And it's not like it really matters in the game either.
(hint: click the image to go to my youtube channel)